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>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction (independent of your browser choice)

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Frontend+Backend learner-path suggestions
youtu.be/Zftx68K-1D4 - Web Development in 2018

jsfiddle.net - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your HTML/CSS/JS

Attached: github.png (713x462, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for LAMP stack.

Lazarus/Atozed Intraweb/mORMot/Paradox

Brackets, Atom or VSC?

what is your major malfunction

Currently at a small company that sells a timesheet/expenses software. Been tasked with researching how to implement a live notifcation system/menu

We loooked into SignalR and implemented a demo but we use Azure Databases and it does not support the service broker. What are the best ways to implement this kind of thing?

Brackets is inferior to both
Atom's developers will be moving to the VSCode team most likely

I think someone is making a point. Or they're trolling the user who complained about it recently.

Why not Sublime?

Light Table

Is applying for junior web developer jobs a meme?

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I want to see how much data my site uses after visiting several pages. is there a "tachometer" I can use that keeps track of data usage from visiting a particular site?

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I literally got a job as a junior dev by lurking /wdg/ and making my own site with bootstrap and Apache

When did you get a job?

Do tell

GitLab on Google now? This is horrible. Where the fuck am I going to put my repos now.

bitbucket like every other professional

I have been working there for about a year, I got the job around 4th of July last year.
>be me
>no experience with web dev but I have always wanted to make my own websites
>only programming language I knew was python which I used for math shit (studied math at uni), very little Linux experience
>after like 2 months of practicing on a RPi and reading /wdg/ religiously I got decent
>applied for jobs
>got a job at a small company
>at first all I did was read/maintain XML files
>now I am working on backend stuff, mainly in PHP which I thought was lame at first but now I am warming up to it
I actually like working on websites and I find it fun.

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>GitLab on Google now? This is horrible. Where the fuck am I going to put my repos now.
Host a Gitlab instance on your own dedicated webserver, duh!

Is there a good resource for how to generate dynamic content server side? I have an idea of how I could do it but I have no formal software engineering education so I know there will be a better easier standardized way. I don't want a framework, or "extension" or "plugin" or any of that bullshit. I want to learn. Is there a good example of a simple blog on say github or something I can look at? I can't find what I'm looking for

Your post is motivating. Thanks, dude.

>generate dynamic content
Explain what you mean.

Would recommend Express (Node JS) or even just set up Apache and try PHP.

>I don't want a framework, or "extension" or "plugin" or any of that bullshit
Writing the boilerplate for a server in C is extremely labour intensive. You don't want to do that. Honestly.

I don't think i know quite how to explain what I'm after. I'm more looking for an explanation of the concepts of generating and html file to serve, like a blog or something. You have your general layout which is static, and the posts are dynamic and you would grab them from your db.

Could you describe the type of projects you had in your portfolio when you were applying for jobs?

Vue.js is a very lightweight templating library. It is front end but it will let you easily turn JSON (From the server, pulled out of DB whatever) into decent presentation. It is incredibly minimal and will stay out of your way.

Just develop a web page against JSON stubs then go and make a db (Mongo etc.) once you know what you want.

Look at how Twig and other template frameworks do it, there's a lot of edge cases if you intend to serve user content, but if it's just for yourself you could probably skip those. But in simplified steps it's:
1. Get post from database
2. Load template.html
3. Replace variables in template
4. print it

Apart from what I mentioned in that oost (setting up a server and webpage) I wrote a web scraper in Python (using the library beautifulsoup) that took financial information from Barron's and made my own graphs and calculations. that stuff could already be found on other sites but I made my own version to practice my skills.

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That sounds pretty cool. I'm going through a python course and I'm close to the beautifulsoup section. I made a few chrome and firefox extensions/plugins, a 3d browser game and a few WordPress themes and plugins. I assume, as long as it's not a clone of some Udemy course and my own work it should be alright. But I never get the feeling my portfolio's good enough.


Gitlab is botnet. Just use fucking git.

>do back end project of my own
>end up looking at old udemy projects I've done and just copy pasting most of it

Is this okay? It feels very weird, I mean it's mostly the same shit anyway like authentication and basing CRUD stuff which is almost the same no matter how you type it in the end.

Hmm I think this may actually be the exact suggestion I needed. Thank you!

No worries. I actually use Angular JS at work but Vue is fucking awesome for prototyping quick projects. I have used it a ton at home.

>Is this okay?
Does it work? Then it is okay.
At least you know WHY it works, unlike most people copy-pasting from stack overflow

A tasty Haskell front-end framework


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He got the job because of his degree in math. Do you have a degree in math?

I tried to use this yesterday and it took literally 2 hours to download and build the trillion dependencies :(. I just wanted an easy way to draw on the canvas with Haskell

I agree PHP at first is off putting but once you get over the quarks and start building something it works pretty good

Guys, I am having an interview tomorrow for a php junior developer job.
I know the basics but have no portfolio (i have basic shit like a calculator, a CRUD, a login form on my local server that probably won't impress the recruiter).
I really want this job. What should I do?

Where do you guys host sites for a portfolio?

I did the same, though I knew a bunch of HTML/CSS before from Neopets days

Geocities, i have a .tk domain to make it look a bit more professional, though.

Literally anywhere and point a domain you bought at it.
If you're doing webdev then you should rent a VPS and host it yourself using apache/nginx/node and learn some backend stuff along the way


Having anything to show them is a plus. I usually bring in unfinished stuff to interview. Just tell them you are still working on it and say some of the plans you have to improve it.

