Sorry, Ubuntu 18.04 has experienced an internal error

Sorry, Ubuntu 18.04 has experienced an internal error

Attached: 1508202802838.jpg (1337x1289, 238K)

I hate this shit Distro; 16.04 was way better
>Don't want the Applications thing on the top left, so I download the 'Applications Menu' gnome extension...doesnt work
>>have to go to tweaks > enable hot corners > disable applications menu > go back to tweaks and disable hot corners
>running dual monitors; sometimes boots without the second monitor not recognized; have to reboot
>put machine on sleep or suspend; turn it back on; second monitor doesnt work

put this distro into the bin desu

I'm not very impressed, myself.They've certainly done something screwy to Gnome because I'm using well over 2 gigs of RAM with only Firefox open, versus less than half that amount in Arch.I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and wait things out. Maybe they'll get things sorted soon.16.04 was nearly perfect.

I was an avid Fedora user, but due to some shitty obscure FPGA IDE I use I had to switch to Ubuntu. I installed 18.04 Gnome and what the actual motherfuck... I had no idea someone could fuck up an interface that much. They could've just shipped stock Gnome and that would be much better. The underlying system is pretty ok imo though.

>They could've just shipped stock Gnome
Right? I have no idea what they've done to Gnome so I live in fear of using extensions, and that only adds to the misery.

>I-it just works!
Yeah whatever. The presentation is nice, but the cracks really start to show after about a week.
Arch in my opinion was a much cleaner experience. They keep it simple, so you install only what you need.
So no "internal error" messages lol

Do you know what the actual error is? Just curious if it's that xapian error that plagued me in 16.04.

Just change the desktop environment you mong.
Running i3 on ubuntu 18.04 over here and its the most comfy linux experience of my life so far. Everything just werks.

>Sorry, Ubuntu 18.04 has experienced an internal error
this is a joke, right? ubuntu doesnt ACTUALLY give windows-style error messages, does it? DOES IT?

how would a windows manager fix the issues i memetexted?
it unironically does
16.04 did it too sometimes

>sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -fy

this kills the OS

>it unironically does
oh wow, could you post a screenshot? that shit sounds hillarious. maybe I should give ubuntu a try after all..

>what is ubuntu minimal
stupid arch user

>>what is ubuntu minimal
I dunno.. useless? how about just use debian

>how would a windows manager fix the issues i memetexted?
i3 is a window manager but it replaces the entire DE. The 'applications thing' doesn't exist. The default DE's dodgy way of handling multiple screens doesn't exist (probably your dual monitor problem)

>what is ubuntu minimal
Literally garbage with the same issues already listed in this thread. Stupid ubongo user

>Change gay login screen
>download compiz or metacity

Wow that was so hard

Too bad ubuntu doesn't have a gui log viewer for dummies thingie like mint does.

Just install Xubuntu or Ubuntu-MATE ffs

Xubuntu is rock solid. Exactly like the last one but with 18.04 base. You can't improve on perfection.

You know it makes sense.

Attached: xubuntu.png (368x369, 52K)

Attached: disdain for plebs.png (720x405, 246K)

How so? You only install what you want/need.
Debian's defaults suck even more, and testing is less supported than ubuntu

>They keep it simple, so you install only what you need.
Are you talking about Debian or gentoo? Arch is the opposite of minimal.

Attached: arch is not minimalist.png (1169x3679, 513K)