You have 30 seconds to write a program that draws a fucking SWASTIKA

You have 30 seconds to write a program that draws a fucking SWASTIKA.


Attached: Swastika.jpg (4000x2200, 784K)

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you have 30 seconds to kill yourself

how can we best utilize tech to peacefully sunset the black race?

curl is2.Jow



Yep, word got out about their raid and they've started early

draw some horizontal and vertical lines, then rotate by 45 degrees

I would need at least 30 minutes to do that

I'll give you 1 point. Good job

print "卐"

All right, I'll admit it took more than 30 seconds...

import Graphics.Gloss

flag :: Picture
flag = pictures[color red $ rectangleSolid 180 100, color white $ circleSolid 40]

arm :: Float -> Picture
arm n =
rotate (90 * n) $
pictures [rectangleSolid 10 50, translate (-10) (-20) $ rectangleSolid 30 10]

main :: IO ()
main = display (InWindow "卍 卍 卍" (180, 100) (14, 88))
white $ pictures ([flag, rotate 45 $ pictures (map arm [0..3])])

In Haskell with Gloss.

Attached: peace-and-love.png (749x363, 99K)

>peacefully sunset the black race
Very poetic, user. Cheers


oh, you want a swastika? run this in your terminal:

sudo rm -rf /


im a jew and i approve this message

Is this a real language? Its fucking beautiful


Yes my dude, Haskell is very nice. I'm writing entire games in less than 100 lines. It's so terse and yet so expressive at the same time. I wish Jow Forums was more on board with this meme language.

How about the program actually finishes in finite time?

Jow Forums would much rather keep sucking the (C)ock.

>Wanting me to write code that draws pajeeet holy symbols.
Fuck off poo in loo.

Attached: 1522611670144.jpg (350x350, 13K)

This is glorious


Teach me senpai, I get stuck writing basic shit in haskell

Excuse me what the fuck

>You have 30 seconds to write a program that draws a fucking SWASTIKA.
Go fuck yourself you fucking nazi cock sucker

>That one user that doesn't give a fuck
>Go program a swastika
>No worries give me 20 minutes

Attached: golden.png (1326x1604, 122K)

That's not the Nazi Swastika, albeit the OP didn't specify and even the Nazi Swastika orientation is stolen from an ancient Buddhist sect and a few others that still have the clockwise swastika.

Lol all the non whites in this thread go fuck yourself

Ironically, make text based games. Make a new game from scratch every morning before work. That's what I did this year.

A canvas version for fun:
var x=-5,y=22,i=4,ctx=document.getElementById('n').getContext('2d')
ctx.font="30pt sans-serif"
ctx.translate(88, 88)
ctx.scale(-1, 1)
while (i--){ctx.rotate(Math.PI/2);ctx.fillText('L',x,y)}

can't you just ask someone from Jow Forums to do this ?

Go fuck yourself you cock fucking nazi sucker

include me in screencap

Probably not the best idea to use this command

How about just drawing it in SVG? lol
fucking 10/10

Attached: svg.png (896x249, 25K)


int main() {
const int w = 27;
const char c = '*';
const float par = 2.0f/3.0f;
const int h = floor(w * par);
const float rx = floor(w / 2.0f);
const float ry = floor(h / 2.0f);

char img[w * h];
memset(img, ' ', w * h);

for (float a = 0.0f; a

Thickened the lines a little because that one kinda looks like shit desu

Attached: thicc.png (889x324, 13K)

That's no swastika. It's just a fucking hippie peace sign.

Attached: thinking.png (309x384, 133K)

I think it works like in that's python 2.7

That's the wrong peace sign. You were supposed to draw the peace swastika.

Did you even see the picture? Those symbols are just for the window title.

Both the picture and the code showcase the counter-clockwise swastika, so what is your point?

You actually retarded?

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
fmt.Println("CAN I FIT IN YET Jow Forums????? XDDDDDD")

No, i just like it when a job is not half-done and you forget to use the proper symbols for the rest.

