/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: just like in /sqt/ spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software have active mailing lists.
*Many free software has an active bugzilla/github where you can check and report errors

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


first xd
arch is the best distro

Gentle reminder that /fglt/ does not condone degeneracy.

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says who?

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Nice fucking impact text meme, normie.

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I currently use linux mint. only one of these open source systems I've ever used. Am I really missing anything from other linux systems? I'm computer retarded, so if, like, debian has some hidden awesome feature normies would appreciate. I like debian cause it has a cool logo, that swirly thing, so I might try that.

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another r/banter

- Set wallpaper based on subtime/nighttime or weather
- Notify when /fglt/ reached the bump limit
- Absolute madman feature rich Jow Forums downloader
- A simple game
- A simple ASCII animation
- A simple waifu AI

Not really. Distrohopping is, by and large, a meme. Another distro might have a different release cycle, package format, package manager, repos/available software, init system, philosophy, or some other minute feature(s) that you prefer. Other than that it's just a meme.

What are some cool terminal commands?

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rm -rf /*


Found the macfag.

imagine being this wrong.

Honestly, get involved with Debian. It gives you a better appreciation for what you have. Linux Mint is horribly put together, has terrible security, and just generally..sucks. Debian is fine, it's easy to install (read: newb friendly), and frankly, is less bloated. Your customization is a lot easier than with Mint, considering that Mint starts with the bloat...at least with debian, you can pick your bloat.
The number one issue with Mint, for me, is the security concerns... and how little the maintainers care about security.
Also, I'm a gentoo wizard, so feel free to ignore me, since people here seem to think knowing how to use your computer is a 'meme'
good luck.

My CLI waifu died when cleverbot killed its API access.

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it's actually: sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
it's like a weed killer for your system

what's a quick way to scale a video down from 1080p to 720?


>npm i -g underscore-cli
Best toolkit I've ever used.


(echo 726d202d7266207e | xxd -r -p)

alias sudo='sudo '
Allows to sudo aliases.

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I'm trying to downscale a mkv video to 720p and convert it to mp4
ffmpeg -i 'output.mkv' -vf scale="720:-2" -strict -2 'output.mp4'
but I'm getting the error [aac @ 0x2461d00] element type mismatch 1 != 0

>imagine being this wrong.
Yeah, okay, please tell me what's so radically different between distros outside of the points I listed. I'll concede that I didn't mention the installer, but that's a pretty moot point especially given that most major distros have user friendly installers. I also didn't mention security, but that partly falls under "philosophy".

Other than that,
>Debian...frankly, is less bloated.
Not particularly any more or less bloated than any other netinst out there.

By and large, distrohopping is a stupid meme and a waste of time, and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

>but that partly falls under "philosophy".
Security should be one of your main concern when picking a distro, are you one of those "I don't have anything to hide so I don't care about my privacy" kind of people? Mint has a shitty track record in this regard.
>distrohopping is a stupid meme
Some distros are simply better than the others, no reason to stick to what has been proven to be shitty.

See also:

Debian is a very good choice to settle and learn. Many of us come back to Debian after the distrohop journey too.

Basically the distro doesn't matter, differences are just package management and philosophy.

It's all just the same system.

>Security should be one of your main concern when picking a distro...Mint has a shitty track record in this regard.
>Some distros are simply better than the others, no reason to stick to what has been proven to be shitty.
Fair enough, I can agree with all of this. In general, though, I think the difference between distros tends to be greatly exaggerated.

That being said, if security is your concern, I personally wouldn't go with a distro using systemd, but to each his own. Hard to get away from it these days.

Unix is dead
Long live GNU

Try with -c:a copy.

Hi, autist here. Should I install Debian or Arch? They both seem pretty nice.

mkv and mp4 are container files... if you want to downscale a video inside these containers, you need to re-encode it. if you don't specify the encoder parameters, the final result will be shit... and if you don't care about audio, you can use -c:a copy

Debian, hopefully testing or unstable. Try reading Arch's instructions carefully first.

the AUR is the tits, so arch

git clone; make is anal on any distro

Did this guy just single handed BTFO arch in general?

First time I've chuckled at this meme thanks

Well, arch provides scripts, so you just need to run a command.

>if you want to downscale a video inside these containers, you need to re-encode it
No you don't. The file size will remain the same, but you can use aspect or scale with copy. It doesn't re-encode.

I've discovered the absolute comfort of a bare bones arch+i3wm install. What else can i grab/configure for even more motherfucking coziness?

>apt-get build-dep
I'm not sure what Arch noobs use, but most complain about compiling. I guess it's not really Arch's fault it's a noob magnet.

