"Trump's Supreme Court nominee argued last year that net neutrality rules violate the First Amendment rights of...

"Trump's Supreme Court nominee argued last year that net neutrality rules violate the First Amendment rights of Internet service providers by preventing them from "exercising editorial control" over Internet content."

Enjoy ISP censorship of any damn site they please now, you fascist assholes who thought letting corporations decide what they had to carry on shared wires was a good idea.

Do you stupid fuckers know why automatic telephone switches were invented in the first place?

Because the operators manually connecting the calls began to favor their relatives and friends whenever business calls came in.

In other words, a service everyone was beginning to depend on was being manipulated by the monopolies that controlled it, rendering it useless, and because people weren't as stupid as y'all are now, automatic switches and "common carrier" laws were passed.

Now, because you don't know history, you who thought eliminating Net Neutrality was a good idea have cucked yourselves Real Good.


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dont care as long as i can get my anime tiddies

quit being melodramatic. the internet survived perfectly fine for years before net neutrality was ever a thing and it's doing just fine right now (servicewise). plus if you knew shit all about networking, you'd know that bandwidth is currently allocated pretty inefficiently across the major networks.

that aside, i feel like having a stable, constitutional society is more important than net neutrality.

>fascist assholes
You angsty redditors never use 'fascist' correctly

And I thought I understand what NN is about.
How the fuck is it correlated with censorship and surveillance?

It's not our job to educate idiots like you

Normalfags think that Obongo's net neutrality ruling being repealed is somehow going to turn the internet into a totalitarian police state controlled by corporations despite the fact that most of them willingly sell all of their personal info to corporations anyway

Right, but it's your job to suck my dick and get the fuck out of here. Get back to work, nigger.

That's gonna be $4.99 per month to access it via the anime sites pack.

this but unironically

>heh...anything to piss off the SJW's......

This but also unironically

notice how nothing changed before NN and till now

keep scaremongering dumb cunts

this is like eu banning memes lmao

only way to get through to idiots is mention memes

t. reddit

>some picture from over a decade ago showing websites in packs
>lets use that to scare people into wanting NN
>never happened
>no evidence isps want to or can do that
>nothing happened before obama NN
>nothing changed now it's repealed
>still crying about it

Bernie can still win guys

>people blame trump for this
>not a single person, NOT A SINGLE PERSON, opposed net neutrality's repeal, not even the most left democrats


dat reddit spacing tho

reddit wants it as a utility too just because they think it will be $20 a month for gigabit then

>wah wah wah
The internet has always lived under oppressive corporate oversight, banning this or that or charging you for these and those arbitrarily.
This won't change anything other than maybe to have you stupid fucking leddit dipshits reconsider calling your literal corporate playground the "bastion of free political movements and speech"
You are owned by suits. ACTUAL suits. Not just some guy in a hoodie who says "I'm CEO for tax reasons". People who are regularly fired and replaced by a board because they are SUITS. And you think you're fighting for something.
Idiots. All of you.

Maybe if you actually had a bone in your fucking body you'd switch away from Big Daddy and Co. and use anything else, and protect what you do, and make it damn near impossible for this to be anything worth caring about
But you won't, because you can't, because you only want to whine until you get your way. Action is for aggressive, bull headed people after all, isn't it?

yeah i'm so sick of all those bad changes that have happened and were removed when NN was in place with obama

oh wait!

It's almost as if they understood the benefit of the FTC retaining authority over what is clearly rebuilding into another Ma Bell situation.
Net Neutrality is a fucking joke, we've been squabbling over this for 20 years, it's never been an issue because it makes neither macro nor micro economic sense to impose.
What does make sense is data caps, and there's nothing against net neutrality involved with that!


Yet oddly enough we only saw more censorship, and more throttling. Funny how people who talk shit about Trump are consistently wrong.

Ya net neutrality violates first amendment but not cp laws that make ones and zeros illegal? Fucking government stooges fuck them all

Has there been any improvement at all to the internet? Has it benefited me in any way whatsoever? Put it in terms of how it benefits me. If the words free market come out of your mouth I will ignore everything you say.

Attached: fd5.jpg (469x513, 25K)

Free access to more information than any human being on the planet in all of history.

Trump is shit, go fuck yourself.

fuck drumpf and fuck wypipo

Arguments about NN are Jow Forums not Jow Forums
Kindly fuck off

NN is inherent to Jow Forums

you mean willingly give for free, like a whore

get the fuck outta here with your boomer memes

Remember, censorship is only bad when it's done by the government.

The internet became worst after net neutrality was implemented.

Another Trump hater that doesn't have anything but insults.

>NN good because monopolies bad
>biggest lobbyists for NN:Google, Facebook and Netflix

Thanks for describing the internet as it was intended (all packets are to be treated equally). Now what we're you saying about not wanting net neutrality?

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Trump is guilty , he acts guilty , he talks guilty , his people have already plead guilty, are under investigation, and one in jail.

He's a criminal , and also a hateful person who brings hate with him everywhere he goes.
Hopefully the Mueller investigation will end with Trump's complete disgrace.
A criminal and traitor like Trump shouldn't be choosing any judges.

President Avenatti will make things right.
By the way , I don't believe Trump has tweeted one word about Avenatti since the start, he's scared of him. #basta

Attached: Trump Is Guilty as sin.jpg (1536x864, 900K)

Net neutrality AKA net communism

>Net neutrality AKA net communism
Ur dum

>implying the entire "investigation" isn't anything but a cheap ploy to prevent Trump from firing their asses
That's it, keep the salt coming.

Guilty of what? What'd he do?
If this is the state of American liberal rhetoric, it's no wonder you guys lost. For comparison, Clinton was accused of pedophilia and human trafficking. You know, actual tangible wrongdoings, instead of some kind of wishy-washy general criminality.

Fake news, try again comrade


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