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>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction (independent of your browser choice)

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Frontend+Backend learner-path suggestions

jsfiddle.net - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your HTML/CSS/JS

Attached: wdg.png (822x552, 868K)

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=thenewboston redux

Don't fall for the meme anons, STEM jobs aren't something you can get with some youtube vids and a few medium tutorials.

All those things exist for actually qualified people to update their skills for the latest technologies and improve themselves, not for drop-outs to magically get jobs you need four year degrees for.

Anyone can learn to write some simple code and make their own website but don't think you can go from zero to senior developer without the degree that all the other developers have. The only people that do manage that are people who develop actual new technologies or who found a successful startup, usually without funding.

Attached: FellForTheThreeMonthSelfLearningMeme.png (863x117, 15K)

>Applying after only 3 months of self-learning
What the fuck was he expecting.

Attached: aya_snap.png (295x336, 112K)

Can someone explain how this is 40320?

function factorial(n) {
if (n == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return factorial(n - 1) * n;
// → 40320

((( ( ( ( 1 ) * 2 ) * 3 ) * 4) * 5)* 6) * 7) * 8

Thanks M8 much appreciated

>What the fuck was he expecting
He fell for the meme that you can get STEM jobs with tutorials and online courses.

Why is Bitbucket not gaining attention as much as Gitlab does?

For me, the former seems to be a better choice.

>3 months
That user was just a web designer who maybe knew basic JS for frontend stuff.
He said it was 3 weeks of doing shit code, watching pajeets doing stuff in youtube and reading php docs.

Are those online courses from udemy and such really a meme?

I really feel bad for that user.
After that he'll either put his shit together or keep doing whatever he was doing stuff.

So I asked in another thread but here it goes...

Is it worth paying for a web host site? I have been taking classes for web development and IT for several years and now have a portfolio I made from scratch I want to put on the web and a few other things.

If yes is blue host a good site? I got the plus membership for a year so I could make multiple websites for the same costs. So far I have my portfolio site I made from scratch and a brewery review site I made in wordPress to showcase that I can use wordPress.

Any thoughts?

Attached: 7gpwfoH.jpg (1405x1079, 106K)

Doing basic wordpress and frontend stuff for money is still a salary increase for a lot of people.

This is what I am trying to do right now. What do I need to say to get these fucks to hire me?

what is the story on this?

I am almost done with a two year associates in computer science IT and have a certificate in web development. Am I wasting my time? Do I need more education?

I am so desperate guys. I already wasted 4 years on a worthless degree and I am 28 now and need a real job.

Apply for more jobs. Show your skills. And be likeable.

I was once rejected for a job for which I scored a 10/10 at the uni. They said I wasnt good enough. Just get used to it.

well I guess I got to keep trying or start dying. I am at a loss as to where I stand though. Most people I know already doing those jobs or are at the interviews competing with me did no schooling and usually did a 3 month or 6 month code academy thing where as I almost have a 2 year degree yet I never get hired.

read He tried to get a job as a php backend developer by reading docs, watching pajeets on youtube and coding basic stuff.
He somehow passed the interview but had to take an evaluation to show his skills on php AND SQL
He failed miserably because it's impossible to learn how to code in php and learn sql in only 3 weeks. As a result, he ended wasting everyone's time and bringing shame on himself and his family.

Are you asking for a VPS, web-hosting, or a dedicated server? You should probably research the difference before taking advice from Jow Forums. In all honesty, finding the cheapest priced option while matching on the same hardware is the ideal approach

damn, I wonder what the exam was like. I have taken a class for PHP, one for SQL/MYSQL and an oracle class so I wonder if I would do any better. I mean all of the SQL stuff is super easy and I do not remember PHP being hard at all. If anything I would think that would be the one thing in coding you could possibly wing it if you really did the basics

>He somehow passed the interview
so it was HR's fault too for not checking his background

well since it is just for a portfolio and maybe a blog or two I would guess a web host right? I feel like this is way more convoluted than it needs to be.

It definitely is. But I guess how with the highest level (web-hosting) and if you need more move on to VPS, then dedicated if you become the next amazon or google.

Do you work as a web dev? If so any tips on how to get a job or what people look for?

I just use a 15 dollar a year ramnode turd. Although im not sure if it can run Wordpress.

Yeah the one I signed up for is about $89 a year but can run wordpress. I am making a site that shows I know how to use widgets for wordpress and make it look fancy. I figure that would get me hired somewhere...hopefully

I actually do. I worked for a year at a .NET/Angular shop and now I work at a .NET/React/ReactNative shop. The thing in common with post interviews I had was my programming exercise was manipulating a string in one way or another. The 1st interview required me to reverse a string (it was for an internship that lead to a hire) and the other interview was "compressing" a string by printing a number if a character in a sequence was repeated. Doing coding exercises on Codeforces or something like that will prep you. The hard part is if they are looking for specific tech experience. My 2nd interview had three team leads throwing different questions related to javascript, .NET, and SQL. And to be honest, I didn't know the answer to some of their questions but if I didn't, I was candid about it. Or if I had a notion that what they asked me could be reframed in tech experience I had, I would use that and tell them I wasn't sure if they were related but how I think they are.

