Why are programmers so toxic to women?

Why are programmers so toxic to women?

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How can a programmer not afford prostitutes?

Because they reap what they sow.

Why is she so terrified of a random guy's frustration?

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Women have the biological imperative to bully weak men out of the gene pool.
It's nothing personal.

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Attached: woman gets lead programmer fired.jpg (899x1596, 306K)

Incels don't want hookers. They want some pure virgin 18 year old 10/10 to spread her legs because of their inner beauty or some shit.

>Greatest Google commit made by a woman
>Remove Egg from Salad emoji ....

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This is why having women in the workforce is bad for everyone.


Kawaii females as Akarin are allowed though

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Women are seriously fucking dumb and interacting with them is like rubbing your face on a cheesegrater.

Why didn't she just mind her own business and then she would still have the better salary. It's not like a new employee has much pollictal captial vs an existing one.

After she had been there a while and demonstrated she was an outstanding employee she may of been able to pull this off.

Female trainees should be Cute Weeb Lolis

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>Ill take T for things that never happened

unironically kill yourself

>Someone else did loose me a job
Yea, that;s what happened.

>demonstrated she was an outstanding employee
user, I really doubt that.

Seriously. This reads like a bad fan fiction of what normies think encountering a scary incel is like.

>find a incel guy who worships a shooter openly, is a gun nut, has problems with his co workers, but the company does no shit to adress him
That story totally happened.
>still mistaking lose with loose

This stupid fucking bitch.

>Hurr let's jump to conclusions
>Hurr don't interact with him, just like he doesn't interact with women.
>Hurr my managers are not taking me seriously by doing exactly what I want exactly when I ask
>Hurr I'm just going to raise a big stink in 2 days I'm at a company and then call the FBI and then quit.

Stupid. Fucking. Bitch.

Effort is poison for feminists.

Misogyny is okay, though.

>Splinter Incel: Blacklist

I think it's really bitterness/frustration from being lonely. And of course, being a shitter that only blames others and having a massive feeling of entitlement, which is common nowadays.

Looks like there might be lots of such sad manchildren ITT too

It's okay to beat women, though.

Tbh, he's a retard for linking content like that to a work related account. Like, what are you doing?

Obviously she's also a bitch but still. That's like linking your KKK blog to a company account. It's fucking stupid.

the dude needs help honestly

Programmers are usually the nerds roasties made fun of back in school whilst getting reamed by chad dick, so of course when a woman joins the force and tries to act like they're "part of the crew" they'll generally be met with all of the pent up aggression and frustration that accumulated for all those years.

All incels do. They're the same as SJWs - they have a victimization complex, and anything that doesn't go exactly as they want is just more evidence that they're victims. Same retarded mindset.

Same thing with BLM too - they assume everything that doesn't go their way is because they're black or some shit. It's like - dude, nobody gives a fuck. Things don't go your way because you're not the most important person on the fucking planet.

>Incels don't want hookers.
This is legitimately the part I don't get.

>Complain about "incels"
>Complain most men fit this category
>Have spent 30 years complaining men more likely to just buy sex

my Jow Forumsuy

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So let me get this straight

Incel is just a "nerd", and it's now become a thing to bully and attack nerds by calling them an "incel"? Why are SJWs so fucking insufferable and toxic

Or the dude had a satire account where he posted pictures of Sam Hyde and shit

ITT: false flag general

Welcome to the "me" generation, where entitlement runs rampant together with hurt feelings.
Sometimes I'm rather glad to not be American, the higher wages are not worth dealing with these retards.

Are you implying that's a bad thing you degenerate subhuman?

I unironically agree with everything in that image.
>Complain most men fit this category
Except they don't, incels are a tiny but very vocal minority. IRL I've met maybe two people I'd describe as incel, but they make as much noise as a hundred normal people.

Well least she cut to the point and let the guy know she was a cunt straight up rather than hiding it.

sex is easier to have once you've had it.

The Unicode document specifies the emoji as "Green Salad" so yell at them, not Google

>Be socially retarded male
>Approach random female in an uncomfortable and retarded manner, and confuse this with confidence.

>Be retarded female
>Unable to politely assert self without being a complete cunt, and confuse this with confidence.

I swear to god, I'm telling you - everybody is the exact same and does the exact same shit, and just lack any and all sense of self awareness.

Sounds like she's been raped or is mentally ill. Well adjusted people don't see normal conversation as a threat.

I absolutely detest the sick twisted "social justice" being spread these days, but all this misogynistic bullshit is just as deranged. Don't any of you women-haters have mothers, sisters or daughters that you love? Can't you imagine that there are good women mixed in with the bad, no different than men.

yeah, the cringe on all sides.

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Incel here, paying someone for sex doesn't fulfill the desire to have someone else care for you and enjoy your company.

