C++ is a good low level langua-

>C++ is a good low level langua-

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Woah it's like I can choose not to include chrono

>how to turn C++ into Python

i dont understand these. why

>uhhh you don't NEED to use the standard library sweetie

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you don't want to implement your own calendar library

This, seems like a good addition to me.
No one says C++ is for low level

>Microsoft and GNU are perfectly happy with maintaining yet another completely useless component of the standard library

Why not just send the program specs to them, and tell them to write it for you?

I did and it was fun. Everyone should do it once.

you don't want your calendar library to have overly redundant '_last' functions, nonsensical operator overloads, and about 300 different classes that do the same thing. Chrono does all of those in a spectacularly shit fashion, BEFORE c++17 even.


People don't use the standard library in low level shit

C++ is one of the worst tragedies of computing.

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opinion invalid.


A very recognisable calculation anyone in almost any language would instantly understand

the first word is an abbreviation, the second word is in latin, and the third word is in english. Instead of timekeeping in seconds or milliseconds, I now have to keep track of casting 'days' to 'years' and vice versa. Instead of typing '1000 * 60 * 60 * 24' to get a day in seconds, I now have to do typedef std::chrono::whatever_the_fuck day_in_seconds and then do day_in_seconds.count(), to finally get an actual usable number.

that’s a day in milliseconds

I always lmfao at weeb picks that are not anatomically correct.
jesus christ nigga, how more of a virgin can you be?

>cartoons aren't anatomically correct
more news at 11

>They have to be fat and disgusting like my 3DPD whores

>That operator/ abuse
How far are they going to go

This is why people think operator overloading is bad.

haha btfod and proved the C++ version will lead to less bugs

I like see where c++ goes next the same way I like to watch videos from Africa where thieves are beaten by mob up then burned alive with tire around their neck. For me both new developments in c++ and 'collaring' videos are the same.

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They're useful for certain business applications.

i still dont understand why dont the c++ commitee just simply copies c#'s standard library,DateTime and StopWatch would've been so much better than this shit.or hell,even java's LocalDate wouldve benn better

Imagine being this much of an incel

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>completely ignores what I said

If you want your language to be anemic, fuck off back to C. C++ has all the shit you'll need for the desktop OS. No need for a mish-mash of clunky libraries.


>What are namespaces
It's buried in std::chrono you faggot.

This thread is clearly populated by a resident Rust faggot. If C++ adds features, zhe complains that it is getting bloated. If C++ doesn't add features, zhe complains that it's missing some obscure sodomist feature from Rust. In every case they are employing critical theory against C++. It's hilarious to think these people convinced themselves that C++ is somehow attackable via their standard social engineering bullshit.

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what the fuck are you on about

>Low level
Choose one

>In every case they are employing critical theory against C++.
Holy. Fucking. Shit
Current state of almonds: ACTIVATED

The next question is: who and why?

concepts, modules, executors, networking, coroutines, ranges, sum types, pattern matching.
ill be laughing in 2045 when all these finally make it out of TS hell!!

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Standard libraries provide useful functionality prevent me from wasting time. Furthermore, I bet std::chrono compiles to few bytes. In fact, the more programs use std::chrono, the less memory will be wasted due to caching shared objects.

>low level language
RAM and ROM are cheap and furthermore few people would willingly design embedded hardware with starved address spaces in the year of our lord 2018.
Maintainability costs more than hardware. You are far better giving your software engineers room to write slightly-bloaty code in a high level language that is readable instead of demanding they write it in assembler or a cludge in C.