Why does rebbit celebrate the fact wymyn fired a awkward incelly programmer describing most of Jow Forums and does that...

Why does rebbit celebrate the fact wymyn fired a awkward incelly programmer describing most of Jow Forums and does that was probably making profits to the company for diversity and feminism meme? Reminder dont marry your job and keep your power level hidden because those rats will kick out out and leave you homeless.

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wtf reddit looks like a shit now

Are you mentally retarded? "Troll" is literally in the name of the subreddit. Fiction & falsehood etc.


This is why your long-term goal has to be to have your own company. Also, its fucking stupid to treat the women like shit or assume that all of them are incompetent idiots without evidence. Most are but there are exceptions.

>t. women and redditors on quota

Don't get a job with normalfags if you can't hide your power. Is it really that hard?

her posting history is amazing

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That doesn't mean it's fake

He is a neckbeard argentine.

>Browsing MRA sites at work
Just do work at work. You will never have problems with your coworkers.

that lives in canada

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>"if we make incel sound like a cute term, maybe it'll make being incel seem like not a bad thing" - OP
Kill yourself

I see same account had a lot comments for argentina.

mentions living in canada for work in one post

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literally do the same thing, except the mra browsing.
Can't stand people drawing out phone calls or meetings just because they like to hear themself talk, and it's mostly narcissists or women doing that.
Also don't engage with female co-workers, because it almost always steers towards her trying to weasle herself out of responsibilities while keeping the credit.

We can add the suffixes -ish and -y to words in informal contexts to make the reference sound deliberately vague and approximate.

Jow Forums isn't Jow Forums.
Fuck off.

I'm fairly sure that I read the exact same thing on a main sub and OP got a lot of shit for it. I think she called her co-worker autistic or something tho.

The post is acutally pretty rejected by most answers. I took a look

Of course not, but it gives you an insight of the authenticity of these stories.

You can say anything outlandish bullshit you want and they'll upboat it to oblivion, until you happen to insult the trannies or the autists.

Wouldn't be surprised if this was exaggerated and the guy left on his own terms and found a better job.

This bullshit about male programmers being "antisocial" kind of reminds me of Nazi Germany where people were seen as breeding stock and it was their duty to breed for the fatherland. If they were not doing something like this then they would not be calling him antisocial. Since when was socializing ever a function of being a programmer?

SJWs are the Nazi war criminals of the tech industry. One can only hope that as with the last time they tried to take over the world these people will face the firing squad they so rightfully deserve.

HR manager here
Usually we would actually investigate the case first,look at his folder,talk to his immediate superior,people in his department and look at his score card
Anti social behaviour can be grounds for firing but only on certain terms like interacting with clients, disobedience,interfering with work etc
I don't know Canadian labor practices but it seems highly unethical to give a partition letter based on some woman's judgement
As a HR personnel you gotta be very emphatic towards people,also you gotta consult with administration first so you don't suddenly leave a gap
Story sounds fishy as hell,and the fires guy could definitely bring a case

So they wanted him to interact with his coworkers? How was he a woman hater?

TwoX hates white men don't they?

If he left bad reviews because they're bad at programming, then why is that a problem?

women are weird like that. If you give them too much attention you're a creep. If you give them no attention, that's bad as well because it makes them think there's something wrong with them and they'll attack whoever made them feel bad even though that person didn't do anything.

if real, it's more likely he got busted doing something stupid and/or had a history of complaints and this dumb cunt is trying to claim victory for it

Is this like not being able to criticize certain people because of feelings?


yes, during an internship my boss told me a story about a woman who used to work there. She basically made a mistake drawing a PCB layout, which can happen, nobody's perfect. Luckily they discovered the mistake before production. My boss basically simply told her about the mistake she made so it could be avoided in the future. She didn't talk to him for a month.

Some people have huge fucking egos
Just read dilbery,its pretty realistic on showing the kind of workplace politics

>Reminder dont marry your job and keep your power level hidden because those rats will kick out out and leave you homeless.
This is a good advice regardless. Unless you're the founder, a CEO or a shareholder companies don't care about you. You're replaceable, especially in the tech industry.
Giving your best years and living for a company is one of the most stupid things you can do.

it always looked like shit user

>regular brogrammer
>socially awkward
>SJWs not identifying depression
This smells like bait.

>Firing your company Wizard
What a nice way to kill anything tech related in that business.

I know its bait tough because.
1. No proper boss company would fire their GNU long beard Wizard that manages anything.
2. No Autistic wizard would work in SJW tier companies.
3. Wizard being interested in women? Ha.

bro, you an incell? kys faggot. incells are weak manlets who deserve to be constrained to pcs and porn

You're willing to overlook even the most glaring red flags as long as it fits your narrative, aren't you?

I await the day when the "tech industry" dies a fiery death. inshallah, on this holy eid day, it will happen.

>itt reddit marketing shills
wtf, this is the worst summer of all time

Reddit needs no marketing. Its like the 5th most used site

You sound mentally challenged.

> hey, look at me!
> I fired a guy for having an insignificant mental disability
> Isn't diversity great?

So they're consciously abelist? Or do they assume that social skills is somehow something people can choose to have or not have. Conveniently ignoring autistic people.

>t. damage control shill in denial

how braindead are you

Stop falling for the bait

>mentally challenged
If you mean retarded, just say it. Political Correctness ended in 2016.