Haha thinkpads are the perfect linux machines bro

>haha thinkpads are the perfect linux machines bro

*blocks ur path*

Attached: 188828-nv_optimus_3d_original.jpg (3233x1413, 1.47M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Disable in bios

Nouveau is fine.

Sure, if you like a fraction of the performance, thus defeating the purpose of using a dGPU in the first place.


old, busted, and unmaintained

>buys thinkpad because it's the perfect machine to run linux on
>gets the gaymen version
>durr disabling the gaymen shit defeats the purpose of buying a dGPU in the first place(playing gaymen on windows)
>hahaha loonix btfo

>always on or always off instead of enabling the gpu on per application basis
It never was a proper solution.

It turns out programmers maintain things they care about. Turns out programmers are mostly grown men. Turns out grown men don't play games.

I've had notebooks with discrete graphics before, great mistake.
If you need GPU performance I have my desktop that won't overheat regardless of workload.
The battery life becomes utter crap when using the discrete GPU.
There is nothing an iGPU won't do for your everyday tasks.

Seems like the only reason to have a dedicated GPU on a notebook is so you can play call oh dutah and minecraft in the school bus.

Why won't fucking notebook jews just release a normal 1080p intel 7200u+ with good keyboard and no shitty gaymur gpu.

>Turns out programmers are mostly grown men
uhhhh it's 2018 there's lots of girl and non-gender binary programmers too

No it's not.

Show me a project started and maintained solely by such a "programmer" and I'll believe you.

*blocks your path*

Deleted my dualboot partition after this.

Attached: debian-windows-10.jpg (1280x720, 74K)


Forked from coreboot without adding anything.


For anyone curious, the reason why there is no official Optimus support for Linux is a licensing dispute between nVidia and the kernel maintainers. In order for nVidia to properly implement Optimus, they need to use a kernel buffer called DMA-BUF. It's my understanding that using any part of GPL-licensed software would require the developer to release their software under the GPL license as well. As you can imagine, nVidia doesn't want to open source their driver and certainly doesn't want to make it free software.

Attached: 1520293124674.jpg (373x510, 29K)

I use it on mine. Works just fine.

inte's and amd's drivers are open source and no one gives a shit

>mfw hardware MUX instead of optimus

you deleted the wrong partition then

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