If you gaijins wanna come to Japan, learn Japanese first

If you gaijins wanna come to Japan, learn Japanese first.

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whats a japanese?

arigato gozaiumzqxwzqx desu

if you can't understand "beer plz" you are an idiot

wait. wait a fucking second. wait
how'd they write that lol
could have asked someone i guess

I'll try to learn before ever going to Japan but I hope people don't mind me butchering it a bit.

Gomen, gomen

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Why are nippons so bad at english?

to be fair it is an entirely different language family, syllable structure, sentence structure, and writing system.

two weren't enough

because they are very protective of whats left of their own culture

yeah, culture

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En japanska er svo erfitt og heimskt tungumál
Ég vil samt ekki að fara þangað, kannski fer ég til Nýja Sjálands eða Suður-Afríku þar sem fólkið tala ekki heimskt tungumál eins og japönsku

You are a dying race

I literally know a few sushi and ramen names, thats it

Most travelers should at least know the terms oyakodon and bukkake from porn

you mean rice


Then why is the sign in english?


>"B-beer please"
>"ano sumimasen... BEERU PURIIIZU ohayogozaimasu"
>you leave with empty hands
barely worth the effort desu

>American education

Whoa. I never knew Jow Forums was so savage towards nipponese

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Lynch all weebs, cartoon war now

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It feels weird if Switzerland posts something like that because you can just Google for Melonpan, and he will be the best example for Japanese culture in switzerland

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go back to 2chan you gook

barely worth the effort

explains a lot coming from a Greek

If you're in Japan, you should try to speak their language, but the only way to learn is to immerse yourself. So it's not like you can cocoon yourself until you are N1 proficiency.

i fucking hate this dude he is nothing to aspire towards

Or you could learn our language because you are our puppet.

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big top kooki kek

it's literally easier to go to another store a couple blocks down where they speak english. If you try this one you'll just spend 10 minutes not being served

Isn't English a required high school course there? IIRC it was in Korea.

I mean, I get it - nobody likes foreigners in their country who don't speak the language. We feel the same in the US. The only difference is when WE do it, we get called racist.

bad post

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Lmao jesus fucking christ duelde chill out

He's right tho.

kappu nuderu to biru purisu
*gives 1000 yen*


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Sums up /djt/ 2bh

honestly based, but you still have australians and white folk coming to japan just to buy and resell all your shit

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wow thats a cute pup

What are some good langauges to learn if I want to travel all over Europe. Is Russian worth learning, I always liked Russian

I went to Japan and everyone was able to speak English to me.
That dudes is rich and does whatever he wants, it's pretty much the American dream, but in Switzerland.

english is enough

Don't learn russian unless you want to go to russia/ukraine/belarus. And those are fucking shitholes so don't go there. Go to bolan or czechia intead

what else is useful? or a good language?

If we are talking about Europe, that would be Spanish or German.

That's not the reason. There are other east asian countries which are doing much better at teaching their students English than Japan. The real reason is that English classes in Japan are great for preparing students for a exam situation, but terrible for actually using English in a social situation. Unfortunately their way of teaching English will never change because Japanese are afraid of change. This also probably explains why their cultural identity is some of the strongest in the world, for the same reasons.

Is there any other real reason for learning jp?

Culture? Makes me wanna jam a pencil in my ear

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Learning Katakana is pretty great because it allows you to read the names, countries, and other non Japanese words. Other than that I wouldn’t say it’s worth it unless of course you plan on being an English teacher or a translator

its fun

I only learned kana and basic sentence structure because it was neat. It is fun if you like learning languages, but I stopped because I reached a point where it wasn’t necessary anymore



just hop the counter and make something myself then

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konichiwa domo arigato samurai nani nani

Katsu don to biiru o kudasai!

I don't even want to go lole