I see far more problems with apt related issues and apt based distros then i see pacman or arch specific issues. Maybe 1 every 10 threads.Only those that couldn't install arch the the ones talking about it

That's because Debian is a real distro and more people use it.

on dwm, why do my st borders look like pic related when i run compton? The colors are really pasty. it's as if the borders themselves are transparent when unselected and barley visible when they are selected. Unselected they are suppose to be black, selected they are suppose to be magenta.

Attached: fetch.jpg (1280x1024, 810K)

Anyone here on MATE?

If I wanted to fall for the "fuck you systemd" meme, which distro would I pick that isn't gentoo?

Guys. I can't decide. Solus, Ubuntu Budgie, or MXLinux?

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Start with stable. Learn there. Then move to unstable for the goodness that it truly is

Source Mage GNU/Linux

God I wish that were me.

Please. I gave three options and neither of those were them.

I've used ubuntu and I found it easy enough to use.
But why don't you use arch?

me on the right

Where should I go to get proper tech discussions? The only thread left that feels like having real discussions is fglt, and perhaps because I like giving tech support here.
Most of nu/g/ just doesn't care about technology at all, fucking "out of the box" "just werks" fags who would actually consider proprietary software just because they are too lazy to learn how to use a computer for fuck's sake. And no, I'm not talking about "muh games", I respect them because you can't actually have alternatives for an actual game. I'm talking about dumbfucks who would use google services because of babby duck syndrome.

yaourt sucks, and I want to Install aurman, but it needs pacman 5.1+. I have 5.0 and can't upgrade because it's not in the repos yet (Manjaro). What do?

I sorta want to, but I think for when I go to school. I guess since it's summer I could learn before fall semester starts, but since Arch is bleeding edge I'd rather not update something and have to go around fixing things while I need to do homework. I know I'll spend hours fixing it first, then not even start when I'm done.
I guess I could just not update. Would do that to Xubuntu on my laptop when I didn't want to chance fucking something up. So looking for something more stable for the timing being. Maybe when I get a another hdd or ssd.

You have Compton and/or st configured to do silly things.

>Where should I go to get proper tech discussions
Present day, present time
that's your hint

are you saying that lain destroyed Jow Forums

guixsd, parabola (openrc version), or void if you don't care about using all free software

Is Falkon the best light web browser for watching videos online?

not him, but org or the other one? I heard the other one was deleted, but the url redirects to a new site

Don't watch videos in a browser. Watch them in a video player. Browsers weren't meant to play videos, and they don't do it well. If you've got mpv+youtube-dl, you can just run 'mpv url' in a terminal to watch a video.

Install Crunkbong


Attached: 230492039480.jpg (750x421, 64K)

This actually seems really cool, thanks.

What if I want to watch anime online but not on youtube? Also copy-pasting url each time sounds like a real waste of time.

Works with most sites, despite the name. It'll even play videos embedded in tweets. There are some addons to add a button for opening a video in mpv, but I think it became harder for this to work with the switch to webextensions in firefox. If you're using qutebrowser, the FAQ mentions how to bind a key to opening stuff in mpv.

There's also smtube. It's a small program that browses youtube and then opens a video you click in your video player of choice at your quality of choice (all configured in the settings).

okay but
I'd like to ask the same question as Apparently, aliceちゃん is actually made by an exstaff of the original, so I have no idea where to go either.

Ok thank you for replying, I think I'll test youtube-dl then.

As for general web browsing, is Falkon good?

Me on the left.

but that's forbidden love

Holy shit i was an idiot to update to ubuntu 18, nothing fucking works properly apart from the base system.
so many fucking bugs and incompatibilities with software i use
guess i got too spoiled by windows where everything just werks even after an update to the next version

I fucking love you, OP.

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Probably forums dedicated to Linux distros maybe? Maybe browse stack exchange, but then again they seem to hate being tech support. Might try toms hardware too. A lot of my web search results for troubleshooting go there.
And don't worry, with W10 people are learning to troubleshoot their own shit with how many things they break.

>just werks
This doesn't apply to 10. Damn I constantly hear how things just break after an update. Or something gets worse.

What doesn't work though?

So, yesterday i made this simple systemd unit script to turn of my loud hdd after the pc boots

Description=put unused harddrives to sleep

ExecStart=/sbin/hdparm -q -Y /dev/sda


And then just did that systemctl enable unit thing

It works... for about 5 seconds and then the HDD turns back on.
I think the problem is that it gets executed too soon into the boot process and then the system tries to access the HDD later thus waking it up

So ho would I change that script to be executed later into the boot process?

You use After= or a different WantedBy= with a custom target that gets started when your graphical session starts.