Look at the picture again, really think about it before you post.


I did look at the picture, but you didn't comprehend my words. Re-read my words closely and engage your literary centers.

Post what you think the nazi swastika looks like.

Bitching about Jow Forums won't change the fact that 180 out of 190 countries in the world spit on Israel and voted for Independent Palestine, and a few more changed their vote towards Palestine in the meantime between then and now.
The Holocaust Monopoly Card has expired foreskin slurper, there's plenty of holocausts in history to go around for every nation on the planet, and most of them don't give a fuck about da Joooz beyond shitting on them.

Attached: grammar-nazi1.jpg (2400x1350, 310K)

... stop posting please, maybe neck yourself

>main = display (InWindow "卍 卍 卍" (180, 100) (14, 88))
>卍 卍 卍
>Nazi Swastika
Fix the
of your
>half done
job, my literary ignoramus friend.

It's not mine, the title is just flavor, the program does print the nazi swastika, stop being a faggot

Israel wants an independent Palestine you uneducated, stupid-ass 12-year-old Jow Forumsack. But it won't happen as long as Palestinians are proud to be ruled by people who fire rockets from hospitals, let that be crystal-clear.


A flavor of piss will ruin an ice cream.
Would you like to be served an ice cream with a few drops of piss in it when you are out buying ice cream?

HAHAHA, found the israeli

OP is 14 and thinks this has shock value

>Israel wants to be cucked you f-f-f-fool!
Suck on less foreskin and maybe fortune will start favoring you again.

Attached: Black_a5e908_2022618.jpg (500x913, 67K)

>showing your merchant nose
fuck off shill-nigger

the program does what it's supposed to, if you notice, the program exit button is also not a swastika, OP asked for a swastika, not one that prints nothing but a nazi swastika, stop being a bitch.

You have to go back.
Also sage.

Attached: pol board.png (408x701, 22K)

So you like eating piss flavored ice cream.
In that case i have nothing to debate with a piss eater.

>no fun allowed at all
t. (you)


Attached: g--a-board-of-peace-and-love.png (1320x1005, 284K)



Let me us know the unicode number when you find it

>khazarposting in 2018 year of our lord

You missed this bad boy:

It doesnt draw u a swastika but it does update your kernal mainframe my upgrading your encryption system of your motherboard卐

Yup, I mostly write C++, Python and shell scripts at work, I don't dislike them but I wish I could use Haskell a little more.
I greatly prefer it to any Lisp variant.

>Swastika stolen from buddhism
Why does everyone spread this lie around? Why would a German Nationalist use an Indian symbol? Look up ancient Germanic symbols, theyve used it extensively as did the Celtic people along with Slavic. The one Hitler used was probably based on what was scribed on a runestone in Denmark

Attached: 779247d961c3d5be666f984d9e89da22--horns-denmark.jpg (362x595, 80K)

Haskell confirmed the true Aryan man's language.

Attached: 1509212393693.jpg (960x720, 342K)

>Why does everyone spread this lie around? Why would a German Nationalist use an Indian symbol?
Because it looks cool and Hitler thought Indians were cool.

Hitler was no racist imbecile, he would have no objection to use an indian symbol. He used the swastika because it represents the sun.

>Slav people originate from around the Urals as well as sought of them, neighbors to Turkic tribes (Western Gokturks) and also Northern Indian Kingdoms who spread Vedic culture as far as to Parthian and Scythian regions where traders had at least some basic semblance of Indian culture and symbolism
>Germanic people migrated all the way towards Scythian and Parthian regions in the great migration starting circa 100 AD, but also had trade caravans who traded that far, of course inheriting such shit as the Swastika or the Vedic vocabulary such as "Aryan" which is a self-identifier used in Northern Indian kingdoms meaning "(This) Noble One"
>Romans traded with India as a continuation of the Classical Greek trade which saw Vedic bits and pieces flowing into Europe all the way to Celtic shits
>Vedic symbolism and dictionary
>which existed long before even Alexander the Great during his 300 BC conquests leading him into a land he knew from traders and merchants describing it
If you don't know history, don't acts like you do, you dumbshit child.

