What is the sexiest terminal emulator Jow Forums?

What is the sexiest terminal emulator Jow Forums?

Attached: serveimage.png (602x500, 45K)

SSHing into your pihole cause you screenfetch'd your gentoo install on your Xiaomi after buying into all the memes simultaneously




Attached: Screenshot_20180707_045307.png (1920x1080, 1.05M)

Command Prompt


Xterm is experienced





urxvt or termite.

I concur.

iTerm 2
(ironically all the ones for Linux/BSD are shit)

Konsole > whatever proprietary macshit you're pushing

Never used it (have you used iTerm 2?), but it looks like the same thing with fewer actually useful features.

cool-retro-term of course

I was just about to post this.

>(ironically all the ones for Linux/BSD are shit)
>Hasn't even used Konsole
Confirmed for macshitter who himself confirmed that Terminal.app is utter shit.

Imagine having to pay for a Terminal emulator that has less features than even Gnome-terminal because the built in the terminal emulator for your OS is so utterly trash.

For me, it's the macOS Terminal.app

Attached: Appleterminal2.png (1200x841, 469K)

I SSHed into your mom's pihole all weekend.

Terminal.app is ok, better than any of the default ones in the Linux distros I've seen. iTerm 2 is freeware, so idk what you're talking about.

You should give iTerm 2 a try. It's the same thing but better afaik, and the ui is similar enough that you'd already know how to use it. Things like automatic profile switching are convenient in ways you'd not even think about without trying it.

btw, the shittiest thing about the Linux ones is having to press 3 buttons to copy or paste. Well I'll bet there's a way around that using the mod button, just one more hack to deal with.

I do wish there was an easy way to bind all cut copy paste to Meta+x Meta+c Meta+v. KDE lets you do it but it only applies within KDE apps

Good point. Might look into it. Thank you.


rxvt-unicode-256color with terminus as the font and Gruvbox as the color scheme.

xfce4-terminal without the menu

Hide that menu bar.

Attached: menubar.png (1366x768, 141K)

This is how my Konsole(KDE TermEmu) looks like, just with action keys on the right.

Just keys and window, this is all what i need


upterm, what could be sexier than a Electron-based terminal?