How do we solve the obesity crisis in America?

Here's my suggestion: govt-provided fast food that you can only get by using burnt calories as money.

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diet camps


That's actually kind of neat.

Yeah, after reaching a certain body fat percentage, mandatory exercise and diet camps.

muh gubmint can solve all our issues
The government intervening would only hurt things. You've seen their track record with this sort of thing.

That sounds great at first, but then there'd no longer be any citizens here, or very few.

Just shoot the fat off people. Guns. Is there anything they can't do?

Eh, I'm in the middle with that. I don't believe that governments can solve everything but neither can markets.

the obesity crisis in the us is overblown, the numbers get propped up by fat blacks and mexicans

fat whites exist too, but thats more of a "cheap and easily available junk food" issue and the kinds of people who fall into it represent a natural underclass, not a problem to be solved


I agree, but if we tried to do something this extreme, all it would do is fail and let the government try something more drastic.

Ye, finding some way to make junk food more expensive and healthy food cheaper and more accessible.

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Maybe we can't deal with most of the fatties of today, but younger people are more accepting of change and more easily moldable. It's easier to prevent the problem by emphasising fitness and diet in schools than it is to get people to lose weight.

And I don't mean just going over health in classes every now and then, but putting it on the same level as mental education.

Problem is you fat-shame too much.
The ones to be shamed are the people letting obese people believe it's OK to be fat. It's not OK to be fat. It makes you sad and lonely, it makes you costly for the community.
One of my brothers tends to get fat. As a family we told them to control that, and now he does so. I have nothing against fat people, I can't take families who let them get fat without doing anything.

Nuclear war

expecting anything out of our education system is... I'd call it bold.

There is no fat problem.Being fat is a choice, just like smoking or doing drugs.If someone wants to spend money on heart medication and liposuctions, it's their own choice.

we don't

there's no hope for you
embrace how awful you all are

Fat tax

That's money you won't be able to spend for the education of your kids, or for the medication of your parents.

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