62mb for a hello world

It seems Electron has been made a little more lightweight. Anyone have any tips for developing with this stuff?

Attached: elechelloworld.png (1760x1027, 100K)

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>62mb for a hello world

Attached: 1530527233722.jpg (540x540, 112K)

But it looks pretty user.

Attached: hello.png (3844x1994, 51K)

that's cool
too bad it's still fucking shit
does the javascript you use in it, interact with the desktop and can do whatever? (unlike browsers, which you can't interact with users files etc)

>literally less than a megabyte
VB6 rocks

Attached: vb6.png (701x597, 162K)

You can talk to the system and access files.
There are two reasons why this is my first choice for a gui(change my mind) , one being that for the languages I know(python and Go) there are no real GOOD looking gui libs. As well as that I plan to make the application web based as well at some point so if I can pretty much just copy most of the code that saves me alot of time.

why do you use "a gui" yet you say "alot"
why not use "agui" to be cute & retarded... or stop being an idiot and separate a from every word?

>3.5GB to shitpost on Jow Forums
That's even worse.

You dont know English very well user.

alot isn't a word, not my problem.. it's yours

Its 83 tabs okay.

>not hello world in assembly
lmao, jokes on you!

There's basically nothing you can do since you're packing the entire V8 Engine into that hello world. The upside is that your programs won't grow /that/ much from that 60mb base.

download the extension called Sloth

>50KB for the hello world and GUI
>950KBs for microsoft VB telemetry injection

Attached: 1529205590044.png (246x205, 4K)

but did you wrote it with TypeScript?

Yup, we are in a bait thread alright.

Attached: 01af5849159c45c607468d73f3f193e4.jpg (564x564, 30K)

Lmaoing at your life.

Attached: Untitled.png (359x720, 20K)

Fuck off back to and never return here

>7 lines of code
>8.6KB binary
>compiled using g++ with no arguments
>1.8 megs while running
What am I doing wrong?

Attached: window.png (1130x444, 43K)

The inclusion of iostream is where the bulk is coming from

8.6k binary would only be the compiled helloworld.cpp

1.8mb should be that + dynamically linked libraries (iostream and probably other binary loading stuff) + runtime variables

if you staticly linked, then the binary should include the libs and be closer to 1.8mb sans runtime variables

it's too fat for most things, especially if you have a few apps running at once, it's not lean and mean

I agree that html/css is the most flexible way to define a UI though, someone needs to come up with a native gui lib that binds to it
I believe you can style windows 10 apps with html/css but winblows

then all thats left is javascript -> bytecode, and webassembly is getting us there

qt uis are good and work on most things
python and go are shit languages though

Richard Russell's BBC BASIC probably uses even less memory

webassembly wont ever be used for that
the actual scenario you want is one where multiple separated instances are shared but still self-isolated enough that one thing crashing won't crash the rest

thats cause all the libraries VB6 executables rely on are already loaded when windows boots up and is part of the 44% memory used, however yes, this is how apps are supposed to be

global _start

section .text

mov rax, 1 ; write(
mov rdi, 1 ; STDOUT_FILENO,
mov rsi, msg ; "Hello, world!\n",
mov rdx, msglen ; sizeof("Hello, world!\n")
syscall ; );

mov rax, 60 ; exit(
mov rdi, 0 ; EXIT_SUCCESS
syscall ; );

section .rodata
msg: db "Hello, world!", 10
msglen: equ $ - msg

botnet@nsa:~$ du -b hello
896 hello

it can be used that way, it does not have to be used in browser

also I forgot asm.js was 'compiled' javascript
webassembly is more for C++ and other languages to be converted to javascript bytecode and be accessible to js

I too looked that up and saw it plastered all over the internet.

And what you expected? This is only a example.

what is telemetry?