Try to filter tripfags

>try to filter tripfags
>gets added to the filter list but the posts stay

Attached: logo.png (192x192, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

newest version has a bitcoin miner
greedy kike

Fuck off dashchan shill


REALLY? source please

>Free as in freedom application
>Claims is botnet
How does it feel to be retarded?

Dumb phoneposters.

this isn't the bug tracker for your shitty mobile app


Check your filter settings, retard


Yes? And?

Attached: Screenshot_Clover_dev_20180614-135057.png (1440x2560, 121K)

Wow you really are a stupid phone poster
It's remove not hide

Attached: Screenshot_20180614-211049.png (1080x1620, 55K)

>shitapp shills are THIS desperate

turning off autoload nearest image/webm when, floens?

Floens is dead
No more code commit for over a month

>Filtering /tpg/
>Filtering the word "well"
>Filtering the phrase "admit it"
I seriously hope you don't--
>He has 45G
Oh shit, my bad sir.

Seriously clover fucking sucks. Why is there still no good Jow Forums app when there are millions of reddit apps

wtf i hate floens now

Name one thing wrong with clover

Try Omnichan, I've been enjoying it

Attached: image(1).jpg (500x353, 39K)

Clover is literally perfect

>replies with filtered words still appears

Can't get notifications for replies without thread watcher in the background which creates another always on notification.
Also switching position in the webm player is sometimes really buggy or doesn't work at all

>respond to bait
how does it feel to be retarded?

Well how else are you gonna get notifications? You are right about the webm thing though.

notifications are really fucked for me honestly

Works with mimi

opt-out telemetry

Install Dashchan

Chromecast support when?

Attached: 4397400_sd.jpg;maxHeight=640;maxWidth=550.jpg (513x640, 30K)

Yup, the CPU usage spikes to 50-80% idle on the github version. Something is happening.

B a i t e d

>cloverfags literally can not do this

Attached: 1508235115506.png (172x37, 1005)

Dude i agree with you but i got one question: when going back to the catalog and clicking on a thread that 404'd is there any way to make Clover auto-redirect to the archive?

You can't see what page the thread is on. That's useful for checking when to bump the thread.

>millions of reddit apps
Example? I only use Slide myself.

Archive when ?

>still no memeflags on Jow Forums

here's the source bro haha


Because reddit isn't 100% retarded

Attached: hmm.jpg (200x211, 6K)

>implying that free as in freedom always means that 100% of the code has been audited thoroughly
>implying that Chrome and Android don't have some hidden NSA backdoor that nobody has found yet
How does it feel to be the result of a failed abortion by your parents?

Go ahead and audit yourself, user. The point is you can.
And chrome and Android are not free software.

Are you retarded? This is possible in clover too.

How does it feel to have the reading skill level of an aborted nigger fetus? Lrn2read before posting, fucking retard.

Dude. If you have any counter argument, present it. Otherwise gtfo. I don't have time for name calling.

Phoneposter Shoah when?

Attached: giphy.gif (245x152, 812K)

No u GTFO. And I already did, by saying you entirely missed the point of my post. Why should I waste my time pleasing you anyways when your rebuttals sucked?

chan burauza would be perfect if copying text would work
why does nobody know this app?

No 4pass

no what?

Can't use Jow Forums pass with chan burauza