The first step to solving that problem is being someone worth caring about in the first place, bud.

You don't have a right to relationships.

You're right, I don't. But as a poor man I have to work considerably harder than my female counterparts to appeal to members of the opposite sex.

if incels and socially awkward people arent breeding and ugly women arent breeding as they become feminists, does this mean that future generations will be more pretty as the uglies and weirdos die out.

i support this.

She's probably embellishing her story but it could also be her perspective. If she thinks someone is looking shady it's not that strange to have her react negatively to conversation.

>they'll generally be met with all of the pent up aggression and frustration that accumulated for all those years.

This, plain and simple. You can't expect people to just "let go" of the torment they've endured just because their tormentors have moved on.

My girlfriend works way harder than me to appease me than I do to appease her.

>everymale I don't like is incel
>even if they have gf
Aaaaah the fat american cupcake logic.

What does she do?

So you went for someone far below your standards just so she has to try hard? Sounds shitty but it seems like a good idea.

No, that's just your false worldview. Homeless people have relationships. That's a thing that happens.

The idea that you have to have some kind of particular "value" as a mate is a retarded idea that's not based in reality.

You don't need money, or height, or whatever retarded meme shit coming out of Jow Forums or Jow Forums right now to get involved in a relationship. You just need to be a decent person who has their own life goals and interests.

The best relationships come out of strong friendships. If the only thing you do is sit on Jow Forums and complain about >tfw no gf all day, then you're probably not very good company. I can't imagine anyone, male or female, wanting to spend any extended period of time with you if that's how you are.

If that's not how you are, and you're just an introvert, then you just need to make at least a minor effort to communicate with others - even if it's asking your Uber driver or some shit how their day is or something. You have to be comfortable with yourself, and actually give a shit about another person. Nobody wants to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't care about them.

>you need to be below your partners standards in order to feel the need to work hard for them
imagine being this stupid.

Often brings me gifts, always wants to do what I want to do sexually, tries her best to enjoy and like things that I like, cleans while I'm gone despite hating cleaning because she knows I also hate cleaning

I do some of these back of course, I send her romantic letters and make sure I always support her, but I feel like she does a lot more than me.

I'm a guy so I will always be above in standards, dummy.

Who the fuck even puts egg in a salad anyway? Not neckbeards, closest to salad those fat greasy fucks get is diet Cheetos.

so how much does she weigh?

Just over 65kg I think.

Does she work?

Like, to further expand on that, when I say "be comfortable with yourself" I mean accept that if you act genuinely to others, that they will like you. Unless you have a serious attitude problem, or there is something severely wrong with you mentally and/or emotionally, you're probably a decent person that someone else would care about.

Your self image != other people's image of you. Things that you might see in yourself that you think are negative, are not necessarily seen that way by others. If you carry yourself that way though - with self loathing - other people kinda either consciously or subconsciously can read that in you, and it tells them to stay away. Also it tends to affect your outward behavior. You end up doing things that push other people away. It can even end up being insulting. It's like - if you think you're shit, and other people don't, and you make that known, it's like you're saying "well there must be something wrong with YOU to not think I'm shit."

Yeah. Part-time while she's studying sales and economics, though her dream is becoming a therapist.

Do you make more money than her?

Yeah, but I'm considering getting a university degree, at which point she'll be supporting me financially while I study.

Except the tormentors have gone into marketing or become a stay-at-home mom, and the new female tech hires are the weird goth girl whom'st was as bullied and tormented as the incel.
At least target the right people you weird, greasy fucks.

my partner and i did this. I have a dgree, and supported her while she got hers. now i want to go back for networking/sysadmin stuff and she wants to support me when i do that. your girl sounds like a keeper, user.

>I have a dgree, and supported her while she got hers. now i want to go back for networking/sysadmin stuff

Pretty much exactly what we're doing. I live in Norway, where it's pretty common to go to trade school and get a trade certificate, making you a professional worker. It's not a degree, but it's very safe and gets you into the workforce early in life.

I took the certificate as an IT technician, and I want to attend school again to become a computer engineer.

I'll do that once she's done with her current degree, so she can support us. After I'm done, we'll be able to live a very comfortable upper middle class life together.

Thanks user, I think she is. Yours sounds like a keeper, too!

You're right on pretty much all fronts.
>Unless you have a serious attitude problem, or there is something severely wrong with you mentally and/or emotionally, you're probably a decent person that someone else would care about.

I personally have a lot of demons that prevent me from developing meaningful relationships. That said, I would be fine with someone that has the same or similar problems that I do. But, if they are a woman who is attractive enough for me (I'm also not physically unattractive), then they will probably go for a guy who doesn't have demons and he will be okay with them. The same can't be said for me. I won't find a woman without similar problems that will want to be with me.

