And what would you say some of your weaknesses are, user?

> And what would you say some of your weaknesses are, user?

Attached: image.jpg (2000x1000, 915K)

"I work too hard hahaha"

Look at the faces in that picture. Is this some fucking kind of animation?

"I have difficulty putting up with stupid questions."

your moms puss lol

"Men with makeup."
Seriously, though, is the fuck on the right wearing makeup, what the fuck.

Bench press is stalling behind dead lifts and OHP

"My face doesn't look like it was photoshopped by a lizard alien with only a passing notion of what normal human facial features look like"

I hate doing any actual work and cheat my way through anything as much as possible.

"I like chubby girls. Ha ha"

best answer so far

Attached: V reboot.jpg (354x341, 34K)

much better

Big gigantic dick that impregnates too easily

Attached: IMG_20180716_064308.jpg (199x251, 16K)

"My achievements makes me stand out too much haha"

I'm addicted to shitposting on a Bhutanese interpretive dance website

I work too hard sometimes

Attached: nyes.png (718x603, 461K)

what is the difference between a duck?

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I drink too much - I mean work too much, haha.


He's wearing those glasses that Homer wore to jury duty.

Cute anime girls with big breasts

My left shoulder is my weakest point, probably because I injured my RC ten years ago and it is a bit dislocated. My left knee also hurts when I do lunges but no pain no gain I guess.


Attached: frisky.jpg (476x268, 20K)

My biggest weakness is that I have too many strengths

Why are reptoid females into?

Your organs.

Attached: giphy.gif (640x427, 1.81M)

I don't take criticism well. I will ree hard if you try.

I've got a pretty big organ I can give her if you know what I mean by this ;)

I'm suicidal. The next rejection might end it.

I have a habit of delaying talking to coworkers until I absolutely must. I don't think that will go over well in an interview so I will lie about it instead.

I get irritable when given nothing to do or when given unclear directions

Just pull the classic I can't be a sell person as I don't like ripping off people by deceiving them on promises.

Being an engineer I often have the impulse to produce designs that optimize performance and reliability beyond economic viability. But I've gotten pretty good at tamping down this desire to conduct "space program" style engineering when not working on life critical projects.

I cry myself to sleep more often than a healthy person should.

I'm unable to take people seriously who obviously googled "top 10 interview questions" right before interviewing me.

>le 57% faces

"I experience paranoia in job interviews that I'm being interviewed by lizardoid shapeshifters."

>Well at workplace X there was a problem in Y program caused by unforeseen changes in design requirements. From this experience I learned that...

It's not hard to answer this question you fucking autists. The real test comes when they wheel in the whiteboard.

"I care too much."

I dunno

I hate w***e people