SQL, JS, HTML/CSS and some OOP language is essentially a must.Out of those, I am actually kind of weak in JS. I can use it but it requires a lot of googling for even basic function signatures. Most of the programming you will do won't be any insanely complicated stuff though. If you go in to an interview where they are asking you to whiteboard something complicated, you probably don't want to work under them anyways.

*both interviews

thanks user. I find it jarring that some interviews are like that. I mean I could understand going for a higher position but what do you expect from someone going for an internship or starter position? I have yet to get a job in anything related so how the fuck would I know?

>so it was HR's fault too for not checking his background
Pretty much. I'm sure they got told after some IT manager interviewed the idiot and found they didn't know first year concepts.

>I find it jarring that some interviews are like that. I mean I could understand going for a higher position but what do you expect from someone going for an internship or starter position?
They'll expect you to be able to handle any concept that was covered in your course, the examples user mentioned are really first year practice exercises, they wouldn't even go on an exam. Any final year student should be able to do them in arbitrary languages and be able to talk about big O efficiency of different methods.

For an intern position, it's perfectly reasonable to expect that they paid attention in class and know the basic concepts taught there.

user what and how should I learn? I am currently in my third year of science and information engineering and I've been slacking so much getting by without actually learning anything... Where do I even start at this point?

I feel like there's so much I still have to learn but I don't know what to do at this point

lads why does i lose scope in the function body and become undefined?
for(i = 0; i < things.length; i++)
things[i].something = function()
console.log("why the fuck are you undefined" + i);

Please tell me i'm missing something and this isn't just another JS 'quirk'.

I have a very simple project, a static site (HTML, JS, CSS), but I need to use a npm package which has its own dependencies. What would be the best way to bundle it into a single js file?

Aight guys I'm starting to get into webdev to make my own business card website with my projects and a blog maybe?
I already have a simple landing page with links to my github, linkedin etc. and with some clean gradient effects.
What's the easiest way to get a blog going on my own website?
I'd like to have a simple CMS with maybe markdown support


I'm not new to programming, I have professional backend experience.

let i = 0

Setup a Webpack workflow that builds that JS file for you. Build it when you change it and just ship the built file to the hosting platform.


>user what and how should I learn? I am currently in my third year of science and information engineering and I've been slacking so much getting by without actually learning anything... Where do I even start at this point?
Talk to your professors and maybe an academic counsellor, your faculty should be able to give you expert advice for your area, way better than anything we can do.

This is one solution But I'd prefer to pass i as a parameter of the function.

>What's the easiest way to get a blog going on my own website?
>I'd like to have a simple CMS with maybe markdown support
Literally just use Wordpress, it's what its for.
>I'm not new to programming, I have professional backend experience.
Oh, my mistake. Google for markdown alternatives to wordpress, I'm sure there's something in Laravel or Django that does basically the same thing. In fact I'm certain there are hundreds.

It has a shittier name for starters.

How are you declaring i? You're not showing enough of your code for anyone to help you. I'm guessing you declared it with let which means it is obviously out of scope

Is it just me or is designing a website via CSS soul-rending? I mean yes it beats having everything as HTML tags, but it's so boring and such busywork to keep track of all your classnames, inherited styles, etc.

Attached: 1486952352329.jpg (512x512, 35K)

What are the tools/commands you use the most in a Linux environment for all things backend?

if you like css you're a fag

cd and ls

cd, ls, mkdir, rm, git

try doing a UI any other way (win forms, gtk, swing, unity, qt or even qml), you'll learn to appreciate html/css

big fan of karlie too but was looking for things like monitoring or logging

Do you guys use TypeScript? Do you enjoy it?

I'd love to but I am too much of a brainlet to get it to lint properly.


If you can describe it, why do you enjoy writing in TS?

Imagine javascript
But improved enough to look like watered down C#

It basically provides static type and better oop

If you can't handle css grid then you shouldn't be here

I'm trying to set up webpack to bundle but I get a bunch of errors about modules not being found, like "Can't resolve 'fs' in mypath"

I didn't find any solution online.

Use better tools I guess?
Check out shit like LESS, SaSS, or how styles are actually used in web apps

Yes and yes
It just works nice, like, you have a class and you can see all the methods in the suggestions and you know they are really there, there's bigger advantages but this is just a 100% quality of life improvement

>I get a bunch of errors about modules not being found, like "Can't resolve 'fs' in mypath"
Are you sure that it's an error and not a warning?

Regardless, you can't expect any help with that kind of vague answer and if that was your search then I'm not surprised you didn't find anything online.
Any kind of error I've had with webpack (and I've had heaps), I found something online for.

At least post a screenshot of the error or something.

As says you're too vague. Could be just a bugged module you're trying to use like github.com/webpack-contrib/css-loader/issues/447

Just installed Ubuntu and about to install Homestead.

I was surprised at how well I could grasp Laravel basics for creating a blog after studying Node, and I also think this one is cleaner.

Wish me luck fags.

Attached: 33.jpg (500x375, 41K)

Sorry, it's fine now. I'm using browserify instead of webpack and it's doing exactly what I wanted.

