I really hate capitalism and the state of technology we are in

I really hate capitalism and the state of technology we are in

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Anything in particular?

Yeah man, fuck having food and shit.

Let's look at all of that tech that non-capitalists countries have given us


ah yes, very nice

I just hate jews, without jews capitalism would be fine

what do you mean

ya man instead of having some people rich and some people poor let's have everyone poor

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Technically the Soviet Union pushed the United States to make great advances in technology. That's about as far as you could stretch it though.

>capitalism is the reason tech is somehow bad today
>does know capitalism is the reason R&D budgets at companies have exploded to try and innovate something new that users can use

Food actually existed before people decided to charge people money for it.
It's a little known fact that things existed before capitalism.


Can you elaborate specifically on how you feel modern capitalism has effected technology?

Nazis though.
>inb4 they were totally capitalist
Sure they let their chosen people hang on to their wealth, but they also told them how to spend it.

Me too senpai. I especially hate the Jow Forumstard that try to blame "marxism" for the obvious failures of capitalism.

russia still has some tech that's more advanced than the US counterparts

The failure point is government meddling, not any economic system.

sputnik, leica, glonass, tsar bomba

Communism is based on the fallacy that money is a limited, fixed resource, when it is actually made out of people.
Sadly, the megacorporations we did let grow do operate on the same fallacy.

>before capitalism
>before not violently trying to prevent people from exchanging the things they own
lol ok

tbqh, I am really digging my new physique. It used to be when I sat on my ass all day I'd be flabby. But now that I am spending $1600 a month on rent and electricity, I can sit on my ass all day yet still have a somewhat toned body.

I live in a western nation and my apartment block looks like the pic on the right

People are a sort of limited resource though. Given any moment's technological capabilities there is an upper cap to the sustinence we can provide. The 2024 water wars will be a harsh reminder of this. The average American is not worth the cost of desalinating water for them, based on their current wages and the current costs to do so.

damn, the state of technology really makes me wish i couldnt have things

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I think OP is referring to the variety of capitalism used in the US, not the variety used in Canada, Australia, and Europe

Space Commie Utopia

not OP, but I repair consumer electronics for a living. Let's just say, I would not have made many of the design choices the manufacturer made.

What's the alternative then? Not communism that's for sure.

It's not just about numbers, that's the catch about the ningen, but about how useful a human can be.
7 billion of barely used humans won't do much good, and when you fuck the life of many on purpose just to increase an autistic virtual number, you're actually devaluating your money.

>people are a renewable resource
wut the fuk

what anime is this?


The point is that people make things that people value, so them making a lot of money by doing so doesn't necessarily subtract from the resources available to everyone else. But yes, some resources are limited and the human population should never have been allowed to grow to the point that it has.

With enough tech they probably are.
But the main point is that the true value of the money is determined by what what people can do for it.

>the variety of capitalism used in the US
Hell,I'm fine with capitalism, it's the tax system that's some serious bullshit,at least spend the money wisely ffs.We're all working about a week a month to pay into a shopping spree for a bunch of old retards who can't even be bothered to show up to work half the time. It's fucking criminal.

We ain't doing capitalism, we're doing corporatism. Big difference.

What is the difference then, buddy boy?

You don't have a corrupt government using their power to prop up a specific company?

Which company and how are they propping it up?

Not him, and I'm no expert, but I'm guessing, essentially size.

I may understand where OP is coming from.

Capitalism encourages everyone to compete against each other. It's hard to have healthy relationships with people when everyone is your opponent.

Infinite patents and copyright.

If capitalism is free market economics, how is letting companies grow however big they will not capitalist?

What's the alternative to patents?

>i really hate capitalism
haha that's neat user. well, im off. have a good sweet 16!

Finite patents, and a non-blocking law where a company can't use a patent to block you from releasing a product yourself, only get a reasonable amount of money.


>i really hate capitalism
haha that's neat, user. anyway, i've gotta get going. have fun at your party later! 16 is a big year.

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Not having an artificial government created monopoly at all

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How do you decide what a reasonable amount of money is? Research can be massively expensive and involve a lot of risk. The money you earn not only has to cover the cost of research, but also the risk the that the research yielded nothing.

Those are things, agreed.

No the failure point is capitalism

How do you incentivize research when companies can just copy each other instead of doing the work themselves?

Well, eventually you would reach a point where fewer and fewer companies exist and that leads to monopolies,which leads to a situation that really isn't capitalism anymore.Certain products that people rely upon could end up putting a stranglehold on society. It's hard to describe, but the world is slowly making things difficult for people to achieve the things they were once able to do.A lot of it is due to bureaucracy.

