So my dad is programming in Object Pascal because he's, you know, old. Was thinking on helping him out in some ways

So my dad is programming in Object Pascal because he's, you know, old. Was thinking on helping him out in some ways.

Too bad I'm a failure as a programmer. So my way of helping would be to a) find him a similar language more up to the times and help him migrate or b) find him a free IDE for Object Pascal. Delphi is EXPENSIVE.

Any way some of you Jow Forumsentooman can help me out with any of this? Thanks

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>my dad makes things using old tools
>I can't make anything at all
>which tools should I tell him to use instead

yep, something like that. I'd change the last sentence tho: which tools should YOU tell him to use instead. That's why I made the thread, to find someone who doesn't suck and therefore point me in the right direction.

>try to impress his own father with someone else knowledge
God you're pathetic, tour father will be never proud of a son that cant fucking program. That'sva matter of fact.
Buy a goddam book and git gud font ask for advice that make you look more expert but become the expert.
God your father cry everynigth for your failure.

Let him use whatever language he wants to use.

What's the problem, you faggot? While you're shitposting on 4chink he's getting shit done.

pajeet not everyone has to write kode outside of streetshitistan
i have to wonder why you think he should learn to program in some different language. If he wanted to, he would have done it already. If it's because he's out of a job, then he should try to move to something relevant to the industry, not relevant to pascal. Ie c++,java, python, js

Now Pascal? THAT was a real programming language...

Besides what's wrong with Delphi? Yeah, nobody uses it anymore but it was my first language and I don't remember it being particularly shitty or anything.


Lazarus IDE. It has all the tools delphi has, it's foss and it is compatible with delphi

thanks family, this looks good

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pascal was the building blocks for nearly all languages. Knowing it and learning it means you can ease into nearly any other language.
Learn something yourself and fuck off. Pascal is pretty fast and works fine.

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my god that interface is slow

t. OP's dad

for pirating purposes only

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for pirating purposes only. really.

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What's the point of this?

he's right though

>t. the one with a job

Ada is everything delphi would have ever hope to be.
If he uses it for interfaces bad luck, that shit is crap, but very unique, it will be difficult to copy

Sintax is almost the same too

>Delphi? Yeah, nobody uses it anymore
hey, it pays my bills ;_;


delphi is still good tho