Breaking News! SUSE Linux Sold for $2.5 Billion

Say goodbye Susefags.

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Literally who cares?

Anyone who doesn't exclusively use Arch loonix and only posts in screenfetch threads

How is a hobby OS even worth that much

lol why? the freetards will keep doing it for free with their autism so why would you do this.

it has been sold many times
and it has a cute mascot

SUSE Linux = Company
openSUSE Linux = OS

reading this i dont get how 2.5 billion could be worth it. can i get a breakdown?

How is a hobby company worth that much?

Who even uses this? And this is just more proof that if you wave money in any developer who believes in, ''le free software'' will privatize it for just the right amount of money.

They never cared about freedom in the first place. Stallman made mistake when he allowed people to capitalize on free software by providing support or writing literature. He could push it to more extreme, now we wouldn't need to waste time on Jow Forums talking about memecompanies selling for 2.5 billion.

If that was the case you'd be browsing Jow Forums in w3m right now

Suse has an enterprise version like Redhat. It's quite common in Europe, the German government used it for years.

and that is a problem?

>hobbyist Linus Torvalds invents version control system in a couple of months in 2005
>in 2018, Microsoft acquires github for $7.5B

If you want to get past the google captcha it would be
this is of course all optimistic as you'd rely on the entire web still using http, html, and so forth, and not Microsoft HyperWeb 2018's proprietary web format only compatible with Internet Explorer

>If you want to get past the google captcha
>Google captchas are a temporary soulution
> -Moot

>w3m protects me from malicious webdevs and their bloated websites
switching today, fuck Jow Forums

- Moot 2.0

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Suse enterprise is really not so tied to opensuse as centos ever was to RHEL. It is a euro thing though, you can't fuckin throw all your government money at foreign IT shit, unless apparently its windows.

>Swedish private equity group EQT
I for one ready for the SUSE YES memes.

>thinking github == git

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good thing that i use gentoo

I wonder what technology it relies on.

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Nice samefagging, samefag.

Turns out computing in general started out as a hobby.

Fuck off pajeet

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I don't use Arch and/or Gentoo and I don't care.

SLES =/= openpepe

>1 months
He must have meant 12 months.

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he doesn't own GH tho, or does he have some shares?


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nothing to worry about

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SuSE has been bought so many times you could make suseage

I just installed Tumbleweed and I'm very impressed about the snapshot feature : you can just boot via an entry in the grub menu to a previous state if something goes wrong, it's really the only everyday usable rolling distro because of that built-in feature

oh wait, I don't even use So᠌yse.

well openseuss is the only distro in which KDE is half usable so KDEfags should be on suicide watch right now

lol the majority of computer and software companies that are worth billions now were garage start ups made by a few hobbyists, google, facebook, Apple, Microsoft and etc etc etc haven't existed forever, most have pretty humble origins

SUSE Linux is an actual enterprise grade operating system, like Windows.

He doesn't own GitHub and he doesn't have any shares. But GitHub wouldn't exist if he didn't invent Git, for obvious reasons.

SLES (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server) is a solid enterprise grade server operating system. They are known for making easy to use complicated technologies like OpenStack, Ceph and Kubernetes. They also offer premium SAP support on their systems.

Is it even relevant these days? Most of the places I've seen that operated SLES switched to Red Hat based solutions in the last few years



ui shit who needs them

install guix



install nix

Holly shit! I installed Openpepe on my machine with jewidia card (a GTX 1080) and JUST WERKS!



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