P-please share your aliases, functions and shell scripts, senpai

P-please share your aliases, functions and shell scripts, senpai.

Attached: 1528831459859.jpg (637x706, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


alias oct='flatpak run org.octave.Octave --no-gui'
alias mat='matlab -nodesktop'
alias gff='gfortran -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror'
alias gfo3='gfortran -O3'



how do you get good at math? Regards, math autist

if I cd into a git repository, check for pull requests, etc.
alias cd=git_cd
git_cd() {
builtin cd "$@" && { [ ! -d .git ] || { git fetch origin; } }

draw a penis for how long my machine has been running.
epeen() { uptime | perl -naE 'say+8,"="x$F[2],D' }

insert sudo at the beginning of the line if i forgot.
insert_sudo () { zle beginning-of-line; zle -U "sudo " }
zle -N insert-sudo insert_sudo
bindkey "^[s" insert-sudo

function topp()
top -Hp $(pgrep -d, "$1")

As in "topp firefox"
and press V for forest view loveliness.

By reading a lot and investing a lot of time into the subject. Practice and work hard. Also spend upwards of 20 hours per week on the subject. Pic related is my home books. I have even 2 times more at my office at my university. Also learn an applied science at the same time. For me, electromagnetics is an analogy for thinking about many mathematical concepts.

Attached: IMG_20180706_133757124.jpg (4032x3024, 3.63M)

What you use Octave and Matlab for?

alias fuck=sudo !!
When i forget to type sudo the first time. Might need some adjustment depending on the actual shell type you use, but you get the idea

Numerical Analysis. Mostly these two things

that's a good one. i'm gonna add it to my bashrc. thanks user.

I forgot to say, I also do my finanaces in Octave

man history [see Event Designators]

Thanks man, but im getting stuck on step one, since i have problems with basic math (think advanced high school), and it is stopping me from pursuing a career related to computers, since most (good) universities here have math, that I would inevitably fail.

reading a lot and investing a lot of time is step one. find a book that is at your skill level, and invest that time into it.

alias fbi='rm -rf /; shutdown -r now'

Attached: 1519929571151.png (563x563, 310K)

That doesn't work.

This works.
alias fuck='sudo $(history -p \!\!)'

That doesn't work.

This works.
alias fbi='sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /; shutdown -r now'

I need to learn calculus in 2 months in order to pass first year. I know how to calculate derivatives or simple limits, more abstract questions is what is mostly struggle with, and everything that has trygonometric functions

Attached: Screencast 2018-07-06 14:47:29.webm (834x507, 133K)

>shutdown -r now

Ya dungus!

Attached: 1519929571151.png (563x563, 367K)

>using rm with sudo
>not using shutdown with sudo

# common aliases
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias reboot='sudo reboot'
alias shutdown='sudo shutdown -h now'
alias sf='screenfetch'
alias obclass='obxprop | grep "^_OB_APP"'

# [void linux specific]
# xbps aliases
alias install='sudo xbps-install -S'
alias update='sudo xbps-install -Syu'
alias remove='sudo xbps-remove'
alias search='sudo xbps-query -Rs'
alias kpurge='sudo vkpurge rm all'

# Android aliases
alias android='sh /home/gee/android-sdk-linux/tools/android'

>The Art of Electronics
thoughts on this book? I'm an EE major and I'm considering buying it (my university doesn't use it, though)

mpv pornhub.com/random

I don't mean to scare you. Honestly though, calculus in 2 months is nothing compared to 3rd and 4th year material, maybe on par with year 2. If learning a lot of material in a short time sounds daunting, then stay away from STEM.

>delete every file on your disk
>proceeds to call sudo and shutdown

Attached: 1519929571151.png (563x563, 376K)

Ban incoming

Bad for learning material for the first time, great for refreshing yourself on what you already mostly understand.

