
My wget script for Jow Forums stopped working, what gives?

Attached: changet.png (2868x212, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Try to spoof the useragent string.

Attached: Im the best.png (545x599, 347K)

Did not work. Yellow moot strikes again.

Attached: 1511212352923.jpg (769x428, 44K)

Yes hello sir my name is Jacob and I will be assisting you today. Please sir, try adding is2.Jow Forums.org and is3.Jow Forums.org to your allowed domains and rerunning the script sir. Thank you and have a nice day.

Attached: 1502932874169.jpg (608x378, 22K)

you are using nano

>not making a custom GUI downloader

Attached: gui down.png (447x202, 28K)


github.com/Jow Forums/4chan-API

New approach. How bainlet is my solution?

Attached: lynx.png (514x205, 45K)

this worked for me wget -rH -np -D 4cdn.org -D is2.Jow Forums.org -D is3.Jow Forums.org

It's big

can anyone give a good script to download all pngs, jpgs and webms while it's storing their urls in a txt file.

i currently have this anywhere i can improve

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-12_06-57-04.png (1280x800, 157K)

use the Jow Forums API, it's considerably more straight forward

4dl() {
board="$(printf -- '%s' "${1:?}" | cut -d '/' -f 4)"
thread="$(printf -- '%s' "${1:?}" | cut -d '/' -f 6)"

wget -qO- "a.4cdn.org/${board}/thread/${thread}.json" \
| jq -r '.posts[] | select(.tim != null) | "

lynx dumping is patrician tier
good work, user

im trying to understand it but i (not op) have never worked with this sort of stuff before and am confused

You meant to type clusterfuck of a oneliner

Json is structured almost exactly like a python dictionary if you've ever used that before. It's all {"key": "value", [...]} Pairs. Most languages have libraries that will readily parse it for you, for you to do magic with on your own

nah ive never worked with any scripting or coding beyond making a few very basic programs that are basically all implemented math

You think that's a clusterfuck of a oneliner?

Are you retarded?

>ublock is fucking Jow Forums now

Looks like the json url is unchanged
4dl() {
board="$(printf -- '%s' "${1:?}" | cut -d '/' -f4)"
thread="$(printf -- '%s' "${1:?}" | cut -d '/' -f6)"
wget -qO- "a.4cdn.org/${board}/thread/${thread}.json" | jq -r '
| map(select(.tim != null))
| map((.tim | tostring) + .ext)
| map("

Do you think it's not nano?

just do this

lynx -dump -listonly -nonumbers $1 | egrep '\.jpg|\.webm|\.gif|\.png' | sort -u | aria2c -i -

How are you even breathing right now?
lynx -dump -listonly -nonumbers $1 | egrep '\.jpg|\.webm|\.gif|\.png' | sort -u | tee -a urls.txt | aria2c -i -

Does this do what you're asking for?
exts=(webm gif png jpg pdf)
lynx -dump -listonly -nonumbers $1 | sort -u > "$tmpfile"
for ext in ${exts[*]}; do grep "\.$ext$" "$tmpfile" | tee -a $ext\_links.txt | aria2c -i - -d "$ext"; done
rm "$tmpfile"

Gui's are for pussies

Man, I used to try to use wget but never got the server whitelist/blacklist and multiple hosts working right, this is inspiring me to try again, thanks OP.

Attached: 1290620928360.jpg (680x573, 32K)

>curl and wget
Why are people doing this inanity? Use wget -qO- to get stdout response.

Why would it matter that it's nano?

>It's nano
>Your retarded
It's clearly nano. Parent might not be funny, but he's not wrong

>not making a continously running process with multiple worker threads for parallel download using a simple producer-consumer design pattern to feed it new urls without restart

It looked like he was implying that it was not working because he's using nano, which makes no sense.
Also, obligatory you're*