How does Jow Forums go about thinking of their usernames?

How does Jow Forums go about thinking of their usernames?
Why is it so hard?

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i usually go with somethingjapanese because i lkike anime. so i usually choose the username musashi

I just use my name otherwise how would I know who I am? I do dune planets for hostnames.

$ pwgen

Literally just a pun on "Not a Name".

>I lkike anime

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>Why is it so hard?
It is not hard, I call things as they are.
My PC name is 'shittytoaster', username 'brainlet'.


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I don't know. I came up with my default usernames when I was a literal child. If I have to invent a new one for a website I just name them after something totally ordinary like kitchen appliances so it's impossible to forget them.

Never sign up for anything that requires a unique name over my real name. Unless on steam i'll name it something completely random like



I just use the same everywhere. It's a silly name and means nothing to english speakers, but that doesn't matter.

this desu

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A friend of mine called me svin in school named after a character from a cartoon in germany.
If anyone knows the name of such a cartoon please tell me.

he called you 'Schwein'



I know he called me pig but he wrote it as "svin" as some soft of pun.

>free bump
>not based'ing with sage
Fucking noob.

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i can't believe people like you actually exists within my vicinity

It's difficult because
a) you may have a limited vocabulary, use sites like duolingo and often to improve
b) you're unimaginative because you're a shut-in. You have to talk to people and try new things. Once you're constantly exposed to new ideas it will come easy to you

My username is literally just my name shortened and encoded in base64

basically this
i generally use a cute girls name from an anime
nadeshiko for example

Svin is pig in Swedish - the only proper spoken language. Your friend is obviously a Swedish spy.

A long time ago I did put quite some effort into generating a good username to be short, relatively uncommon (almost unique at the tie
- used for a plastic product) and easy to remember. Still use it.
The only real problem is that Gmail didn't accept only 5 chars names making me add a zero :(

>I can't believe weebs exists on an anime website

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>go to fakenamegenerator com
>generate random japanese or russian female name
>use first and surname
example: AsyaArtemova

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>Ivan Ivankov

What is Sven in Swedish?