>bloating your png

Attached: 1530914489312.png (563x563, 95K)

>bloating your png

Attached: 1530914473660.png (563x563, 94K)

Substract yourself

no, you did not scare me, i would just appreciate advice from math chad. Maybe do you know some calculus books for brainlets or something like that?

alias alias='unalias -a #'

>bloating your png

Attached: 1530914780267.png (563x563, 69K)

alias lsl="ls - l"
alias ctl="clear"
alias n="nvim"

Just hit Ctrl + L man

not working in every shell mate, also typing feels smoother this way somehow

alias lewd='LANG=ja_JP.utf8 wine'

Attached: 1475116383468.jpg (460x667, 45K)

>ls - l
This is bait

>bloating your png

Attached: 1530914764434.png (563x563, 61K)

emacs --batch --load dunnet

>Math Chad
I used Calculus by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards 7th ed years ago back when I was in highschool. Got me through the AP exam. It has a lot of practice problems.

>bloating your png

Attached: 1530915364762.png (563x563, 56K)

>>ls - l
>This is bait
ls - la*

it sucks ass getting used to qwertz after using йцyкeн for your whole life and I'm trying to make the whole experience somehow a bit more pleasant.
With that said: no u

>alias install='sudo xbps-install -S'
>alias update='sudo xbps-install -Syu'
>alias remove='sudo xbps-remove'
>alias search='sudo xbps-query -Rs'
Does void really do this? Even Debian stopped splitting its package management between binaries.

Not alias, but put this in your .bash_profile and thank me later.
if [ "$PS1" ]; then

PS1=' (\u@\h:$(if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo ")"
echo "("
fi)\$ '
# bold=$(tput -T$TERM setaf 3;tput -T$TERM bold)
# reset=$(tput -T$TERM sgr0)


>bloating your png

Attached: 1530915348663.png (563x563, 55K)

The xbps package includes the following utilities:

xbps-create (1) - XBPS utility to create binary packages
xbps-dgraph (1) - XBPS utility to generate dot(1) graphs
xbps-install (1) - XBPS utility to install and update packages
xbps-pkgdb (1) - XBPS utility to report and fix issues in pkgdb
xbps-query (1) - XBPS utility to query for package and repository information
xbps-reconfigure (1) - XBPS utility to configure installed packages
xbps-remove (1) - XBPS utility to remove packages
xbps-rindex (1) - XBPS utility to handle local binary package repositories

>bloating your png

Attached: 1530915654865.png (563x563, 43K)

>bloating your png

Attached: 1530915638727.png (563x563, 41K)

I give up. That's all I can go down lossless.

Attached: 1530916039701.png (563x563, 41K)

alias l.='ls -d .*'

Attached: 1530916023389.png (563x563, 40K)

Attached: 1530916615829.webm (563x563, 4K)

>not using the superior jpg format

Attached: 1530916276390.jpg (563x563, 6K)


This one and all the ones after it have distortions at the top.

>bloating your jpg

Attached: 1530916835643.jpg (563x563, 5K)

Attached: milhouse-meme_o_242085.jpg (750x612, 98K)

>bloating your jpg

Attached: 1530916904475.jpg (750x612, 10K)

Let's talk about that watermark.

What the fuck is going on in this thread.

Image compression dick waving.

Attached: mh.gif (308x308, 598K)

How do you actually bloat a pic up to a specific size like 666K using the terminal?

I'm afraid to do so.
What does your script do? I don't understand.

Attached: 1530873009264.jpg (548x575, 122K)

Try it in a virtual machine.

well here's the smallest one that's still the same as the original

Attached: 1530914570444.png (563x563, 94K)

sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root ; mkjpeg --size 999k -o out.jpg

test it in a chroot jail

alias aurs='aurman -S'
alias aurup='aurman -Syu'
alias aurq='aurman -Q | grep'
alias aurr='aurman -R'

alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias lsq='ls -a | grep'

#Global Config Files
alias vimfig='sudo vim /etc/vimrc'
alias bashfig='sudo vim /etc/bash.bashrc'

alias t='tmux'
alias ta='tmux attach'
alias td='tmux detach'
alias reboot='sudo reboot'
alias mounts='cat /proc/mounts | grep /dev/sd'
alias folders='du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -hr'

Fuck off retard

>cat | grep

my aliases involve lolis

is the cute loli image meant to be funny because she lacks a nose?

