Why do people here hate Discord again?

Why do people here hate Discord again?

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Because of its business model which relies on datamining.


everything you use is probably datamining you to be honest. You don't think Google and Facebook are also datamining your information? lol

>hehe!! you probably use Google and Facebook. I win!
We don't use those botnets, sorry.

I really hope you don't use Facebook or Google

I use Google, Facebook, Apple all the time because I am not an autistic neckbeard on a 10 year old chinkpad with libreboot cause of muh freedoms.

You don't have to be autistic to choose software that doesn't datamine. Open source software exists, and tech savvy people that value privacy use it.

I use Linux, ddg, a VPN, and riot.im/matrix. It's not hard. You only don't use these software if you don't know any better or if you're lazy

Because of glorious IRC using master race.

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in other words a normie

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HELLooooOOOOO SWEETHEART!!!! AWWWW uuu looki soo cute today!!!! sorry I have to say this huneybear but you Must be over 18 to be on this site!! -- LOVE MOMMY XOOXOXOXOXOXO


Attached: nice-proprietary-software-faggot.jpg (580x346, 47K)

it tries too hard to be /v/ and normalfag friendly with GAMER FUNNY QUOTES OVERWATCH XD
also is literally a bloated chinese datamining program that runs on fucking electron

Private company logging all your conversations and data and can decide to ban you on a whim for whatever reason. The discord client software collects information about what processes are running on the system, even though they deny this.

>The discord client software
what, you mean the website javascript blob?

I fucking hate it but none of my peers want to use riot or IRC
What do?

Should I be worried about it even if it's turned off?

Nobody who uses likes those quotes, user. So many people have been asking Discord to remove them (They did remove everything Rick and Morty thankfully) but Discord seems to be keeping them just to spite everyone

It's written in JavaScript and functions accordingly as a pile of performance killing shit. That's reason enough to hate it.

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find new peers

>they deny this
how so? its explicitly a feature to share what game you play.

Because IRC and Mumble exist

The Discord communications system requires running a nonfree client program that collects lots of data about users.

The developer denies the claim that Discord reports which processes are running on the user's machine.

Also, selling data is not the sole way that the company makes money, but I don't think that question directly matters anyway. What matters, ethically, is what the software does to users. The developers' motives for making it do those things are pertinent to understanding the situation but they should not alter our moral judgment of the program.

this entire thread is a product of American summer

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How can it collect data and check my processes when I run it in browser?

Stop downloading cp and maybe you won't have to worry about applications collecting data on you, morons.

It doesn't. If you use the client you should uninstall it and then uninstall yourself from this world.

Good for you, you fucking retard. You asked why people here didn't like it, and you got your answer.
You obviously don't belong, get the fuck out.

>The discord client software collects information about what processes are running on the system, even though they deny this
If only you could avoid any potential privacy implications simply by using the web client instead.

Promoting ignorance through its simplicity

"The community doesnt even like the quotes"

You must be a special kind of autism.

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That's a pretty sweet image, user.

It's always bugged me how Discord just came completely out of the blue from a company no one's heard of and took off practically overnight. Especially when it comes to making money, there's no way they can be making that much off of Nitro. And yet people still defend it and use it religiously, it's baffling and shady as fuck.

Hard to believe it's been 3 years since it launched.

What does it do that is better than mumble?

The IRC chat room?

>I use Facebook


when i first heard of it, I asked who made it. Nobody i knew who used it had any idea.

So its free? yes.

And you dont know who made it? yes.

And you download it and allow it to know when you are in game and you use it for all your communication? yes.

And there are no ads? yes.

I asked all of my friends this and the answers were the same. How the hell can you trust something that brings up so many questions. Obviously its mining a ton of data from your computer in some way

I asked one of my friends that i previously thought was fairly intelligent where Discord got their money. He said he didn't know. I told him they had to data mine to get it and he just denied it, yet couldn't come up with another way they would get money. All he did was deny it and insist it was just free and must not cost that much to host.
I feel that blissful ignorance is the stance most users take on the matter

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Right place right time. Normies were incredibly avoidant of IRC and TeamSpeak as it required you to install a client and manually enter server details. Along comes Discord with a fully featured web client and all people have to do is click on a URL to enter your chatroom. It's cloud based so you stay "connected" even when the browser is closed or your computer is off.

