Would you consider json an "odd format"

Would you consider json an "odd format"

Attached: json.png (642x356, 27K)

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Requesting data for GDPR I'd expect in something a normie can deal with.
CSV,PDF,XLSX, something like that.

Getting data over an API json ..

Regardless, I'd be happy with Json and parse it myself.

just use a json parser holy shit

It's a shitty format, yes, but it's far from being odd.

Those json coords are the data google has on your movements, if they make it more readable or w/e before returning it to you that would mean you were receiving a different set of data.

Advanced computer education should be mandatory.

Attached: tiresome.jpg (807x659, 42K)

For the average person? Absofuckinglutely. Data export is supposed to be readable by everyone, it should be in something more digestable for the layman. You can still provide JSON dumps if you want, but my Mom is gonna have no idea what to do with that data.

Attached: TheMallScreenshot.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

it's a woman, so of course whatever they have to say about technology can safely be ignored

nah, better to keep normies in the dark to keep interest in tech low, so they stop flooding the industry. not saying it's working, but i'd rather not give them any more of a leg up than they already get.

Json was designed to be human readable though...

so was XML.

well what did they expect?
anyone who actually has a used for that data would much prefer json over some useless human-readable, non-parsable format

>"but our data should be readable by us, too."
it is. it's data for machine use, you use it with machines
you think google stores your shit in a presentable word document or something?

Not all code was meant to be easily read by humans.

Is this the documentary where chinks go to africa to try and get the lazzy niggos to be self-sufficient and fail spectacularly?

If Google is capable of creating an online service capable of making phone calls on your behalf with a TTS that's incredibly human like, have a service capable of encoding thousands of hours of video each minute while simultaneously pushing (most likely) tera/petabytes of bandwidth at any second, create self-driving cars that's ready for a market launch at level 4/5 autonomy next quarter, yeah, I think they can fucking covert a JSON file to excel for the average person to read.

they could, but it won't be any more readable, it's still just coordinates and timestamps, only now in a useless, not-easily-reusable format that also requires a microsoft excel license to open

Then make it more readable? Fuck man, they already do that for google.com/maps/timeline

I disabled it a few years ago, but Google has a fucking traffic camera photo of me at my University. I'm pretty sure they can fucking make this downloadable for me instead of tossing me some JSON file.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 8.46.02 PM.png (521x606, 71K)

this desu.
No idea what the fuck that retard expected other than gps coordinates..
A fucking png of a map, now copyrighted by google because they use google maps' data? Then she would complain about that..

i don't know what's on that page, since it requires a google account
i'm assuming it plots this data onto a map, what do you expect them to give you, an offline copy of google maps along with your data?
you can adapt the json file to be used in other mapping software, like osmand or something
maybe they could give you screenshots of each point? lots of resources needed for that, and the data is even less reusable

in this case that's a very convenient format

It's not a fucking binary option of "provide JSON or not". They can do both you dense fuck.

>Google has a fucking traffic camera photo of me at my University

what the fuck

Attached: marie sees the alien.jpg (640x400, 154K)

yes, it's an entirely appropriate format for the kind of data it is
they're not going to provide you a copy of google maps, not only would that be fucking massive, it's also, quite simply, NOT YOUR DATA

Text readable descriptions? i.e "At 8:00AM you were at X and then drove to Y". Fucking christ I'm not sure if you're retarded, unimaginative, or a Google shill.

I assume by X and Y you refer to names of places.
That data is google's.
Do you want part of your data be copyrighted by them?

How are those copyrighted by Google? Didn't realize Google owns the trademark to my store.

>user, your operation is scheduled in an hours time, find your way to the pre-op ward
>user, you'll need this cannula in your arm, it's pretty easy can you insert it, i haven't had lunch yet
>user, the doctors have been waiting for you, why aren't you in theater yet? what, you haven't put your cannula in yet? why are you such a useless normie. i hope your appendix bursts and you die in pain user, for being so stupid.

they could do something like that, but they're not obligated to, that's not convenient for repurposing, and it'd still be "you were at -28.938492N,102.938493E ...", unless they were to perform reverse geocoding on each coordinate, which is both resource-heavy and makes the data inaccurate

The coordinate - name pairings are.
Why would they be required to give you that data.
Also it masks the true data if something is inaccurate.

