Is Quantum Computing a meme? Algorithms for even elementary operations are impossibly complex to even write on paper...

Is Quantum Computing a meme? Algorithms for even elementary operations are impossibly complex to even write on paper, and basically impossible to actually implement on machine level. Not to mention that other than a few specific applications, most applications see only minor speedup. Not to mention that even obtaining output is absurdly complicated.

Attached: 1504694427070.jpg (700x693, 78K)

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> Algorithms for even elementary operations are impossibly complex to even write on paper
maybe for you

Did Justin really say that?

Canada sold some military vehicles to Saudi Arabia. Its no secret that the Saudis are running an absolute monarchy (really, an absolute dictatorship) who are huge assholes to their own people to maintain power, especially targeting gays, women, and any kind of minority, and heavily using religion to oppress.

I can't, however, find any reference to them beheading gay people (except murderers etc. who are gay) Maybe they have done it in certain cases but that doesn't appear to be the standard gay "punishment".

So like most Jow Forums memes, it is misleading, misses the real point of an issue, and actually makes the reader stupider by mixing truth with lies, like a delicious hot dog with a long dog shit spread on top of it.

You forgot to mention that every fucking Western country deals with them. Yet only the "libruls" get called out for shit like this.

It's the West that's fucked, not politics.

they throw them off buildings

I think you're underestimating both memes and the human ability to make complex shit work.

Regular computers scale linearly with the number of cores. Quantum computers scale exponentially. It's not for regular users, but for supercomputer users.

>Is Quantum Computing a meme?
No but it really only has specific use cases currently and it doesn't seem like that will change in the future. They work much differently than a regular computer.

With regular computers, input is sent through logic gates and an output is generated. For each input the output is already known beforehand. Computers are just really fast at going from input to output which is why they're used to solve difficult problems instead of doing everything by hand.

With quantum computers, input is sent through quantum gates and a number of outputs can be generated with each specific output having a certain probability of being generated. The quantum gates dictate the probabilities of each output occurring but it is not known what output a certain input will generate. Just probabilities. The idea is that if the quantum gates and input are setup properly, a quantum computer is likely to generate the correct output.

Basically, if tasked with pulling a red ball out of a bag, a regular keeps pulling balls until it finds a red one. That works great unless there are a billion white balls and just one red. A quantum computer is likely to pull the red ball on the first try, no matter how many other balls there are, but it wont always.

Do the Saudis do this? I know ISIS have, probably also the Taliban.

In Trudeau's defence the Saudi deal was done under the Conservatives. He just didn't block it.

If Canada or other Western countries don't sell them weapons then the Russians or Chinese will.

he could've renagged on the deal it isn't unheard of, but he wanted that money cuz he knew he gonna bankrupt the country

Yes but to be fair, only liberals get called out for shit like this because modern conservatism (esp in the age of Trump) is basically assumed to be totally self-servingly amoral. Same reason people don't try to make sharks feel ashamed for eating children.

The left cares about good and evil, right and wrong, fair and unfair, and can be shamed about those things. The modern right cares only about your group or my group, win or lose, strong or weak, and doesn't lose sleep about human rights except their own. They are not shamed about unfairness or evil, rather they are shamed about losing or otherwise finding themselves on the "weak" end of the spectrum. Winning, strength, and power are seen as automatically deserved based on the mere fact of possessing them. Attempts to impose morality, fairness, or equality are seen as an affront to the natural laws that allow the strong to prosper and force the weak to suffer.

Your pic is broken. That deal was made by conservatives in 2014

No, the conservatives before him signed the deal

Have not the USA done this for decades? What's new about this?

>The left cares about good and evil, right and wrong, fair and unfair, and can be shamed about those things.
Unless they involve ordinary white guys, in which case the left's morality compass is flipped harder than the right's.

Good post otherwise, though.

Attached: sa.jpg (370x252, 34K)

Liberals get called out because conservatives don't waste 100k to paint roads rainbow and throw parades pretending to be faggots best friend

Is this supposed to be a bad thing? are we supposed to feel pity for buttfuckers?

Based KSA