Window Manager General

I want help picking a window manager for a specific PC.
It's an eee PC 701 4G Surf with 800×480 resolution
RAM is not a concern, I have 2GB installed.
The internal storage is 4GB

Is there a window manager with emacs bindings(yeah, I use emacs) or easily configured
and the only shit I need is some integration with wicd.

Attached: Doris-Yeh-Feet-1262554.jpg (1536x2048, 263K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that thing is a piece of trash. there are literally $50 phones faster than it. throw it in the e-waste bin where it belongs.

>that thing is a piece of trash.
as our dumb friend suggested, I should replace my laptop with a $50 phone to do C+POSIX+kernel module development.

Or get a $50 ThinkPad and you'll have a much better time.

>Jow Forums I have a problem
>solution:spend $50 bucks

stumpwm or ratpoison

i3 is nice. the i3 status bar has systray support, so wicd, network manager, claws mail, etc. applets will work.

i3 or dwm

>Is there a window manager with emacs bindings(yeah, I use emacs) or easily configured

Welcome home!

ratopoison, I used that before, I had a few problems
stumpwm and tinywm are both using lisp, which is good, never used them though
>i3 status bar has systray support
that's a great feature to have

I was looking at clfswm , again using lisp but it's rather old in the repos(2011)

I would've gone with the popular i3 but I have to repackage it if I want to mess with the code, but stumpwm fits perfect since I can re-eval and go.

What problems? I didn't have any problems that couldn't be solved by reading the info pages.

Dumping my config file:
bind e exec gjots2
bind E exec xterm -e vim

bind y exec palemoon
# highlight an url in a window and the url is opened in a new tab
bind Y exec palemoon `$RATPOISON -c getsel`

bind o exec xterm -e mocp
bind O exec xterm -e alsamixer

bind d exec spacefm
bind D exec xterm -e ranger

bind g exec xterm -e mutt

bind h exec xterm -e irssi

bind j exec liferea
bind J exec xterm -e newsbeuter

bind z exec xterm -e kpcli
# change jd2 directory under .config at installation
bind Z exec ~/jd2/JDownloader2

# expose-like switch window
bind comma exec ~/bin/

#as colon invoke ratpoison commands, semicolon invoke shell commands
bind semicolon exec

#no startup message announcing what the prefix key is
startup_message off

#change font, color and position for messages
set font "Fixed-11"
set fgcolor gray
set bgcolor black
set bargravity c

#normal cursor
exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr

#to fix java swing, install wmname (suckless)
exec wmname LG3D

#multiple workspaces (from F1 to F4)
exec rpws init 4 -k

#get rid of the one pixel border around windows
set border 0

Fact: xmonad is the most powerful window manager.

mostly with the configuration.
Manipulating Lisp code and adding features in Lisp is a second nature to us who use Emacs and configure the shit out of it.
It's more intuitive for me to write or fix something in the X package's lisp code.

have a look at this

>xmonad has great defaults, key bindings and xinerama support but is crippled by not being written in C.

Go full meme and just use emacs for everything.
Basically install x11 without a wm or de, and instead of running startx, run exec emacs. You'll be set for web browsing, music, image viewing, editing etc.
You can connect to WiFi in the cli in a buffer as well

Attached: 1530074966017.jpg (515x424, 111K)

>Go full meme
(op here)ahahaha
get on my level dude.
I was running on the same netbook for 2 years debian stable, no X server, just emacs, virtual desktops where ttys, music e.t.c. all with TUI on ncurses,
I designed a simple window system using ncurses, nothing fancy, but I managed to load some of my own cli programs I wrote in C.
Then I saw that I had something like 16 colours by default from the kernel TTY, then I started digging around how to increase that without having to install 50megs of xserver drivers and shiet, so I started digging into the kernel tty documentation.
A couple dudes on IRC said to not bother, because tty just works and needs a total rewrite due to the clusterfuck of code that it is.
I did a lot of work on that configuration, mainly writting low level C code, keeping notes and listening to music.

An eeePC with a 10Ah(got it for $9 on sale) battery and downclocking the CPU to 100mhz last maybe over 6-7 hours

>posting my w10 thinkpad in a wm thread

windows 10 uses DWM

Absolutely autistic
Don't reply to me ever again

Is your WM bloat? find out in pic related

Attached: WMramusage.png (290x319, 22K)


openbox masterrace

i3 is garbage for switching windows even in tabbed mode
tiling is useless in a small screen

or my wife's son

DWM baby.

I use explorer.exe.
I used to have bblean.

Attached: windows-xp-windows-explorer-folders-view[1].jpg (771x693, 190K)

am I supposed to know this whore?


Attached: 1530737788777.png (800x800, 413K)

which ones are gooey focused instead of text/terminal focused

op here, pic related is the installation.
I did a couple things before I did a fresh install.

minimal installation at its best. bare minimum, X is up, no WM(xterm is full screen) SBCL is installed.
I've gotta install some modules and config some things first, then try to install and compile the stumpwm.
we'll see.

Attached: screenFetch-2018-07-06_23-11-40.png (800x480, 9K)

There's EXWM if you're willing to try it. The last time I did I found out it's far from being usable, but it might be good enough for you now.

fail I can see your user anonfag