The new MacBook Pro allows up to 4 TB of storage space, 32 GB of memory and an Intel i9

The new MacBook Pro allows up to 4 TB of storage space, 32 GB of memory and an Intel i9.

Give me reasons why it's still underpowered shit so I can school Applelfags, bros.

Attached: macbook pro 2018.jpg (580x310, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because it costs $6000 you fucking retard?

That's good, what else

Redpill me on this trash

Not enough cooling gives you 2008-level performance.


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How bad is it

I want to roast these iSheep lol

Its so bad I'm going to buy one.

>being poor

next you'll post on pol about how commies are terrible

are you the same faggot thats posing the same tier apple macbook thread over and over?

t. triggered madlib

You have to be 18 to post here.

How am I under 18 ?

I see people posting stats all the time but I never saved any of them and I decided I wanted to start triggering the Crapplel retards

I've had enough of Crapplel's shit

>being rich means you can be extravagant with your money
Stay poor.

Attached: pepe disturbed.jpg (250x231, 6K)

You have to go back.

It isnt underpowered and I would buy one if I hadnt just bought a laptop a few months ago, but the price is pretty bad for the specs. Adding 4tb ssd should not add $3k to the cost even if it is nvme

it's apple what else is there to say.

Tribalism is retarded

The price point reflects the form factor of the hardware, performance, and customer support. Find another laptop with similar specs that isn't a piece of shit, comparable level of apple store support, and isn't several thousand dollars - you can't

Whoever you're arguing with about this thinks you're an idiot

>it isn't underpowered
the other guy literally just said it has 2008 performance because it gets hot

ikr, it's trash. i don't even need to know it exists really because as long as there is an apple logo you can pretty much assume it's trash

Triggered, snowflake?

you really don't even have to use it to know it's garbage

>customer support
ah yes, the amazing apple care.

Attached: 2018-07-14_091135_scrot.jpg (647x485, 59K)

>How am I under 18 ?
Because only children hold such an irrational hatred of companies and their customers.

if the customer service is so great, why do even macfags shit all over it?

Attached: 2018-07-14_091601_scrot.jpg (687x786, 76K)

Pic related is about $300 cheaper than the closest macbook pro equivalent (1tb nvme ssd, 32gb ram, 2.2ghz 8th gen intel cpu, graphics card upgrade)and is also in a slim form factor. Also adds a gtx 1070, much better than whatever the radeon 560X is and a 144hz monitor. It is only 1920x1080 vs apple's 2880x1800 so probably not as beautiful display wise

Forgot picture

Attached: Screenshot_20180714-021209.jpg (1389x1328, 300K)

The GPU is still very weak by today's standard (a 1050 non ti is still faster).

>only children hold a perfectly rational hatred of companies (that are legendary for making absolute shit) and their customers (who keep supporting their villainous crimes)


Weight is only .12 lbs more on the msi as well so applefags dont try to bring their weak little arms into this

that would be the perfect laptop if it had a top tier 4K display in it.

A MacBook was never meant for poorfags. So go back to anime watching on your ChinkPad.

>Poorfag argument
Would you seriously make the purchase if you had the money?

so is it underclocked by 90% or does the new macbook double as an industrial heating unit?

No that's the deal.
Sure it's an i9, but it's underclocked to fucking shit to keep it from overheating.

Does the 13" have a dedicated GPU yet?

>Tribalism is retarded
>Implying iDrones aren't the biggest tribal toddlers in the tech industry

Attached: AppleWWDCKeynote.jpg (800x455, 80K)

bad comments are from poorfag who couldn't afford to buy iFag

>Intel i9
It doesn't matter what cpu they are using, it's still will be thermal limited.

Go away paid applefag.

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No. Only 15

Go for the Dell XPS if you want the 4k. The MSI went with the 144hz 1080 for a more gamer focused approach.

Personally i am edging until I have enough cash to dump my load and get the MSI. I want to see those extra FPS in CS GO goddamn it.

It isn't, now.
In another year it'll be underpowered and they won't rehash it for another two or three.

an it's 110% unfixeable garbage

>not affords
T-thanks Apple...

32GB is fuck all for a 'professional' laptop, if you're planning on using it as a workstation replacement.

>Intel i9.
Does it come with a tungsten body? Otherwise I don't know if it can operate without melting.

You know the throttlebook will throttle.

>Passive cooling

Keyboard is still shit, the same thing that earned class action lawsuit

How will an i9 even run properly in such a thin case? I think there might be some overheating issues.

[Laughs in dead keyboard]

>needing this much hardware for a facebook machine
Rich people are fucking retarded.

It'll thermal throttle like crazy, just like the old ones. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if some quad core laptops outperformed the hexacore Macbook Pro purely because of the amount of thermal throttling.

Nice presentation, bruh

Attached: this kills the mac.jpg (1784x4240, 780K)

*a challenger approaches*

Attached: hyperdrive.jpg (2500x2500, 204K)

Realistically, most other equal capacity and speed storage solutions are about as pricey as Apple’s markup.

Not talking about a NAS which won’t match internal performance, I mean actual equivalent NVME / PCIE based NAND flash storage.

yo dawg, we heard you like peripherals

That'll go beautifully with my $7000 laptop.

For what reason.

