So Android is actually Loonix?

So Android is actually Loonix?

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No. Android is a operating system which uses Linux, the kernel.

If that is true, than how the fuck can app crash the entire system?

it means you gave it premission to system resources it shouldn't have had.

what is HAL (no homo)?

Also, Chrome OS is actually Gentoo.

A thread died for this.

Honey and Lemons

it uses a modified version of the linux kernel, combined with its own userland and userland drivers
so yes, it is linux, but you can't easily replace it with more "normal" GNU/linux setups

Hardware abstraction layer.
The thing that lets drivers use unified apis

Techincally it's ART/Linux (android runtime)
(former Java VM Dalvik /Linux)

The lack of GNU GPL replaced by Apache/MIT permissiveness. :c

Android is a bunch of sandboxed applications running on sandboxed Java virtual machine running on sandboxed libraries running on sandboxed frameworks running on top of sanboxed drivers running in the userspace of an ancient Linux kernel that doesn't receive security updates once the terminal is released.

>tons of ios text bugs that crash the entire system

Jesus Christ! Android is a complete mess!

nice try, iShill.

It uses Linux yeah

barely. google puts a lot of effort to make android as gnuless as possible. i think only gnu stuff left is now in kernel. i'd say its based on linux, but it slowly becomes entirely different entity

stuff like wpasupplicant, things between raw hardware drivers and high-level stuff running in java

Ok kiddo

Attached: print 2018-06-18 às 16.40.45.png (971x523, 108K)

Linux is not gnu.
The day Android stops using Linux as it's kernel, then it's not Linux anymore.

Did you ever notice, that phone makers keep adding better processors, 8gbs of ram and the system still runs like shit?
That is, because the whole is like a matroska doll of virtual machines and they keep adding new ones. Their own jvm is also rate shit. It makes using a jailbreaked iPhone a pleasent experience, in comparison with this

iphone is pretty similar, main difference is that there's no java virtual machine, more sandboxing, more shitty api's for apps, no proper shared file system, no unified sharing mechanism, and that they use a darwin kernel which does get updates, every now and then

Jesus fucking Christ. The planet need a fucking OS for mobile that is not a shit.


So tell me, why there are no decent OS for phones in the current year?

JVM? Is this 2009? Google Android Runtime

Yes, but it's not GNU+Linux which is what most people think about when they hear "linux"

By that logic, is Ubuntu not Linux either?

Android is quite decent these days, if you ask me. I think more effort should be directed at applications.

Yes, Ubuntu is GNU using the Linux kernel.

The difference is that android is designed in a robust way at the expense of performance. ios is a flimsy crashy but fast hacked together piece of shit that tries to wow you with useless animations. Android gets the job done