NPC's are fucking real guys

>has to vocalize words to hear them/understand them

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lol that was pretty decent for a reddit post


smug little shit


This shit LITERALLY looks like AI chat bots talking to each other.

>make joke about first post

>another reddit user makes joke on the second post

>3rd joke for first post

>4th joke for fisrt post

>5th joke combination of 3rd and 4th joke.

Those are reddit threads in a nutshell.

it's a fairly new shill tactic. It's called consensus building or influencing.

literal AI bots

Does anyone else get the vibe that this is exactly how 2 chatbots would interact if put to talk to one another. Just generic answers that barely passes as a human interactions.

this inner monologue crap is getting out of hand.
in this instance, it is a mondegreen that sometimes requires someone to say a word or phrase out loud a few times before the brain picks up on sensible words and sounds because homophony makes it difficult to interpret sometimes.

see: sofa king we todd dead

whether it is said out loud or not is irrelevant to the overall goal of getting the joke or understanding the riddle or puzzle.

Attached: hahaYes.png (600x871, 628K)

T. Npc
If you can't read it in your head then I feel bad for you son

for more info see:
and mumpsimus

people who fall victim to these jokes, behaviors, or language hurdles are not soulless bots.

Silence bot.

Right. They're NPCs. Keep up

What the hell was that about?

you are missing the point.
one can mull phonemes over in their head, but saying something out loud can yield greater results and bring greater clarity as the phonemes come together to form a familiar set of sounds that form a word: like energy.

soulless bot, NPC, unconscious collection of programmed pixels.
synonyms user, synonyms.

Saying it out loud sounds the same as it does in your head

>someone doesnt like the same things i do therefore they must be npc
i have lurked reddit for more then i'm willing to admit and that was kinda funny compared to what tasteless shit they post. you're an npc if you disagree


literally this.

Welp. This is fucking stupid now. Might as well be on redit. Nice derail.

You guys are sofa king we Todd Ed.

it's not "reading" in the head, it is saying NRG over and over in one's head.
a person is made aware that NRG is supposed to sound like something else, whether a word or phrase.
saying over and over "inside" may not yield any results, so a person will try speaking aloud to make sense of the sounds NRG.
these are homophonic games people can play on one another.
>spell "i cup" was a childish game played when i was a kid
these games were not interpreted or designed as gotcha moments for friends to laugh at their lack of conscious.

saying it aloud brings more clarity sometimes. especially when someone is aware of a potential joke being played on them.

The Starship Enterprise visits Rebbit

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it is not about the sounds changing inside vs outside, it is all in an effort to bring clarity and sense to a sudden presentment of sounds, or phonemes. in this case NRG.

This meme is over used

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it has reached semantic satiation and thus has lost all meaning.

I told you they are programmed.

What does it take to deprogram or hack NPCs?

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the person in the picture seemed incapable of repeating the lines in his head.. ie. no inner monologue whatsoever. even the guy who explained it to him said that it needs to be "read aloud".. which it clearly does not.

This sums up reddit.

Social engineering, latest versions of NPC come with a Special_Snowflake routine that pretty much works as a backdoor for emotional manipulation.

this is part of the problem with this whole NPC idea: people thinking there is a universal solution to people's failure or difficulty understanding a concept or idea immediately in the moment.
if you present someone with info and they do not immediately make a 180 degree in their thinking on said info, that does not make them a total NPC.
they may have no problem understanding other info on a wide variety of other topics.

>What does it take
It varies.
In some cases the decades of careful programming and conditioning can be shattered in a second.
That's why (((They))) are freaking about this.
Blank Kirk frying an NPC with shear awesomeness for you lads-pic

Attached: LogicKillsNPCsBlank.png (1272x958, 837K)

this is another problem with this NPC idea. you have no clue if someone did or did not attempt to understand something in their head prior to speaking aloud for greater clarity or sense.
it's not a matter of what needs to be read or said aloud, but rather what brings clarity the fastest.
with these sort of homophonic games and riddles, the most fun is when it takes the person a LONG time to get the answer. for normal people, it is not part of a sick game to determine whether someone is conscious or unconscious. only a euphoric gentlemen would use this as a way to exert passive aggressive intellectual dominance.

Ahh it really is like programming.
>Insert song reference pun

The "I, Mudd" episode of Start Trek is 100% about NPCs.
Veritable gold mine of material there.
Lifted some gifs, might have time to NPC them up today.
Here we have Brunette Thots 2 and 11.

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what you're completely ignoring is that lack of inner monologue is a documented phenomenon. these people clearly seem to lack it based on their behavior.

likewise in vidya, you have no clue of the programming or the parameters and conditions that were met to trigger or aggro an NPC behavior or response. all you know is the NPC said a phrase, attacked me, offered a quest or whatever else NPCs in video games do.
to base intellectual dominance or high tier consciousness on
is a bit weak

it's not about asking them to make 180 degree turns in an instant. it's about them already being programmed to believe something and then "knowing" this knowledge to be fact without critically pondering it in your head like we do with our inner monologues.

>shills learn to agree and amplify
How fucking long did that take them.

