C# vs. Kotlin

If you have used both, which do you prefer?

Attached: kotlin vs c-sharp.png (442x459, 24K)

They're both pure garbage.

C# cos it's fun

Wouldn't F# be the MS ecosystem equivalent?


Okay. Why?

Depends on what I'm making doesn't it. A

Attached: ser-barristan-selmy-kingsguard-armor-for-king-robert-baratheon-kingslanding.jpg (899x790, 143K)

F# is more of .NET's equivalent of Scala. Also, I don't think Kotlin has its ASP.NET.

Kotlin is shit!

F# is more like a Scala/Haskell mix.

Kotlin is just Java with less retarded syntax, easier concurrency support and no nullable types by default. It's basically Java 2.

Kotlin should be getting typeclasses/HKT soon enough, which will put it ahead of basically everyone except Scala and Haskell.

C# and ASP.NET is a perfect mix for large-scale business systems.

F# is a more pure functional language than both Kotlin and Scala.

I really think Kotlin is great and is the best over all language I personally used. C# is pretty good as well especially now, since it's fully open source and there is a jetbrains IDE that should also work on mac and even linux?

So you think Kotlin is better than C#?

Kotlin is the most aspie, retarded name that they could come up with. Of course nobody wants to adopt it.

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>Kotlin is great and is the best over all language I personally used

>sealed classes by default
>inconsistent null policy with java libraries

it's improvement over java, no doubt, but I still prefer C#

wont touch anything russian, but mspajeets are based

>Calls entire languages trash
>Provides no reasoning
Shit programmer detected

>inconsistent null policy with java libraries
That's one of Kotlin's best features, user

Non-nullable types make for better security and safety than one can otherwise get. It is far more flexible than java, while remaining highly expressive, easy to read, and intuitive to write.

>russian language oh no
>jetbrains is czech
>entire language uses normal english expressions

Attached: kotlin-chan.jpg (500x768, 85K)


Have you used both C# and Kotlin? Why do you prefer Go to both?

Ocaml has modules which are far more flexible than typeclasses and modular implicits for when you're ok with compiler automagically generating constraints.

>modular implicits
Are they already implemented?

Soon™ but we're getting dependent types with them as well because Leo is awesome.

>dependent types

comfy and not written by kikes

Leo wants to (internally) lift the module system into something equivalent to dependent types.
This would allow one to get dependent types in ocaml with extension language.

>not written by kikes
You'll have to be more specific than that Mr. Jow Forums. What specific problems with the language are you generalizing as "written by kikes"?

What does the Kotlin logo look like?

Attached: kotlin_250x250.png (250x250, 5K)

It was literally developed by kikes for kike purposes.

Isn't C# pajeet-tier enterpriseshit?

Kotlin. The JVM ecosystem is vastly superior to the .NET one. Far better / far more libs and it's not all so centered on Windows.

Yet its foundation is shit.

>Far better

I hate VS and its retarded shills, so i would use Kotlin. Also true multiplatform without extreme regressions.

I really like C# and feel like .Net Core is shaping up to be really neat.


Swift is better than both

C# has a prominent Jewish developer. What "kike purposes", anyway?

Last I checked, working with Swift on Linux kind of sucked, especially if your Linux distro wasn't Ubuntu. Does it still?

Does it sucked because what?

You crybaby so retarded that you can't install it?

There's a package for Fedora, e.g.

>Non-nullable types make for better security and safety than one can otherwise get
I agree, but you practically have to use java libraries some time. They don't have non-nullable types, so you end up with all mixed up.