Because it's x86 CISC trash.


know how I know you don't work in an office environment?

This is embarrassing. You sound like you're proud of working in an office.

or a school, for that matter

Not him, but all of the schools and offices I’ve ever had the pleasure of working in literally have transitioned to either Chromecasts and AirPlay shit or full HDMI/DisplayPort.

Unless you were connecting a laptop directly into the body of the projector (of which, the podiums at the school had the corresponding IO board to convert signals) there was never a need for VGA.

>Chromecasts and AirPlay
I'm not a burger, I've literally never seen either of those in person, nor would I ever expect any school to have those around here. 10 out of 10 times, I have to connect my laptop directly to the projector, 9 our of 10 via VGA.

What do you honestly do with those stats without professional gpu even disregarding that the cpu will throttle?

>it's still underpowered
it's going to throttle and perform like an i3.
same shit different year.

>I like my laptop so thin
>that I have to carry 10lbs of equipment along with it to make it useful.

it's nothing to do with it being thin

The i9 only boosts whenever thermals allow for it. The i9 requires more and better cooling than i7s. However, Apple has said nothing about better cooling on this machine. Every MacBook Pro since the Retina 2014 model has had trouble with throttling because Apple increased the minimum thermals required for the fans to kick up, to make it quieter. Getting the i9 upgrade is basically gimping it or at least useless since it wouldn't reach the point of it being better than the i7. Another retarded thing about this MacBook Pro is that in order to upgrade the RAM from 16GB to 32GB, you have to spend an additional $400. This is a ridiculous pricing, I could understand a $400 upgrade if you began at no RAM, but this is doubling the already existing 16GB, meaning the RAM price from Apple in total would be $800.

Yeah, and the memory sure as shit ain't some quality 4000MHz ram but the cheapest they can put without negative attention according to their market studies.

>i don't know how laptop ram works

Dell still uses lpddr3

ddr4 uses more power like 5-12% more power for the controller, only reasons they use it now is basically have to get 32gb and both macs have larger batteries now

and on the older models intel didn't even fucking support it

> Loosley veiled apple shill thread.

We can't redpill on you on what's wrong with it yet, because it hasn't been out for long enough for issues to arise. Don't worry though, the problems of this POS will start coming, just give it time. It always does.

And when it does, you'll see why it's not worth $6000.


But why? Unless they clock it at less than 3ghz that thing is going to melt.

>still can't admit the macbook pro is a good pc
>been 11 years since first unibody mac
>always universally praised
>only negative is price
>not even that expensive compared to flagship xps etc

must be sad

becos bigger numbah means more gooder

>2018 2H

Oh wait even funnier:
>Intel i9

Keep in mind this is pro-grade memory, not the ususual LED gaming RAM that Jow Forums goes wild about, so $800 in total for 32GB is reasonable.

>>always universally praised
Must be nice living in an information bubble.

What business does a macbook have using an i9 when they have yet to sort out their innane cooling solution?

Upgrading the storage from 512GB to 4TB costs

I think that says enough
I mean... I could build 2 overkill gaming systems for 3800€
If you're a mac user, you can just upgrade your 512GB to 4TB for that amount

Considering i9s don't support ECC, I have no fucking clue what you mean by "pro grade". You're just making shit up to defend a company that doesn't give a shit about you.

>b-but muh portuble 4terrabite storage

Attached: assblasted.png (523x604, 335K)

what's the battery life hombre

>$300 cheaper
mac os is worth $300 desu

>32GB is fuck all for a 'professional' laptop
if you have a profession that requires more than 32GB, you won't be using a laptop. Or leaving the basement

The only thkng new is the processor. Everything else has been achieved. 4TB hard drive and 32GB memory isn't special.
Also, most users won't even need that much. Apple are trying to turn their reputation for lacking hardware around with this, but are still overcharging you for it.
Go be a good Starbucks goy and buy their piece of crap. I personally love it when it lands in Rossmann's shop.

No other laptop provides 4TB storage, this isn't meant for anime tiddy loving neckbeards to store their loli. This is meant for big companies and studios. Having this amount of fast storage is very appealing for let's say film studios to save a ton of footage and do quick on site video renders and color correction on the footage.

You do realize that there are 2,5" 4TB SATA SSDs for under 1000€ and 4TB PCIe SSDs für around 1800€ which you can pop in EVERY LAPTOP?

Furthermore PCIe SSDs 4TB from Samsung are even faster than that prop. apple shit-ssd

enjoy the grandpa speedlimit


what do you think is the interface applel is using for it's storage?
They're using PCIe too in case you didn't know

yet still, Samsung PCIe 970 is faster than Applels PCIe crap

>he doesnt know macbooks SSDs are on PCIe
I thought this was a technology board.

From what I read is that the Read speed is just below the one that Apple talks about and the max capacity is 2TB for $800.

>one dongle
>10 lbs
what the fuck?
do you have leukemia or something?

>swallowing and justifying literally everything corporations sell
Ah, America

How much is 3800€ in real money?

>regurgitating the same arguments people threw around when Apple removed the floppy disk drive
>and the cd disk drive
>and the headphone jack
Christ, get over it. You'll need one converter for a couple years but after that the technological climate will change and we will accommodate. Things change.