Tfw I just found out that if I run "git pull" onto a cloned repo it'll update

>tfw I just found out that if I run "git pull" onto a cloned repo it'll update
>mfw I was manually checking and cloning like 5 repos before this
how the fuck does git work and why is the syntax so shit

Attached: Git-Logo-2Color.png (910x380, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Have you ever considered, that you might just be retarded?

It's right there in the name.

wait, hold on, what exactly do you mean by
>>I was manually checking and cloning like 5 repos before this

were you literally deleting and then recloning the repos?

Read the fucking manual


use this:


>be retard
>blame others
sounds like reddit to me

Git can have a steep learning curve but you just tripped over a flat line before even making it to the curve. Read

Use VSCode, it has integrated GIT support. Just let it run git fetch automatically and click on the update button.

>actually doing that
you literally don't know how to use a tool which has the purpose of being a history of your code changes. don't blame git for you being stupid, you git.

its literally the easiest version control out there

>I'm too lazy to take 5 minutes to read a guide or stupid tutorial on how to use git
>I still use git without ever typing --help even once
>I learned a sub-command of git and it completely changes my workflow and made me realize that git can do way more than what I thought it would
>I'm still too lazy to actually to make a 5second google search about it
>Since I still want to know how it works, I'm just gonna kill a thread on Jow Forums

Nah, just get SourceTree for handling all that shit.

but if vscode has git integrated, why would he need sourcetree?

git command language fucking sucks
git pull should be git refresh
git clone should be git download
git push should be git upload
git commit should be git done
git checkout should be git change (as in change branch)
git branch is alright
etc... be more human friendly

i'm sorry you have brain problems. you can use one of the many GUIs made for people like you.

I hate git but you are just fucking retarded

These are the worst suggestions I’ve ever read. Fucking hell.

Read this. It'll take 2 minutes to read and mentions all the basics of Git (including pull):

echo "alias git-refresh='git pull' " >> .bash_aliases

Or with parameters:
echo "git-refresh() { echo $1 }" >> .bash_aliases

Pls read

You should put your git aliases in .gitconfig really

Because VS Code is made by Microsoft and everyone here hates them, also muh proprietary software

isn't VScode open source though?
yeah, it is. it's not GPL, but you can still compile it from scratch.

git checkout should really change to git change or git switch but the other commands are fine

>git add *
Stop reading right there.

lmao u dumb

what's wrong with that? after you set up a good .gitignore, git add * is fine.

This. I don't like Git, it requires you to understand an enormously complex analogy-free conceptual model in order to not run into gotchas, but this is not one of those cases.

OP, this is the least intelligent thread on Jow Forums I had the displeasure of reading in a long time.

Attached: basedretard.png (1007x485, 128K)

It's shell-specific. For Windows cmd it works like git add ., but for bash it won't add files with only extension (.abc). Use git add . in the current directory or git add -A if you're in a sub-directory and want to add all. Using git add * will bite you in the butt some day.

i suppose that's right. I only ever use shells that work with git add * i guess, and i don't plan on switching. That's good to know though.

Holy shit

Attached: raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.u1.jpg (750x1000, 49K)

Still better than svn