post your shiity desktops
Screenfetch thread
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What's the appeal of 50 pixel borders around every window?
I like your wallpaper mate
there's already a desktop thread up kill yourself, retard
Are so cool for saying that you "sage"
The Avant Garde
cool battery script, nice pape and music player/bar
clean, nice colors, great bar and pape
neat, what bar is that?
Very nice. I like the look of herbstluftwm, if I ever switch wm it'll probably be to that.
Also very nice, although I'm not a huge fan of light themes.
Nice colors.
How is this even usable?
haven't turned this computer on in forever. browser is all messed up from updates.
>Very nice. I like the look of herbstluftwm, if I ever switch wm it'll probably be to that.
thanks, woah our colors are so similar. i would recommend herbst
Can you post your wallpaper?
Where's the user that gives money for desktops?
Did he give up?
r8 pls
the bar is kinda busy imo. i hate the background color ending before the wifi and light bulb in top right corner. window border is thicc
is this the new desktop thread
rate 'em
my eyes
nice pape
throwback sunday
brand fucking new please don't judge
i meant please judge what am i rarted
',:^ j
you forgot the space moron
>being this mad
>current fentosecond
this one is going into my incriminating screencaps folder
i dont even wanna snap this one
welcome. very nice desktop
thanks friend, about to start working on the finer points like fonts which im not normally good at
nice desktops
Just got a T410 the other day, though it's the one with only 1280x800 resolution. :/
background is randomized from a folder of ultra comfy wallpapers
I'm always glad to see you're still around, isac. hope you're doing well
holy shit...
only good desktops itt
Is there an up-to-date oneechan fork?
How is that a problem? 16:10 is the best aspect ratio. Well, yeah old thinkpad displays suck but that's what you get for buying a T410 instead of saving money for something like a Dell inspiron 13 or a Ideapad or even an old macbook.
THE cutest elin in celestial hills
It's nice to see a bsd user. getting a thinkpad just to run bsd on it
*p-posts my shitty desktop*
just purchased a cheap x220 for this purpose. it's been fun fucking around and making it all work out.
They are great to play around with BSD. I have an X61 with OpenBSD that I travel with, real nice
I didn't clean, I swear. I never install anything. I have all I need. Steam for my games, Firefox to browse. That's it.
And shut up about me using Win10. I have Manjaro on a laptop, but this is my main desktop.
Slight update, changed some fonts and found a new tab extension for firefox that's enjoyable.
there is no need to be defensive
we are all friends here
I've been on this board for years.
That isn't true.
you're right, i try to be nice though
i even spend time on Jow Forums and im not as vicious as some of the linux users in this place
I appreciate how nice you are.
This wouldn't be such a shithole if we discussed like this instead of barked at each other like autists.
i feel like real discussion happens in places like irc and discord, and this place is just for shit flinging
don't worry user. there are some nice anons on here!
Anyway, if I may ask, what would you rate my desktop out of /10? I always keep it clean, I generally like to keep my computer clean. I've only used 94GBs of my 1TB hard drive and i've had this PC for two years.
it looks like my old win10 desktop, dont thin i have any pictures of it though
i literally had nothing at all on the taskbar except the start menu and i had 2 folders on my desktop, the recycling bin, and the control panel thingy you get by fucking around with the shortcut (i dont remember), the folders just had desktop shortcuts in them, one was for games, the other was for sorted programs
windows minimalism is ezpz
>i wrote that whole shitstorm and didnt give a rating
i'd say 8/10 very nice...
for windows ',:^ j
What is your favorite Death Grips album?
i actually have only listened to one, the money store
didn't get really into it but i was gonna listen to another one here pretty soon
The Money Store is often regarded as their best, but that is entirely false.
My favorite is (obviously) Niggas on the Moon. Technically, Niggas on the Moon isn't an album, it's disc 1 to their two-disc album The Powers That B, but I don't know what else to classify it as.
Niggas on the Moon is so great though. Everything about it, from the scattered but well timed percussion to the phenomenal Björk vocal chops.
I suggest you listen to it. Björk is also one of my favorite artists alongside DG, so if you wanna check out one of her albums, my personal favorite is Biophilia.
Niggas on the moon and Biophilia from Bjork. I guess I got some homework to do then. If you use discord you should add me (seafer#6969) and I'll tell you what I think since I'll probably listen tomorrow while I'm at the lake
Cool. Request sent.
I got the t410 because I happened to find an auction on ebay for it and paid $70 for it, which is a steal imo.
what are the specs
creating an adapta based theme rn
fresh installation
what do i need next?
maybe tinker with your colors
Yeah, I use a Macbook.
Could you post this background?
what could be the problem, what when im in fullscreen mode in a firefox with bspwm, i can't put my cursor up top for tabs bar to go down?
Screen flickers a bit and cursor immediately goes to the middle of the screen.
also is there a way to make firefox go fullscreen but not like fullscreen as in take whole laptop screen space, but become fullscreen and take up all of the tiled window space?
Playing with an old computer in my friend's place
no bully pls
Sorry. No ricer fonts here.
>all those people who fell for Linux meme
Just install an actual desktop OS already
Dumb frogposter.
How didya get the browser working?
I reused the HDD from another machine.
As for the browser, it's FF 2.0, so it has support for 98SE. It doesn't have KernelEX. (does have NUSB3.3 drivers tho)
I like it
Nice drop shadow, what compositor are you using?
Too highbrow for me
Yes, you might want to include some, or don't
Impressive as always, link to your github?
Looks good but the font isn't for me
7/10 the tray at the end of your panel is weird and i don't know about those overly thick window borders, maybe thinner with a better color to accent?
Why have a bottom bar I thought gnome-shell hot keyed mod4 to pull a call function?
Looks nice but a very bright.
Thicc titlebars
I like it
Very very clean
No judgments but thin out your titlebars and change your panel font
I'm sure you did something here I just can't tell what.
Good color theming
This is kinda rough to look at
See above
Best windows panel I've seen
Change your terminal colors to not be so eye rapey
What kinda stuff?
I like it
Very nice, Busy but nice
Is this even rice?
It's going to be ok
Maybe unify your fonts between panel titlebar and browser?
That's rediculous
Nice wall
Would look better with the remove applications extension since it's just a mouse hotkey to pull the call function
Looks good
Work on your .Xresources
No idea never tried bspwm, your active workspace color would be better if magenta
The panel is nice except for the rounded borders
Comfy wall
>playing muted music
>makes subjective statement that invalidates itself
Haven't found a decent theme to use yet, so I'm sticking with the stock look
>inb4 ubuntu
>inb4 gnome
jwm + lxlauncher
ur face is rough to look at
I resemble that remark.
>Good color theming