When will ReactOS actually be usable and not buggy to the point of unusablity?

When will ReactOS actually be usable and not buggy to the point of unusablity?

I think they should first focus on stability before compatibility but that maybe better said than done.

Attached: 0_4_0.png (1019x767, 420K)

the Fine Brothers made an OS?

it's a useless piece of trash, just use gentoo

gentoo is compromised
Use Plan9

Things are moving along fairly quickly. It'll probably be ready for real hardware by 2020.

Plan9's GUI has down's syndrome. Use Haiku.


patches welcome

Attached: Gundam's_head.jpg (640x480, 44K)


Stability for what if there would be nothing without compatibility?

This. ReactOS purely exists to provide a FOSS OS that can run Windows software. If it can't do that it's literally useless.

Bait thread.

Donate your time or money if you are interested.
Otherwise shut it.

Anything that's based off of windows will forever be doomed to be buggy.


i have actually done that few times and i dont even need it

never. its goal is to replicate a buggy, unusable operating

sorry, BSOD


Getting rid of most bugs within the OS and making it stable enough to be usable. I'm saying focus on that than on the compatibility of programs. They already have some compatibility with certain programs, so they can easily focus on stability and squashing most bugs within the OS. If they focus on both they will most likely never get out of alpha and into beta or stable.

It won't. It will eternally be doomed to play the catch up game without reaching mainstream support

russians will never write good software


After the year of Linux. So never.

Stop it with the dead memes you faggot
You too you sack of shit