>Text readable descriptions? i.e "At 8:00AM you were at X and then drove to Y". Fucking christ I'm not sure if you're retarded, unimaginative, or a Google shill.

data cost money to store. parsing data cost money. google isn't going to give away free services when they have only been forced to give away the data.

if a typical user cant manage a json file they are too technically illiterate to be do any kind of simple data analysis anyways and probably should not be writing articles in the fucking new york times about such things.

They don't have data like that.
They have data like
At 08/24/2017, 8:34, you were at 51.3 60.87
At 09/02/2017 16:32, you were at 53.3 61.23
And rows upon rows of them. How is that going to be any useful to you as a human?G

>requires a microsoft excel license to open
What is libreoffice
What is Google spreadsheet

>What is libreoffice
we're talking about people complaining that their dump of google data isn't human-readable enough, like they know what libreoffice is
>What is Google spreadsheet
don't you need a google account for that? you do understand what this thread is about, right?

I'm calling bs. I bet that was a pic on Google for that location and not you.

That traffic cam is a screenshot of an Android.

Attached: Screenshot_20180606-215705_Clover dev.jpg (720x695, 136K)

yea its a fucking format that can be used to describe javascript objects, no shit it seems odd if you've never programmed before, but for fucks sakes, you guys are just screaming about retarded tech journalism and buzzwords, literally nobody that actually uses a JSON file gives a fuck about what some sperg lord normies think about how "readable" it is

What are you implying is the issue here?
>dl data google has on you
>open it with a google webapp
They already had it in the first place, there's no added loss of privacy. You could also use a dummy account

Man boomers are so fucking out to lunch. What other demographic even reads the Times?

>Brian X. Chen is the lead consumer technology writer for The New York Times. He reviews products and writes Tech Fix, a column about solving tech-related problems. Before joining The Times in 2011, he reported on Apple and the wireless industry for Wired. He lives in San Francisco.
Now we know the tech-knowledge levels of a "lead technology writer" that works for NYT and Wired.

>Strawmanning this hard

Do people not understand that this is the data Google has on them? Do people really think that anything is stored in a human-readable format with the exception of log files (meticulously scrubbed of customer information)?

Do you really think Google knows that about you? They may know that you were at certain coordinates at a certain time, and they may know what that location is called, and they may even know that you used your Android phone to start up your Tesla, but all that information is stored in completely different places and there's no value to them putting it all together. They give you the data they have on you, not every possible thing they could ever deduce from it. They don't create a human-readable narrative of your life because nobody gives a shit about your life, they just care that they can get 1% more clicks on an ad if they show it to Tesla owners or people near a certain business. Your data is worthless to anyone but you except with the help of a massive amount of aggregation and statistical modeling. Google is an advertising agency not a spy agency.

Attached: 1528064311309.jpg (227x188, 13K)

are we gettin bamboozled?

YAML is a superset of Jason and is infinitely more readable than the garbage that is otherwise known as json.

The bigger question:

or like


How do I request my data from google?

Maybe Google should also be required to hire a counselor for him to explain everything to him in a calm baby voice.

No, because I'm not braindead.


Why is this retard doing tech journalism if he is tech illiterate?

Human-readable when well-formatted.

As is the case with most computer things, the moment you go for minification and erasure of whitespace, you forego the possibility of a human ever naturally reading your shit.

If your file doesn't open itself in an office product, a file explorer (in the case of an archive), a media player, or in its own self-contained program, then it has no place in an average professional environment and needs work to be end user-usable. The only exceptions are formats targeted toward specific niches, whose targets know what they're requesting ahead of time.
That being said, Google sending the exact data they have on you is likely legally mandated and it's a great way to say "fuck off eurotrash" in the wake of the GDPR

you can open it in word, it's just a plain text file

-- also, this isn't 'end user data' in the sense that it is 'intended for viewing by an end user', it's simply raw data of an end user, the backend stuff users don't usually see or actually give a shit about
users who request such information need to understand what it is they're asking for, it's not 'pages that contain your shit', it's 'the shit used to generate those pages, the parts that are actually your unique data'



Not true you nigger, everyone uses computers these days, basic skills like being able to google what a .json file is are expected, there's no excuse for not knowing how to use a fork and a computer in this day and age and looking up information is no more than using a fork

I think people have mentioned this already, but that data can be viewed in a human readable format.
You just do it through the Google services.
The JSON file containing your location history is human readable on this page
I think the archive has some html files to help with the viewing of the data too, but seeing I have no location history on Google I can't reconfirm that.

Yes, this is BS.

Literally the only way to pronounce it.