There's nothing to download. That's part of what makes it so convenient. Why install another botnet client when you can just visit it in your browser where the same process sandboxing that is applied to every website comes into effect?

Why can't the website spy on you? What makes it supposedly private?

>t. salty irc boomer

The website spies on you in the same way any cloud chat platform does: by storing text you enter. But that's where it ends, and they can't get any additional information about you beyond what every other website can. The client, on the other hand, can read a list of all running processes which by default requires access to kernel memory. In other words it's literal spyware.

That doesn't sound much better, user.

I mean, oh no, Discord knows I'm running work software at home. I'm more concerned about the fact that it would look in the first place.

The point is that by installing the client you're willingly opening yourself to additional datamining. Modern browsers are aware of how much websites spy on you and have mitigations such as sandboxing and tracking protection. Installing a program separate from the browser grants it unrestricted access to your entire computer.

I'm glad casualfags / normies use discord.

IRC doesn't need them, they need IRC.

As a VOIP platform, its shit. Security is garbage, closed source, chinese botnet. I use mumble because I can launch it and immediately communicate with my friends. I don't need the bullshit bells and whistles, music bots or image posting.

Not only that, but actually REMOVING the program from your computer is ridiculously difficult. It has an auto-installer that re-installs it upon restart.

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Yeah but user, you're totally right, but the point I'm making is this sounds like so much bullshit I don't feel much safer on their website.

They outright give away your data to anybody with an SJW agenda, or anybody for that matter. They're worse than Google in that respect.


Like for real, not just a link to some half-baked blog.

You have nothing to fear of datamining. No one cares about your hentai porn and /b/ shit. Only those that actually do illegal shit care. Are you one of them?

How illegal is loli? Because I'm a data hoarder, I have enough hentai games to build a museum out of.

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I'm a leaf, though...But thanks.

Oh, read the footnote. Well, that's a shit. Now I have a reason to avoid dataminers. I don't feel like it reading my .exe loli games.

Enjoy your prison sentence.


Then just USE THE GODDAMNED WEBSITE like any knowledgeable person would.

I actually can't. It doesn't pick up or read my microphone, no matter what I do, and I can't hear other people on it. Sites like Vocaroo work fine, but never figured it out. Tried in fresh browsers, different browsers, etc. No go. Even opened a support ticket; no avail.

as long as it isnt real then it's ok (probably not in the EU tho) You should probably sort yourself out either way. Shit's destructive.

No thanks, I like my loli. Mostly about body type than anything, pettanko is more my thing (Petite girls with small breasts, especially if they're insecure about it). The dick guides me.

Did you add an exception for UDP-in to your browser at the firewall? I was having that same problem and used the app on my phone for voice chat until I realized it uses WebRTC which works over UDP. Try test.webrtc.org and see if it passes.

[ OK ] Audio track created using device=default: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[ INFO ] Channel 0 levels: -14.5 dB (peak), -25.1 dB (RMS)
[ INFO ] Channel 1 levels: -14.5 dB (peak), -25.1 dB (RMS)
[ OK ] Active audio input channels: 2
[ INFO ] Mono microphone detected.

Audio seems A-OK, fully green. Works on everything -but- the Discord browser, no matter what. That's a really neat website, though; thank you. UDP and TCP are enabled, too.

Not defending them but I will say that just because a company is seemingly successful doesn't mean they make any money. The big thing these days is to hemorrhage money until you get bought some conglomerate. Thankfully with Twitter's failures this strategy is finally dying.

because only boomers use discord

Did you enable access to your microphone for the discord website? If you previously hit deny you'll have to reset permissions to ask you the next time you visit. Also what browser are you using?

No, boomers use IRC.

