How's your game coming along?

You *are* demonstrating programming skills on modern software, right?

Attached: Untitled.png (827x609, 399K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop trying to force this shitty meme general


Why do you use pointers for primitive types?

brain fart

What do you mean?

nigga that ain't your game

>if (damage > defender->hp) damage = defender->hp
REEEE overkill is great

not him but if you don't unse pointers when passing as argument in functions, they are fully copied. Putting pointer everywhere for malloc'd items is your bread and butter optimization

battle for wesnoth is old as shit

these generals just prove that Jow Forums can't program. really? posting an already made open source game as (((your))). this general won't happen if there are no genuine posts

I know that. As I said brain fart. I thought he's using pointers in his unit struct for primitive types.
Haven't used C++ for a while and the heat is frying my brain.
I actually think it's bad OOP to have that outside of the unit struct/class.
There should be a function inside the unit struct that looks something like this:

public void damage(int damage)
hp -= damage;
if (hp < 0) {
hp = 0;

games are gay

Why have 0 as the lowest hp value?
Is there any reason you'd not allow the hp to be negative in which case it would be the same result as 0?

Huh? What if I just pass a pseudonym insteaD?

Yes, for example if you display the health in an hp bar during a death animation.
You'll need to check for < 0 somewhere. Better to get it out of the way in one place and as soon as possible.

Although drawing a rectangle with 0 width might still draw a line so you'll have to check for death anyway. Guess it might not be necessary.

Nahhh man I fucking LMAO when I see overflowing bars.

>no damage reduction calculations
>no shields calculation

Separation of concerns, please

What graphics API are you using?

I don't know, I don't actually write games. I just download source code from the web when I'm feeling sad and have my 10 minutes with you guys. You guys really make me feel better sometimes.

That's an open source game called 'The Battle for Wesnoth' and afaik it uses SDL.

I know this isn't your game and you're a fucking idiot, BUT SIGN YOUR GOD DAMN DAMAGE

but making them isnt

Why tho?

Well I would work on this some more but I'm at work right now. Maybe when I get back home.

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How do i make a make in C++? Thanks

I'm working on this shitty Android RTS but I won't have time for at least another month.
Besides I don't even have the game concept worked out. Don't know where the fuck to go from here.

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that looks cool, user. no troll.

Game? Use libraries like SFML, SDL and Allegro.

are you gonna release it on steam and be the new hip n cool 8bit le indie game?

What is the best way to implement an ECS framework with C++? I want to experiment with using one but I have no idea what to do.

My guess is to create structs for each component type, and store them in entities in an array or vector, but how would I access them from there?

Why not just use C++ instead of all those frameworks though. Aren't depriving yourself of useful information.

tfw just tried running my game and it doesn't work any more but it used to work

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that's actually really nice mechanics

You ARE using C++. However you can't do graphics with C++. You'll need a 3rd party library for that or have to use OpenGL/DirectX.

seems cool though

level editor works at least :)

Attached: Screenshot (209).png (4480x1440, 908K)

those elephant circles are op as fuck.

nice game though


Thanks but I don't really know what to do with it. What would be a fun concept for touchscreen devices?
Initially I just wanted to have Total War like battles but controlling more than a few units might become too cumbersome.
Maybe a 4X type game would be better.

I am programlet. The only thing have ever written is dice roller and bash scripts. Maybe I will make a text based or something simple first. I have a narrative and ideas.

just learn simple things first, you obviously don't have enough experience. It doesn't mean you can't do it.

Way ahead of you


>Had a cool game which still needs a lot of work but stopped working on it the moment i got a job like 7 years ago
Tried to run it, doesn't work anymore would probably have to fiddle with dependencies a lot, i still remember what was the last bug i was working on

Come on man share the source code.

What was the bug?

i remember you. you posted a good while ago.

...earlier this week

>inb4 'its technology xd!'

nah, you posted before, too. this same webm.

Nah, the last time I posted my game on Jow Forums or /agdg/ was at least a few weeks ago.

"Suck my dick, choke on it." -Popular game dev proverb

This looks cool, keep it up

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chill, ma dude

I honestly thought Jow Forums stands for Jow Forumsames

I am thinking of trying to write a game in rust.

Please stop this madness.
You'll like it over there better, they have game jams.

Attached: gross.jpg (639x360, 50K)

OP said that he doesn't write games. He just likes to get (you)s.

Will they, like you fags, pray to 12 different deities that my mother die in her sleep because I use C++?

No, most of them use fucking C#, they have no standards.
C++ and SFML development will make you their god, they all use shitty engines.

I don't even use an engine, I write my own shit directly to the windows console buffer as wchar.

Dude, use the SFML library. It's so great.

Stopped reading right there. Sold.

Yep, multi-platform dedicated game library.
You'll never use a shitty engine again (given you stick to 2D games).

What are you a masochist or a retard? Why would anyone use C++ for non-graphic intensive gaymes?

it has a bunch of shortcomings but overall quite alright

C# is the Java of C.
Personally, I would never touch C++ or C#.
C is the greatest language of all time, but I don't gave dev, so.

>a masochist or a retard?
That's a very philosophical question...

Isn't C# the C++ of Java?

TFW Cmake actually fucking works

Attached: Untitled.png (1059x237, 22K)

I wrote my top-bottom view game in pascal at age 13. Since then I gave up programming and I recently started again. Time to become the next Phil Fish.

Implying C++ and C# are alike is like implying Java and Javascript are simliar. Not sure if bait or retarded

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What the acutal fuck?

Im going through a Udemy course on Unreal Engine 4 right now. Also using it to set up discipline. Do 2 hours every 2 days, first gonna do this for a month then increase the work time.
24 year old neet with high school diploma and no work ethic btw.

Wrong board OP, making a simple game is beyond what Jow Forums is capable of.

Working on a dank ass point 'n' click game from scratch, this is gonna be good.

this, fags here at most fail to follow simple instructions (ark linux)

That's not your vidya you bastard

Wish I could make good art, without seeing fast results I get demoralized

Fucking gen Z dev

Use placeholders. When everything else is finished you'll have the motivation to do the art.

how 2 learn opengl

God I hate faggots like this. You daft punks get slightly motivated, watch a few tutorials for novelty, and quit. Then you ask around...
Listen, there are no shortcuts to learning openGL, SDL, DX, Vulkan, etc. Sit down and read, nigger.

Nice Win8.1 windows border aeshetics you got there m8

You can use assets from other games as placeholders.

This, if your program is well designed it should work independently from the actual art you intend to use.
If you really suck at making it, like me, you still have the option to ask a friend/pay someone to do it. They will be much more willing to do it if they see you already have the program itself mostly working but missing the art.

Thanks, I'm using the original 8, actually.

Why should i ?
Programming any form of graphical interface is tedious and boring. Hell, even formatting Strings is already annoying as shit.
Just find straight C command line programms and your fine.

>tedious and boring
>slapping around menus in windows form or qt creator is boring
>having the IDE write thousands of lines of code under the hood instead of you is boring
No, it's amazing.

what's a good GL book then

OpenGL for dummies

>struct unit
Why not just unit?

Ur game allows for tick eating

Not typedef'd

Because if someone else looks at the code they don't know what unit is. having struct there you know it's a struct.

Linus Torvalds has a rant about this