Post string palindrome check in your favourite language

Post string palindrome check in your favourite language.

#include < stdio.h >
#include < string.h >
int palindrome(char string[200]) {
int i;
int flag = 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) {
if (string[i] == string[strlen(string) - i - 1])
flag = 1;
if (flag == 1)
printf("palindrome string");
printf("not palindrome string");

return 0;

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
char string[200];
(argv[1]) == string;
return palindrome(argv[1]);


Attached: signal-2018-06-30-012943.jpg (640x1136, 149K)

Other urls found in this thread:

char string[200];
(argv[1]) == string;
return palindrome(argv[1]);

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Attached: 8fe[1].jpg (613x531, 41K)

f(s) ={s.localCompare(s.split('').reverse().join())}

I don't understand the difficulty? what the fuck is your program doing?



oh look it's another fizzbuzz thread

ran it through my compiler seems to work
program = (arg) => { let output = '';let memory = [];let ptr = 0;let get = (ptr) => memory[ptr]||0;++ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;++ptr;memory[ptr] = arg.charCodeAt(0); arg = arg.substring(1);while (get(ptr)) {++ptr;memory[ptr] = arg.charCodeAt(0); arg = arg.substring(1);}--ptr;while (get(ptr)) {--ptr;}++ptr;++ptr;while (get(ptr)) {while (get(ptr)) {++ptr;}--ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;while (get(ptr)) {memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;++ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;--ptr;}--ptr;while (get(ptr)) {--ptr;}++ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;++ptr;while (get(ptr)) {while (get(ptr)) {++ptr;}++ptr;while (get(ptr)) {memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;--ptr;}--ptr;while (get(ptr)) {++ptr;}--ptr;while (get(ptr)) {--ptr;}++ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;}memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;++ptr;while (get(ptr)) {++ptr;}++ptr;while (get(ptr)) {--ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;++ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;while (get(ptr)) {while (get(ptr)) {memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;}--ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;++ptr;}--ptr;while (get(ptr)) {memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;--ptr;while (get(ptr)) {--ptr;}}}++ptr;++ptr;++ptr;}memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;while (get(ptr)) {memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;++ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;--ptr;}--ptr;--ptr;while (get(ptr)) {++ptr;++ptr;++ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)+1;--ptr;--ptr;--ptr;memory[ptr] = get(ptr)-1;}++ptr;++ptr;++ptr;output += String.fromCharCode(get(ptr));return output;}

not sure what the 8 and the 6 is supposed to do, it works without that

the ABSOLUTE STATE of Jow Forums

In Julia:

palin(s) = length(s) < 2 || (s[1] == s[end] && palin(s[2:end-1]))


checkPal :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool
checkpal [] = True
checkPal [x] = True
checkPal x = do
if ((head x)==(last x))
then checkPal(tail$init x)
else False

What a hideous language. I was all hyped about Haskell 3 years ago, now I despise all the naming it uses.

Nice quadratic complexity faggot.

def is_palindrome(s):
return s == s[::-1]


Lmfao okay which one of you did this?

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funnily, that strlen(string) in loop and condition might actually be optimized out because there is no mutation of underlying string

How is that quadratic complexity?

I'm lazy with strings so I did it for lists:

s --> [].
s --> [X].
s --> [X],s,[X].

?- isPalindrome([a,b,c,b,a]).

?- isPalindrome([p,r,o,l,o,g]).

(def testlist ["abba" "abcdef" "abcdcba" "azba" "dcbc"])

(defn paltest [string]
(let [test (for [idx (range 0 (/ (count string) 2))
:let [y (= (nth string (+ idx 0)) (nth string (- (- (count string) 1) idx)))
(every? true? test))

(map paltest testlist)

Those are linked lists, so last takes linear time.

function isPalindrome?(argument)
return argument == tnemugra

Something like this or?

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I don't feel so Jow Forumsood

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You can't make code like this up. This guy was specifically taught shit code by some random fucker.

>palindrome :: [Char] -> IO Int


fun main(args: Array) {

fun String.isPalidrome() = this == this.reversed()



What's happening here? Are you defining a generic function or what?

def is_palindrome( s ) :
hl = len( s ) // 2
return s[ :hl ] == s[ -hl: ][ ::-1 ]

geeez surly this must be deleted by now

>2 super serious answers for muh internet likes

gott ist tot.

just a few features, no generics tho.

1. extension function on the built in `String` type.
2. type interference so I don't have to specify the return type as Boolean.

here is how the function could evolve, using more basic language features.

C like
fun isPalidrome(input: String): Boolean {
if (input == input.reversed()) {
return true
} else {
return false

expression based
fun isPalidrome(input: String): Boolean {
return if (input == input.reversed()) {
} else {

futher simplifaction
fun isPalidrome(input: String): Boolean {
return input == input.reversed()

One liner can be use the '=' function syntax

fun isPalidrome(input: String) = input == input.reversed()

finally, lets use turn it into an extension function

fun String.isPalidrome() = this == this.reversed()

return s == s[::-1]

Much prettier.

>s[ -hl: ][ ::-1 ]
this is bad, but wow there is really weird behavior
a = 'abcdefghi'
hl = len(a) // 2

now try to combine the two square brackets into one
a[hl::-1] => 'edcba'
a[:hl:-1] => 'ihgf'

This is the opposite of what I've expected. Intuitively [hl::-1] would start from half to end and went in reverse, but it first reverses and then takes the right half.

palindrome = (\x -> map toLower x == reverse (map toLower x))

local function is_palindrome(s)
return s == s:reverse()

why the unnecessary lambda
palindrome x = map toLower x == reverse (map toLower x)

why the unnecessary argument
palindrome = ((==) `on` map toLower) id reverse

why the pointless reply?

why the no fun allowed attitude?

bool is_palindrome(std::string_view const s)
{ return std::equal(std::begin(s), std::begin(s) + (s.length() >> 1), std::rbegin(s)); }

def isPalindrome(str: String): Boolean = str == str.reverse

Meh. Something more complicated would have helped showing features of different languages

I'm and I approve, fun absolutely allowed

what language is this?

I forgot to deal with lowercases, so:

def isPalindrome(str: String): Boolean = str equalsIgnoreCase str.reverse


reverse getLine >>= putStrLn

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main = do
wrd print True
| otherwise -> print False

fn palindrome(s: &str) -> bool {
return s.chars()
.take(s.chars().count() / 2 + 1)
.all(|(a, b)| a == b);

Works with UTF-8.

And bonus in C.
bool palindrome(char* s) {
char * e = s + strlen(s) - 1;
while(e >= s) if(*s++ != *e--) return false;
return true;

"a\";w=]1-::[w trinp;)(tupni_war=w;";w=raw_input();print w[::-1]==w;"\a"