Discord makes its money through merchandising, Nitro (it's paid membership, which is pretty shitty in any case) and investors. It's essentially a deal in which these big Jew investors give discord money, and someday when discord had enough nitro members to sustain themselves without needing investors, they'll pay them back. Simple as that.

Firefox Quantam, most recent version, but I also tried on Opera and Chrome. The issue is it isn't just my mic, I've had it work maybe once or twice, but when I try and talk to people, several things happen:

1) I can either hear a few people, or nobody at all
2) My microphone won't even register to be picked up
3) It will be registered for pickup, but nothing will transmit

It doesn't seem to be a purely microphone based issue, so it must be with my system, but I couldn't figure out how to fix it. I believe I cleared all cookies and permissions and then attempted to use the website again, but I could always try that once more. I have a feeling it won't be the issue. Sometimes if I join, I can hear people but can't talk. Not often, though.

no, boomers are shit, discord is shit
so.. boomers use discord

Then use the app on your phone and if you must talk through your PC mic/speakers use bluetooth and it'll act as if you were in a phone call.
I don't think you know what boomer means in the context of Jow Forums.

Most 30+ year-olds I know still use IRC. I'm 24, but its quite popular with the earlier internet generation.

boomers are cucks

I don't have a phone sadly. I have an old Nexus 7 tablet, but it has issues connecting to my wi-fi, and it has a very low quality audio record. I actually did do that, though, at one point, when my old microphone broke down.

In relation to Jow Forums, it moves discussion off threads into circlejerk chat rooms. Some generals in some of the slowest boards have them in the OP for some reason, so there ends up being very little in the thread itself.

I'm 23 and I still use IRC daily. It just fucking works and I run it on my home server so I can access it through SSH on my phone or laptop on the go. Everything works seamlessly unless there's a power outage longer than 40 minutes but those haven't happened in the last 5 years.

i use IRC to download porn

XDCC is only used for downloading illegal pornography. You don't do that, do you, user?

Also anime, some of which is of the pornographic variety.

>im edgy Russo-Mongol/Swedistani and hate Americans on an American website, on internet that was made accessible to people by US military, on an American made OS, browser in a PC which is entirely American made and invented by design.

enjoy the free ride into what you or your people never deserved to have, you irrelevant sub-human retard.
t. your fellow European.

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i only download butt-stuff, lots of it


boomer cuck detected

It's actually Moviepass.

>illegal pornography
Sounds like eDonkey and Gnutella

im 20 and the exact opposite of cuck. cucks are in whatever shithole you are from. possibly UK, Sweden, Russia or some Slavshit Uttermensch country.

>20 y/o

only boomers use p2p, smart people pay to use file locker websites

Partly because of their shady business model and privacy policies, and partly because their "desktop app" runs in a shitty chromium container with garbage chromium font rendering, and the mobile app is fucking awful and crippled.

>exact opposite of cuck
so.. your gf watches while you take it in the butt?

>the mobile app is fucking awful and crippled.
This. The web app on desktop has an option for condensed view where it doesn't show profile images which would be perfect on phones with small screens but for whatever reason it's not available so you can only see at most 6 entries before you have to scroll it.

Who are you even quoting?

If you use this service, you should not be on Jow Forums.

telegram is prettier and doesn't datamine

Because Jow Forums tried to do its own version and failed super-hard thanks to "Creative Differences"

Can I do an international video call with no lag? I'm trying to call my EU buddies from the West Coast and I'm getting like 275ms...

It's so laggy and bloated that I can feel it even on my gaming fucking PC. I just feel the shitty Chinese nigger code running on my precious system. Not to mention the userbase which is beyond autistic and some of them even dare to ask others why arent they using the same piece of crap. Well here you have the answer, faggot.

Indian code. Indian. Chinese are alright.

Jow Forums is unironically defending proprietary software. How do we stop this?

>software that doesn't datamine
Smart people are awesome. Thnx for being great, user, and always checking the privacy levels on the services you recommend sround :)))))

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