I just got this badboy

I just got this badboy

any tips to make it badass?

I want to run a daw on it

Attached: samsung-chromebook-pro-in-handjob.jpg (1600x1200, 264K)

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If you want to run a DAW on it then you fucked up BAD. Next time do some research you fucking moron.

>buying a chromebook
pic related

Attached: 1519932064747.jpg (412x398, 61K)

What made you decide on a chromebook user?

Attached: why.png (720x672, 401K)

get galliumos on it yo wont regret it :D

How do I get it to run manjaro?


honestly if you bought a chromebook, and not only that, an arm based one... in the hopes of running a daw... you're an idiot.
chromebooks are great machines, but you're gonna be stuck with fl mobile. have fun :D
(maybe crostini will help if it ever launches for the cb+ and gets audio support.)
doesnt run on arm
arch linux arm works tho, so maybe not manjaro but arch riced will work

ill post some flags you should enable soon if this thread isnt archived by then
t. phoneposter

(unless you got the cb+ V2, which has a x86 cpu)

I thought it could run linux? but i don't really know what that is or how to use it...

fuck you dubbers

Thought google drive and apps were cool, so far they are pretty cool, nothing crashes except for animation software apps once every blue moon

whats that? ill google it now

Whats thats? il also google


well shit... i thought at least like maybe if i figured out how to do linux i could at least run audicity

i knew it was limited, and its pretty sweet just to use youtube and shit instead of stop my computer daw to run my comps audio

woT? comp talk i dont get yet...

this is still op

I really just got it because it felt like giant phone with a keyboard.

thinking of finally going to college because of it

here's your (you)

I want to know any badass tips, the only think on youtube is babydicks, and the only shit on google i don't quite understand
i can watch illgeal movies already which is badass
i got vpn
i got all my luls apps
got my phone attached

want to make it look really sick tho.

need some great autistic ideas

or brilliant ones

What does running a DAW have to do with Linux distro compatibility? Also, Linux isn't the platform known for audio production.

okay, so if you dont have a clue what in talking about installing linux is a bad idea
op, do this:
install caustic 3 or fl studio mobile for your "daw"
other apps that are nice:
mpv-android, amaze, termux
go on chrome://flags and toggle #ash-enable-night-light for your own good
and then install gentoo
..jk, but this isnt a fucking windows laptop. dont expect it to do more than an android tablet... because until crostini is stable (or you install crouton or some shit), it wont.

im extremely confused by all of that
my current understanding:

linxus makes it like a pc and can install software

is causic 3 or fl studio mobile an app for android?

what is night light???????

what is gentoo???

what is crouton?!??!?

Please help, ill reward you with a trip to taco bell, as in me taking pictures as i go to taco bell and getting what you tell me to order and eating it

thank you

another real quik question

which one of those app daw's can use an interface??

I have a beheringer x air 18

Linux might unironically be the worst OS to run a DAW on. Have fun with that latency.
(There's a reason you always see musicians using Macs or heavy-duty Windows computers.)

im atheistic

im trying to be vapor wave lag

just downloaded PUBG mobiles fags
can pwn noobs because ican see them on my big ass screen now

bout to look up those mobile daw's

>this thread

Attached: 1521813706969.jpg (710x692, 79K)

install gentoo for 40% more performance and to enable all keybinds and proper mouse support

>Poverty book pro
>Netbooks Aren't Good for Anything with Googleaids

return it and get a 2018 iPad. A10 is 1.5x faster than whatever atom class piece of shit is powering that shit netbook anyways.

Install archlinuxarm
sudo pacman -Syu ardour

crostini is available on the CB+ not the Intel CB Pro
this kills the Intel shills

Are Chromebooks any good as my daily driver laptop?