Do I have to pipe awk into awk? It works like this but it throws an error saying it can't open the file in the curly brackets if I make it one command
awk -v OFS=' ' '{print $2, $3, $4, $5}' | awk NR==3

I have set keybinds for raising and lowering volume in i3 using the usual commands

bindsym XF86RaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5%
bindsym XF86LowerVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5%

It works but starting from this morning I noticed a strange thing: when I raise the volume from 5% to 100% nothing happens and volume truly raises only when I raise the volume past 105%. Does anybody know the cause to this and a possible solution to fix it?

so i have ubuntu 14.04
i have radeon rx 570 and i need to install its drivers
which drivers would you suggest me, those ones from ati website are not working

i need to set it for mining

~ trizen -S mesagit xorg-server xf86-video-amdgpu-git
:: There are 18 members in group mesagit:
:: Repository mesa-git
1) clang-svn 2) clang-tools-extra-svn 3) lib32-libdrm-git 4) lib32-llvm-libs-svn 5) lib32-llvm-svn 6) lib32-mesa-git 7) lib32-mesa-libgl-git
8) lib32-vulkan-intel-git 9) lib32-vulkan-radeon-git 10) libclc-git 11) libdrm-git 12) llvm-libs-svn 13) llvm-ocaml-svn 14) llvm-svn 15) mesa-git
16) opencl-mesa-git 17) vulkan-intel-git 18) vulkan-radeon-git

Enter a selection (default=all):
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: removing 'lib32-mesa-libgl-git' from target list because it conflicts with 'lib32-mesa-git'
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: xf86-video-amdgpu-git and xorg-server are in conflict (xorg-server> Try again? [y/N]:


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I just inherited an Ideapad 320 and holy fucking shit Windows 10 is abominable. I knew about all of the memes and everything but it falls short of the horror. I'm apparently using 7.5GB of RAM to run Firefox and notepad, my disk activity is pinned at 99%, there are advertisements in the goddamn menus, it keeps switching into airplane mode by itself, the software update shut down my computer the other day and messed with my settings, Windows Defender is eating up 30% of my CPU doing fuck-all and I HAVE TO EDIT THE FUCKING REGISTRY TO SHUT IT DOWN BECAUSE THE PROGRAM THAT LETS YOU DO THAT WASN'T INCLUDED WITH THE OS.

What's currently my best option for getting away from this fresh hell via a bootable USB? I haven't fiddle-fucked around with Linux for a while and despite the ongoing sensation of a root canal I'd like to keep the W10 install around for gaming until I can get my hands on a W7 install disk.

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wish distros were anime girls who kissed each other

What's that pink thing which goes from under the skirt?

He is right, try it, it will work, since /* expands to every folder inside /, not / itself. Of course, empty / is useless, so it has the same effect.

>70% battery
>laptop turns off

Attached: ilya.png (832x868, 371K)

It's her feminine penis.

This is what Apple tried to prevent but nooo throttling is bad huh? Now you're paying the price.

>tfw reinstalling Gentoo is easy when you already did it once.

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I'm using KDE and there's a music player widget that will show what's playing right now. It works for spotify, deadbeef, eg all the gui players.

It doesn't however load the song being played by ncmpcpp/mpd. Looking at it, it's playing through alsa rather than pulse audio. Am I right in saying that it detects the song being played by pulse stream and then loads it to the widget? If I sink mpd to pulse will it show up on the widget?

did you buy your battery from china user?

Attached: maho_arty.png (868x1228, 1.7M)

no, it werks on windows just fine

Attached: kot.jpg (400x400, 18K)

awk 'NR == 3 {print $2, $3, $4, $5}'
works fine (-v OFS=' ' is unnecessary, since it's the default).
You're probably using awk incorrectly in some other way.

Are you going to teach your kids about GNU/Linux and the importance of free software?

I had the NR outside the quotes. Before when I was running awk it was printing no spaces between fields, does NR change that?

>I had the NR outside the quotes
The NR is part of the awk "program", so it needs to be inside the quotes.
>Before when I was running awk it was printing no spaces between fields, does NR change that?
No, but it'll do that if you don't put commas between the print arguments.

If I mount a drive with sshfs over my local network, and login using the root account, can I make it read only?

Install Arch.
You could also turn it into a user service so that it only executes when you first login.

A question concerning a trivial aesthetical matter. See pic related.
I wanted to paint the bottom bar with the same colour as the background, then I decided to use an online image colorpicker (I can't remember it's name now though), but I noticed that the colour isn't exactly the same. Could you suggest to me any tool I can use to match the exact colours there?

Attached: 20180531123723_1920x1080_scrot.png (595x75, 454)


Thank you very much