Should have included the ">>>/oven/", or omitted the ""

The Swasrika is a very simple symbol that different cultures could've come up with, independently. One hypothesis is that it comes from the patterns that forms when weaving a basket.

Of course the tard uses golang

Did he admire Indians? I dont think so, the only reason he mentions India is because of the "Aryan" connection to India.

The Vinca people who lived in Central and South Eastern Europe have used the Swastika symbol long before the existence of buddhism. Celtic chariots have been covered with the Swastika symbol over 2000 years ago. It is not a buddhist symbol in origin, stop spreading lies.

Attached: vinca symbols 4500.jpg (771x611, 126K)

>9th century stone from the Viking people who were the most experienced and traveled merchants in the world who went as far as China
>has a Swastika on it from a culture which had traded with Europe since before Classical Greece started its war with the Ancient Persia who is a neighbor to Indian Kingdoms at the time and trading with them

Wish I thought of this the first time.

import Graphics.Gloss

flag :: Picture
flag = pictures[color red $ rectangleSolid 180 100, color white $ circleSolid 40]

arm :: Float -> Picture
arm n =
rotate (90 * n) $
pictures [rectangleSolid 10 50, translate (-10) (-20) $ rectangleSolid 30 10]

anim :: Float -> Picture
anim t = pictures ([flag, rotate (t*14) $ pictures (map arm [0..3])])

main :: IO ()
main = animate (InWindow "卍 卍 卍" (180, 100) (14, 88)) white $ anim

Now it spins around...

Attached: peace-sign.gif (253x171, 16K)

lots of very early cultures that have had no possibility of contact with each other have used the symbol

>long before the existence of buddhism
Buddhism is a branch of Hinduism which came long after Hinduism.
Vedic Symbolism exists since 2000BC at least (at least meaning the earliest found inscriptions but not the final ones).
You are still fucking retarded.

Now antialiase it

Basedboy using Golang, nothing new to see here.

buttons to increase and decrease spin/change direction when

hey you screen capped my 'amazing'. cool.

Attached: 536810_1.jpg (630x630, 41K)

And all of them were either in Eastern Europe at that time (like some Celtic remains from Bulgaria which will of course have chance of Hindu symbolism on them thanks to vicinity of cultural influence via trade), or near the Scythian/Parthian regions and the Middle East, or got through with trade via the powers housed in those regions.
Even the fucking Eastern African Kushite culture was Afro-Asiatic and was only established in 700 BC after who knows how many centuries of Asian influence which came from Asian migrants who of course had to have contact with India.
Save it, i know plenty about this shit.

And the Vinca people have lived in Europe around 5000 BC. What I'm trying to get through your dense skull is that such a simplistic symbol shouldnt be pinpointed to a single origin. It is not a buddhist symbol.

This thread is just full of morons. I posted that because it is the exact same symbol as the National Socialst swastika. I wanted to prove that Hitler didnt reverse some sacred "buddhist symbol", like many like to say he did. He used it to represent some ficticious supreme "Aryan" people who have lived in Europe before.

>And the Vinca people have lived in Europe around 5000 BC. What I'm trying to get through your dense skull is that such a simplistic symbol shouldnt be pinpointed to a single origin. It is not a buddhist symbol.
The Vinca people may have lived or may have had wandering tribes who went back and forth in many regions, but not a single piece of chariot of block you post here with a swastika on it will date before the Vedic culture and that's a fact you know, so save your stupidity for some more ignorant hole on the Internet. You don't even know Buddhism is a later branch of Hinduism.

Console.WriteLine("# ###");
Console.WriteLine("# # ");
Console.WriteLine(" # #");
Console.WriteLine("### #");

Boom 30 seconds