Sex is easy to have, period. It all depends on whether or not you are willing to settle for less than you're worth.

surely you're not saying your self worth have anything to do with sex?

>At least target the right people you weird, greasy fucks.

That can be difficult to do when all you've known is "me vs. them"

Good luck with that bud

>going at it again with the buzzwords, this time including jithub just because its trending, hoping to drive more traffic to my shit
>t. ellen pao
Eww, this is fucking pathetic...

Read only a few sentences, but deducing from that the guy was a full cringelord who should be banned from meaningful work and should be NEETing at home. These embittered "incels" make all other virgins look like some fucked up psychos like them.

you're optimistic, but im certain social awkwardness, inceletry and hair-signalling fat feminists are that way due to environmental reasons, thus it won't breed out.

>you don't have to have value
>you have to have goals, self esteem, interests and be a decent person (good person)
You're really not seeing the issue here. There's tons of people who are way out of this narrow criteria you've defined and you're describing them as unlovable.
And on top of that you're doing it with the attitude that they're at fault for it while the effort they would have to put in is apparently not value.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying that you're assuming everyone fits the mold well. And it's not that strange, those are the people you would meet/see.

A lot of people have demons. Most, probably. You'd be surprised, my dude. I had a friend who was like 300+ pounds. He put in the time, and lost most of it, and found a girlfriend. He used to be suicidal, and think that - in his own words "he was born in shit and would die in shit". It changed when he decided to not accept that version of reality, and work toward making his life better, step by step.

I used to be pretty depressed and suicidal myself for a while, and the same thing happened with me - I decided to try and make my life a little bit better one step at a time, and genuinely make a go at it... not just act like I was making a go at it, but not really, so I could fail and bask in the twisted satisfaction that I had proved myself right: that I was a failure of some kind.

The only friend I have who hasn't been able to do that is consequently the only friend I have who still carries his self loathing like a ball and chain - he's actively avoided women who explicitly have expressed interest in him.

Most people don't fix all their demons by themselves, that's why they end up leaning on others. Don't look for a girlfriend, look for friends. People you like who you want to spend time with that you care about. Eventually you'll find someone who will care about you, and want to be with you - despite whatever shortcomings you may have, or simply think you have.

>Be diversity hire
>Spend the entire time you should be working on spying on your coworkers, looking for things to report to the boss

Even if her story was true, it only reflects badly on her. Mind your own fucking business, cunt

>only reflects poorly on her
Well the fictional guy is a closet terrorist.
It absolutely reflects poorly on him.

Well really, very few people on this earth are "unlovable". It's really the same as presentation. There are loads of people who you would look at and think are unattractive, but you give them a better haircut, get them to take better care of themselves, and they can do a complete 180. Same thing mentally. If you feel like shit, you'll outwardly present like shit. Doing better means ignoring all of the little things your brain focuses on that tell you you're not good, or not worth it.

Very few people in this world are malicious, vile people, and even then most of those people are like that because they 90% of the time have some kind of internal issue with themselves.

I'm not even saying you can do it all on your own. You might be the kind of person who needs a therapist or something, but even without that, little things like, getting a good sleep schedule going, taking walks outside and getting fresh air - there's science that you can read that will tell you that that stuff helps shit like depression and stuff.

Not him, but i supported my wife while she went back to study, and now she's supporting me while i do the same. It's really not that uncommon for women to support men these days. It's great short term but i wouldn't enjoy it long term - i want to be contributing financially to the relationship.

Basically what I'm getting at is that most people are "normal" and do fit into the broader category of society at large. There are truly very few "snowflakes" out there in the world. For some people it just takes a little more work to find out where they fit in.

>muh women
>muh virginity
>muh entitlement to sex

It takes a special kind of retardation to not get along with people at the workplace.

>be me
>at uni
>girlfriend supports me financially (indirectly by paying the rent) while i'm at uni (mostly procrastinating)
>gf dumps me
>get a new gf 2 weeks later
>marry her to make sure she can't just dump me and carry on

no shame, no regrets. I can play vidya gayms, procrastinate, go to uni whenever i feel like it, live in a nice apartment and Ic an have sex whenever I want.

That was a good read; thanks user. I'm not sure if I have the strength to make the proper changes. I might, but it'll be a bumpy road ahead and I'm not even sure if it'll pan out. I wasn't always like this; I was bad, got better, and then I got comfortable and then I fell back into my old ways. It's a constant struggle that I thought would get easier but is actually getting harder.

I couldn't find any indication that it was written written by a women. Op merely suggested it

>dont have the strength
you do, user. the hardest step on your journey is always the next one. you have anons here wanting you to have the happy life you are capible of. don't give up.

Am I a incel?