Trying to delete part of a windows.old folder. I'm administrator and I've even taken ownership of the folder...

Trying to delete part of a windows.old folder. I'm administrator and I've even taken ownership of the folder, yet prermission denied.

Wat do?

Attached: Capture.png (474x284, 24K)

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Install Gentoo.

Open Terminal and type sudo rm -f ./InkDiv.dll

Windows permissions are a clusterfuck. Boot your favourite portable GNU/Linux distrisbution and delete it from there

The folder theoretically "deletes itself" after one week from the update installation. It's a backup.

more than one week. Also I want to keep some of the files.

also it's not an update, I just reinstalled 7

use ccleaner then try and get a good chest burster cum using russian pornography

read sticky and leave?

I managed to fix it with 5 clicks and no bullshit software, you retards suck ass

For whatever reason Jow Forums helps you out more if you post a new thread instead of /SQT/. this is your own doing.

kids wanna seem smart, of course they will help you with a basic fucking windows function.

Boot a Linux Live system and remove it from there.

> Wat do?
C:\ - properties - disk cleanup - tick "old Windows files" or whatever.

Seems I've got more experience with Jow Forums than you then


YOU suck ASS

You ever use a piece of fine-ass software that slays your problem as you breathe a sigh of relief and decide to reward yourself?

You ever open I2P and carefully navigated to some deep web perfect then head to the bedroom to put on your pleasure shorts? Get the shorts out that have tons of mineral oil stains on them, undo the button and start clicking... See the finest in Russian temptation as you slowly massage your member for a few hours. Find that perfect piece... Bring it to the head and to a head. And instantly feel your whole chest completely smiled as you fall back incredibly relaxed and marvel at what you can do to your own body.

And you call me a retard.. sheesh...

I am tired of that shit, happened right now to me. It helps to take ownership then remove all permissions and replace them from parent's object.

>head to the bedroom to put on your pleasure shorts?

yes this is what I did. You don't need to remove permissions though, just take ownership and replace

>yes this is what I did. You don't need to remove permissions though, just take ownership and replace
That's what I was doing before, did not help this time.

Oh. I'll keep that in mind if I have the same problem. Thanks.

This, but it's an option in Disk Cleanup called Old Windows Installation Files that only appears when you click Clean System Files in that program.

>Wat do?
Stop using wangblows.