>make disparaging statement about POC or women
>another Jow Forums user calls OP a faggot
>calling shill for first post
>another calling faggot for first post
>another calling faggot for first post
>combination calling faggot and shill
Those are Jow Forums threads in a nutshell

reddit conditions its users to talk like this since its what gets you upvotes

Attached: reddit pun chain2.png (957x593, 69K)

i am aware of the documentation, but the existence and subsequent awareness of documentation does not suddenly grant skills in identifying inner monologue or lack thereof.
it is a theory.
provable? in a controlled environment with professionals, yes
on the street, surprising people with data and info, catching them off guard? no

exactly, so one can, at some later point in time, perhaps mull over new information. not wanting to use inner monologue to accept a red-pill at the behest of the red-piller is not evidence of the discovery of an NPC.

How much 50Y do I need to drink to find this shite funny?

but unless you follow that person throughout the course of their life and study them, you will never know if they did in fact use inner monologue on their own in the privacy of their bedroom to ponder what they believe in relation to newly received data.


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You need to go back

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Haha. I agree. My favorite part was [outdated meme] near the end there, and how it ended up being [popular meme song lyric] instead. I did nahtzee that coming! Updoots for you kind sir.


well no, not shut it down. perhaps use it wisely, but the idea still has merit if not memed into oblivion

anyone have a link to watch this online? nothing on addedmovie for season 2.

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what a typical response! are you sure YOU aren't an npc?


>In elementary/middle school
>It's my turn to "read out loud" after the slow reading stuttering retards that make me cringe
>Words flow from me like water from a ceramic basin
>I'm like Katie Couric reading off a teleprompter, I'm incredible
>finish up a chapter 500% faster than the other kids, "can I do the next one too?"
>look around room, nothing but angry NPC faces

FUCK these dumb niggas

This guy gets it. Death to the robot people who think they’re real people, but aren’t actually real people because reddit isn’t for real people

i'm not claiming they can't snap out of being an NPC. it's not chronic.

are you conflating literacy and reading comprehension with thinking in one's own mind?
i don't think you understand the NPC/inner monologue idea

It's thrown around so much that it's become the new

>What does it take to deprogram or hack NPCs?
You should do research about Golems.
In theory, when they realize themselves being NPCs (you can try and point it out to them) they are instantly deprogrammed and return from being organized Golem matter into being chaotic-something.

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ok well that's good. i think it would do the meme well if greater Jow Forums were to realize this and not use the NPC idea as a gotcha moment or as a weapon of the euphoric to exert passive-aggressive intellectual dominance over unsuspecting people.


>have to sound-out words out-loud even if you've read and said them once, twice, a hundred times before
>Stupid bland dumb slow dull normies

sounds pretty NPC to me you pedant (sound that one out). Go find some plot holes in a sci fi movie now, autist

Well not being an NPC requires a certain intelligence level as well.

I actually laughed at this

the NPC idea goes hand in hand with guerilla red-pilling.
jumping out of the bushes, ambushing strangers and shouting "jews did 9/11" and start throwing infographics at them.
when they stare at you blankly, you shake your head in pity at the poor unconscious bots, pick up your fedora, dust it off, and stroll off into the sunset.

Sure, there are fish around that are above that level.

I believe any individual below IQ 110 is an NPC by default

when one is tasked with reading out loud, then one reads out loud.
this is all part of rote, my poorly educated friend

without sufficient data, you would be an NPC for adhering to this belief

you're acting very much like a reddit npc right now by trying to "debunk" the entire concept of NPC's. you've just decided that being an NPC doesn't matter and no argues vehemently for that position.

look, i'm just pointing out NPC's on reddit to demonstrate that the phenomenon is actually real.

Were you reading Mein Kampf? Cause that would explain the angry looks.

Setting the bar too high. Why is that?

There is no definitive relationship between IQ and having original thoughts.
The "quality" of original thoughts may depend on the IQ of individual, that's all.

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ha, dude reddit is the farthest thing from my mind lol.
i am addressing the concepts of homophony and mondegreens and the humorous games one can play on friends or strangers using sounds and how it relates to wider meme of NPCs.
i have also addressed concepts like rote with another user.
i am debunking the concept, i am trying to bring clarity to the idea so it does not meme itself into total obscurity

not debunking*

a lot of their behavior I attribute to false-belief attribution. The are certain Orange Man will kill Mexicans and end the world cause they think he thinks X. Someone programmed them to think he thinks X though.

0 racism means 0 humor

that you would resort to suggest i am acting like a reddit NPC given the conversation we have had thus far is disappointing.

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Whats this?

My inner monologue is so powerful that I talk to myself out loud. Sometimes I catch myself talking to myself without even realising it.

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if you're not debunking the concept, then point me to a person who is as close to an NPC as you would know? because you're seriously acting out right now by spamming my post with many replies.



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The average 100IQ human is too well functioning to not fuck up school but are not intelligent enough to question it, they are the primest brain washing object. A IQ 85-90 school failure who has nothing to gain by playing victim and have to hustle to support himself will simply describe reality as he sees it unspoiled by the propaganda he never listened to. 110IQ is the threshold on which questioning of the authority adored by the majority can happen.

Being able to speculate is a NPC trait? a very NPC thing to say.

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