
Any of you guys play any MMORPG games at all?

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I play like a month of runescape every two years or so. Sort like taking my brain on vacation

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Yeah true. Just curious then, if you could place and take bets on any aspect of Runescape, apart from PVP combat, what would it be?

uhm none
miss me with that shit nigga
I already don't give a shit about earning much money why would I wanna do it when I'm supposed to be having fun

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Some people do not share your view on that, waffle. It's ok though, it's just a question.

Eh I guess. But at any rate in recent news my cunt is actually trying to get video game gambling banned and I'm kinda with them on that one

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How come?

Because it's catering money wasting addiction to kids why the fuck do you think
They got rid of a bunch of lootbox trash in popular games

I see your argument but what if this wasnt catered to kids at all? What if the market was verified 18+ and if the individuals targeted were not going to gamble on an MMORPG, they would in say, the slot machines?

mmos are for looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosers

I think that's just called a casino. You know that right?

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Not always the truth.

I have not seen a casino that gambles MMORPG? Have you? If you have, I would like to see it please.

But you just said NOT gamble on an MMORPG

Wait do you mean like a horsetrack betting thing
Where people aren't actually the ones playing

I am talking about a market to place bets on things revolving around MMORPG.

I think something was lost in the translation of english.

Not sure what you mean. But as far as I can tell that still sounds skeevy as hell. If you're betting on MMO players to achieve certain things then you're still basically betting ON children. Sounds like it might set up people to push kids into horrible shit

i have downloaded maple story 2 but i dont have much time to play but if i got time some day, on which server are my bant bros?

see if the faggots who play it or like it would neck themselves like the waste of carbon they are

But you know pragmatically speaking it does sound like a good plan if you're at the ground floor of that shit. The only thing I'm saying is if I see that shit starting to pop up everywhere I'm gonna be on the side that gets rid of it. But until then it might net you a few quick bucks

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i reinstalled maplestory 2 and they gifted me a walkie talkie so i could escape my house
there was no exit house button prior for some reason

And I can see the sketchy side of things now. It has made me think twice.

The giant korean WoW kid farms just got bigger

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I play OSRS on occasion

Maplestory 2 Despacito Street Musician Simualtor

Please recommend comfy mmo that would run on potato pc

Ironman OSRS

>ironman btw

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I wish we'd get another MMORPG boom like the early 2000s.

That would be nice. Id love to see new games come out like that.

I wish i could play WoW but I don't have internet money

Warframe and Guild Wars 2 are pretty great. Neither of them have a monthly subscription, and Warframe is completely free. Guild Wars 2 is free to get into and get to max level, but you're gonna need to pay for the full game.

I play WoW but only I'm just addicted at this point, I do random battlegrounds and it's fucking awful for that now so I'm probably going to just unsub since I can't stand PvE, I don't even like casual PvP anymore, and arena is even more cancerous.