Everything's working just as it should, this feels so good.

However, I'm using a hack, since I would get a cors error when trying to fetch data, I prepended cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/ to the api uri so it works. There must be a better way to solve this I presume?

>lads why does i lose scope in the function body and become undefined?
>for(i = 0; i < things.length; i++)
> things[i].something = function()
> {
> console.log("why the fuck are you undefined" + i);
> }
>Please tell me i'm missing something and this isn't just another JS 'quirk'.
I know this is JS but why are you adding a number to a fucking string? Use a comma.

Technically, the left hand operand being a string, that's the string concatenation operator and therefore, the number is type-coerced into string via Number.toString().
I think, correct me if I'm wrong and I am, I'll suck a cock.

Fuck the disabled. How can I just send them a message to call the instead of this aria-hidden / screenreader nonsense

Attached: 1527344882955.jpg (1136x1080, 151K)

to call the company*

Attached: 1524237091748.jpg (1920x1080, 178K)


cd ~

Nah it's fun, if you can't juggle a handful of class names you shouldn't be in this field lmaooo

because it has static type checking with good ide integration (vscode, intellij)

Since you guys meme about javascript being bad so much give me some main reasons to even consider learning any other language for back end

1) It's slow / it sucks / some other very generic shit with no info is not allowed
2) I don't like the syntax is not allowed because that's an opinion
3) it's confusing because you don't understand something is not allowed
4) "muh node modules folder is big file omg" is not allowed

Attached: XC7k6HAuBz-8dEnkCwL56p3q1u6MMSu92fooUfpZa0A.jpg (2500x2500, 642K)

Actual employed web dev with a 4 year degree here,

The degree mostly helps you get interviews. If you're lucky and/or choose your electives right, you'll get to program in different languages in at most half of your computer science classes, meaning half of the computer science classes you take (never mind general ed) are useless.

However, there were no end-to-end development classes. All the programming we did was sandboxed. We never made an app, and we never made a live, hosted website. There were no classes for integration - putting everything together, which is basically what a backend dev's job is. My college experience was utterly useless for that.

As someone who doesn't actually love software, college was useful because it taught me the basics of programming: variables, functions, data structures, etc, and then gave me assignments to work on that I would have never pursued on my own (because I don't actually love software).

But that stuff alone isn't enough to get a job. I had to do my own study outside of school.

>cd ~

cd by itself goes to home

cd home

java exists

Java, Php and ASP.net exist user


Attached: tenor.gif (400x206, 3.34M)

Actual employed web dev here,

First, what the heck is a web dev certificate? Sounds like a joke, but I'm genuinely curious.

My associate's degree included classes on variables, functions, data structures, and assignments to put those tools to use. If yours is the same, that's definitely not a waste of time. It's good. What you need now is more assignments to put those tools to real world use, but these assignments need to be related to the job you want to get, so you gotta decide whether classes at a 4 year school will give you that (I don't think so) or whether you should pursue new assignments on your own for those two years (Do it!).

what's wrong with php?

Actual employed webdev here,

Webpack webpack webpack webpack webpack webpack webpack webpack

Actual employed web dev here,

Use SCSS instead to make it less soul ending.

>tfw I know enough PHP not to be serious about it but to have the knowledge to produce my own web applications for personal use only
Feels good man. :)

>Any final year student should be able to do them in arbitrary languages
They typically won't expect an entry level person who they decided to interview with only Java experience on their resume to know all the gotchas of C#. They're more likely to see how you handle it in Java because they know the leap won't be that bad.

actual employed web dev here
just use bootstrap

Alright, I'm going to start doing this right now.

the p stands for pajeet.

Guess I'll start by just making a simple startpage, and then develop on that.

I don't need a local webserver for something like that, right?

well no, but then you have to refresh the html file over and over again every single time you change something

I'm using Eclipse PHP IDE. Don't see any live view or anything, but I can manage with constant refreshing.

Is there a way to make the anchor element use the title of the referred page instead of having to manually input text?

there should be some kind of "live server" extension, it exists for atom & vscode

could also learn how to make a webpack server or just copy paste the code for one, shouldn't be hard

I have a couple of days (2-4 days actually) to learn the basics of React+Redux. What are some good intro courses that aren't 20+ hours long?

This is for a job interview. I'm obviously going to continue studying React+Redux a lot more in depth, but I need to have the fundamentals down before the interview.

I'm a fast learner and have been doing webdev for 5+ years. I just never touched React.

Is there a way to have the paragraph to break at a certain amount of characters per line without using the br tag or setting the width to the div or p element?

another p element

Why not just put it in a div?

Just do the tutorial here: reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html

and consider this: youtube.com/results?search_query=thenewboston redux

and these: udemy.com/react-redux/

Name one thing React does better than Angular besides googleability

Virtual DOM, for example.

They are two different tools that don't replace each other, you can even use react within angular but ok

Anyone who have tried both Angular and React? I love Angular, and want to master this framework but React is currently in the top of the market and I fear I might have to one day learn this one to get a job. Took a quick glance at React and it's syntax looks ugly for me tbqh.