Red flags that make you instantly click the back button

>Please disable your adblocker
>You must sign up to view content
>unclosable video in corner that starts playing when you open the page
>list article that loads a new page for each number
>Cookie warning that takes more than 1 second to bypass (this may only apply to EUfags)

Attached: 220[1].png (1019x647, 387K)

UMatrix, nigger

> >>Continue Reading...

I know there are ways to get around all this stuff, it's just a fun thread to shit on bad or annoying webpage designs.

this thread

Did anyone ever try to bypass that adblock detection? If you created a plugin for that, you could be rich.

unironically this

Autoplaying videos


You talkin shit about lingscars you nigger?

Attached: trustpilot-main.gif (890x254, 140K)

>infinite scroll
>even in mobile

Attached: anime-eye-roll-gif-11.gif (500x282, 1010K)

Absolutely this. A modal is just a popup. I don't know why they got so popular all of a sudden after we spent years eliminating popups


Attached: 360.gif (300x200, 34K)

>Please disable your adblocker
Fucking this.

And I'm not even using an adblocker. I'm using a tracker blocker.

Attached: file.png (827x390, 22K)

Because modals are harder to detect/bock

Attached: literally.png (28x28, 441)

All this. Especially the video. Who the fuck thinks that’s a good idea? I’m supposed to watch a video while reading an article? One or the other please. And if you tell me “OwO is that an adblocker?” I just bounce right out
2ez. Hit the reader mode button

It's best when the video loads last so you're part way down the page when it starts playing.

>please disable your adblocker

>this site uses cookies...

Attached: cMatrix.gif (229x195, 1.24M)