Ye it's fine. One thing you should consider doing is thinking about how your original implementation, even if it's just from a tutorial, could be improved when you're reusing it.

Checked, any recommendations?

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>Stop helping the user in a thread made for helping anons.

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if you're a student you get $50 credit from digital ocean

Will check, thanks.

Attached: WHERE.png (600x974, 838K)

>$50 credit from digital ocean
sheeeeeit got to check this

Just browse your site with the Chrome devtools.

Similar question, how would hosting it on surge look to potential employers?

>damn this nigga know how to deploy shit

Sarcasm or actual possible thought process of an employer?

they dont really give a fuck
1) its not as impressive as actually maintaining your own VPS
2) they have their own process anyways and I guarantee it isnt surge
although you dont really have an option do ya?

friendly reminder that we're all going to make it...

Node to asp core LTS? worth it or not?

If you have a SSD, there is no reason to use Sublime over VSCode.
On HDD VSC takes 10 sec to start though. Still worth it for the shit it offers.

Is there a way to extract the length of a youtube video with the youtube API?

Just use youtube-dl and then play with with mpv or something and measure the time from when it started to when it ended.


die('tfw I have worked with php for 8 months and I still use die as my main debugging tool');

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What's the best monitor for programming? 4k and portrait mode I suspect? Anything more to think about? Any price worthy examples?

>>github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Frontend+Backend learner-path suggestions
Might want to change that over to gitlab

Better with a 21:9+ so you can have more files open side-by-side.

>using functional languages in the real world
Nice meme

What can I use to make a Facebook like notification menu with real time notifications? It would use SQL Azure database. I can't seem to find anything for this. Can I use node is and socket io? Web API? I went to use signal R but Azure databases don't support broker service

It's literally the thing they used to make the Facebook notifications

any LOTL stack users here? (it stands for Linux Openresty Tarantool Lua)

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does anyone use firebase? i created an account and tried creating a database but i always run into this issue. i cant seem to find an answer on google.

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hn is written in a lisp, so was the initial version of reddit. seems real world enough for me
besides, most of popular languages nowadays have features borrowed from functional languages or are partially functional themselves

he's not asking about the presentation part


there's no java on my end?

Just use Fossil.

Just use heroku.

Any of the fags here run Play or Akka stacks.

Attached: play-logo.png (500x171, 38K)

>get a interview for a job
>prep myself for it, study up common fizz buzz questions, hit up codewars and brush up on pure logic
>actual interview
>basic questions like what's the difference between == and ===
>make a NOT logic gate without using !
>leave the interview wondering if this was some secret test of character or some shit
>they tell me I got the job just now

i'm so confused

I'm a backend developer and I have been working on a project and finished coding my restful web service. I want to build a single page website. I'm pretty good with html and css but veeery bad when it comes to CS (using Java Spring for backend). What would you recommend someone with my background? Just jump into frameworks like vue or learn Typescript for example?

>bad when it comes to CS
*sorry meant JS

TypeScript and React/Angular/Vue

Don't use Angular. It's a bloated mess and needs a complicated build pipeline.

I'd recommend Vue.js, it is very simple, you can just drop the .js file into your html and start writing code, without having to bother with dumb shit like webpack, gulp, bower npm and other crap. React is more popular though

>make a NOT logic gate without using !
how do

>I'd recommend Vue.js, it is very simple, you can just drop the .js file into your html and start writing code, without having to bother with dumb shit like webpack,
Thanks, now that you mentioned it. I looked into Vue.js a few days ago and liked it.. then I saw another video about it where a guy installed vue.js via npm into a folder. Did the same and realized that piece of shit downloaded 20k files. What the fuck was that about? (Again, I''m a real gimp when it comes to js, node etc..)

Are Javascript basics sufficient if I want to use vue or should I jump into something like Typescript?

>not using ember
doing it wrong

>not using x
doing it wrong

I use vue.js without any npm shit in my job, it's fine. Typscript is nice i suppose since it gives you static typing but the additional compilation bullshit isn't worth it imo unless you are building a huge, bloated webapp

NPM is just cancer, it downloads a full node.js package

It would be something like

function NOT (b) {
if (b) return false;
return true;

if you want to do something like AND

function AND (x, y) {
if (x) {
if (y) return true;
return false;

Of course I'll probably get someone telling me the better way to do it or whatever.


thats what I figured although I'd be confused why they would ask that kind of question

>NPM is just cancer, it downloads a full node.js package

I just use Yarn because npm always gives some error

>why they would ask that kind of question

thinking outside the box

>I think tools that make it much easier to make production-worthy builds are dumb

you're dumb

Fossil is a meme. You can't push just a development branch because the creators "don't think it should be done that way" so won't add support for it.

Fuck that. I won't let them control how I choose to handle my source code.

Self host Gogs or Gitea instead.

You'd be surprised how """CS Majors""" don't actually even know what a logic gate is.

Unless you are working in a s o y industry. customer facing frontends are completely unimportant, and if they are, they are done by some retard JS monkey anyway.

For writing personal or b2b UI it is completely unnecessary to treat your UI as an entire project that warrants a build pipeline. Honestly most of the JS tools were built so JS code monkeys could feel like real engineers too I bet.

How do I get into server-side Java web dev?

I already know Java and can sysadmin for the most part; I simply don't know how to start using Java server-side. I've heard that JSP is obsolete and such so I don't even know what file format I should use. What do I do?

Build a time machine and go back 20 years