I have something very important to say to PD . PD if you're here please respond

I have something very important to say to PD . PD if you're here please respond

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he has terminal gay so he can't respond right now

PD here
what's up man

Can you prove you are the real PD

this is going to turn into a gay thread isn't it?

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kill yourself

go away pedo doctor

based jew

I am here

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; -;

How do I know you are the real PD

I found 4 packs of nutty bars just laying in the sidewalk

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Go away imposter

PD here ama


u gon die

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Ok I had a divinley inspired dream and an angle told me to tell you the following sentence. Read it very carefully, for it may change your life.
>I'm a gnome and you've been gnomed
Libtard trolled epic style despacito deluxe fire addition. XD pranked

simply epic

All these fag imposters.

Whats up boo boo?

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Can you nuzzle my bepper


Y’all gay

I'm sorry but Jesus told me to do it.

Also I had a B8 ID what did you expect

I should have read the signs

Hells yeah


PD looks like this guy I went to school with. He was ginger, really rich, tall, and generally had the same facial structure. He was one of the people I had to wrestle against and it was really fristrating everytime because tall people are just impossible to get on sometimes. He moved to Hawaii before this year started and apparently lives a pretty good life

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Yes. Take this as an educational experience. As of now getting gnomed is just an inconvenience but in the real world getting gnomed can lead to real life consequences and even death


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t. homo

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Stop having gay wrestle fantasies about underaged namefags

I don't actually have a bepper sorry

I don’t you homo

cute couple tbqh lad

No stfu

im pretty sure pd's a top so are you the bottom or do you switch it around sometimes

Stop harassing me this is child abuse


what is child abuse ages 13-18

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IM 18

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Yeah ok

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lmao epic PD got gnomed

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As if you are either boi

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