Chroots are not jails.

Fuck you're right. I set that up forever ago and haven't really thought about it since.


Look into sudoedit. Benefit is that it makes a copy and only touches the real file when saving.

alias sudo="sudo "

Sorry but how is that different? Like the file doesn't get affected until I save anyway.

I have that one too. Good alias.

Attached: >.jpg (800x1132, 444K)

alias sudoedit='sudo -e'


Just do a lot of exercises (of which you have the solutions, otherwise you won't know if you actually solved them) and when you don't know how to proceed read the theory and find a solution. If you really can't then use Wolfram Alpha, but only to look at the specific passage you can't solve, you'll remember it next time.
I passed my calculus exam this way studying all day starting 5 days before the exam, but how much time you need depends on what you learned in high school, I'm also not from America

Are you guys even trying? Quantitize your PNGs! Beats JPEG on drawn content.

Attached: zopped.png (563x563, 10K)

not lossless

Fuck your loss. It was full of jpeg and scaling artifacts to start with. No one needs a lossless simpsons reaction png.

Attached: zopped2.png (563x563, 6K)

alias cls=clear
Literally the only thing I like from windows


if [ $UID -ne 0 ];then
echo "$(basename $0) must be run by root"
exit 1


case $1 in
if [ -e /tmp/pidfile.pid ]; then
su -c 'pkill -F /tmp/pidfile.pid &> /dev/null' $USER
rm -f /tmp/pidfile.pid
su -c 'setsid sleep 60 < /dev/null &> /dev/null & disown \
&& echo $! > /tmp/pidfile.pid' $USER
if [ -e /tmp/pidfile.pid ]; then
su -c 'pkill -F /tmp/pidfile.pid &> /dev/null' $USER
rm -f /tmp/pidfile.pid
echo "$(basename $0) is not running"
echo "use $(basename $0) [start|stop]"
i think it daemonizes like, 90% as well as doing it in c. i'm pretty sure there are ways you could still get a tty with this but it depends on the program being run (sleep 60 in this example). it's a quick mess i just made today so you'll have to forgive the redundancy and other minors ugly points.

set this script as your login shell for 1337 security

ip=$(hostname -i)
latency="$(ping -c 1 $ip | grep -o 'time=.* ' | cut -d= -f 2 | cut -d. -f 1)"
if [ $latency != "0" ]; then
toilet --gay 'nice try,
glow in the
dark nigger'
exit 69

Try control+L

Install xtools, you dingus

this is funny because it deletes the whole os! :D

cdls() { cd "$@" && ls; }

perform an ls when you cd, this is my most oft used alias

df -h | grep | awk '{ print $4 }'

just prints the amount of free space in human-readable units on my backup drive

Bullshit. Compare the png in with yours. There's a visible difference and you introduced artifacts in the right half of the image as well. It's just not as obvious as with the other ones.
This is perhaps not the smallest possible version, but the smallest lossless version optimized at a reasonable speed.

Attached: ect -9 --strict.png (563x563, 257K)

Das ist kawaii, richtig? ^○^

Here is a pape for you user

Attached: OyGQKMm.jpg (2880x1800, 253K)

Attached: shadman.webm (718x720, 973K)

serve='(port=$(( 8000+( $(od -An -N2 -i /dev/random) )%(1023+1) )); (open localhost:${port}; python -m SimpleHTTPServer ${port}))'

ytdl='youtube-dl -o "%(playlist_index)s. %(title)s.%(ext)s" '

ytdla='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality best -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" '

iwget='wget -nd -r -A jpeg,jpg,bmp,gif,png --reject txt -e robots=off '

fwget='wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites --no-parent -e robots=off '