But none of this is caused by capitalism, it's caused by state intervention in the markets, aka socialism.

Ya communism and the state of starvation they were in was way better. I'm really disappointed I'll never live to see a breadline in my lifetime

If the shit will be going to take to the court, you will have to prove that the amount you're charging for the patent is reasonable enough.

Patent law and copyright law is completely fucked as is.
Seriously, fuck Disney. They've ruined it completely. No one will ever have a chance to make something good with any property since the bloody 60s

How would you prove that? How do you prove what the risk was that the research would fail? This is something that you could only guess before you start researching.

>mechanization, industrial revolution, chemical plants making nitrates out of thin air for dirt cheap
>the fact children don't have to start working in mines at 14 to support their families and can spend their first couple of decades learning how to read and shit
>the fact you can produce medicines in stupid large scale
>the fact you can work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week instead of "as long as the sun is up" for 7 days a week
>the fact modern commodities that middle class people have nowadays would be unthinkable for even the nobles of old
>not the product of the enlightenment and capitalism
It's always pampered 1st world Apple™ toddlers that support communism the hardest.

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Capitalism with monopolies is still capitalism. Doesn't mean that its the best form. If you're talking about things like housing prices though, I'd tend to think that has more to do with population growth.

If you have the patent, you already did the research.

fuck off leftypol

Did OP ever say anything about communism? I don't think he ever said anything beyond the initial post.

There's pretty much only one political system that opposes the idea of private property and free trade of said property

Yes, the question is if the money you make is worth the risk you took. If I spend $2000 on research that has a 10% chance of success, it needs to make me at least $20000 if it works out.

Or you bought it or licensed it from a University

>peoples are too retarded too produce their own food
Yeah, both capitalism and communism are stupid

The world population didn't do this by everyone producing their own food.

not op either but I can see a few issues specifically with capitalism, namely that economies of scale and poor marketing can kill good products outright if they never get off the ground while continually mediocre products can be successful just because they have a bankroll to weather a storm, somewhat related to this is the ability for companies to sell at a loss to make money back later which causes huge issues given that it's not entirely illegal if their direct competitors are also doing it
an example would be console sellers selling their hardware at a loss to make money back on game licencing, it's not other console manufacturers that are suffering from this but the pc market in general
another issue would be the decline in quality due to the rise in the disposable culture, if it's cheaper to buy a new product than get it repaired consumers will always buy the new product which leads to a huge amount of easily repairable waste, but more egregious is that the prevalence of shit cheap products simply pushes expensive better built products out of the market, you simply cannot buy a proper durable power tool any more because it's an order of magnitude more expensive to manufacture for a final product that is only marginally better than professional or prosumer tools for most use cases, you can say market forces at work and I'd agree and you can say the market will correct if products get too shit and it will but it might take years and decades for the market to correct for certain market segments

I don't think socialism would do any better at all though for what its worth

It sort of is.But as I said, bureaucracy has started to make competition nearly impossible.I'm in no way against the capitalist system we've been told exists. It's one that actually exists, that bothers me.Does that make sense? Like, there is no way we're going to see a competitor to, let's say, Google. Nobody has the resources to do such a thing, so that market can't really be called capitalist. It actually starts to resemble more of a socialist state service.Am I making sense?

>It's one that actually exists
It's the one that actually exists

nazi has 'socialism' in the name and they borrowed some socialist ideas but politically they were right wing fascism, they couldn't have been further from socialism if they tried

There are alternatives to most of google's products though. It's just that not many people use them.

not having patents


>literally defending normie boom

no one cares. No really. Sit down and think about just how few people care about your opinion. Socialism and Communism always lead to misery. You're just a have not who refuses to work for his own and wants what others have.

Get a job fucking hippy.

How is having heavy government control of industry not close to socialism?

some degree of state capitalism and better public access to research would be a good start
a huge amount of technological innovation comes from the military and publicly funded research, it's almost criminal that the taxpayer only gets to reap the reward of this some decades down the line in some tangential way

simple, taxes. whatever you invented, you get a portion of the taxes.

this way, no one is immorally prevented from using anything, and you still get money for being the person to do it first

Yes, you're right. It was a bad example. Let's say Intel and AMD. Or Nvidia and AMD.We don't even need to name a specific company. The concept is the same.Certain markets
are nearly impossible to break into.

>implying before the industrial revolution any neet and social leech with autism would have lived past 5
everyone was a normie, shut ins are a modern phenomenon

Ok, but what's the solution? If it's the size of these companies that allows them to survive in the market, wouldn't breaking them up mean they can't deliver products of the same quality?

That's a false dilemma. Patents used to be topical and limited to certain industries and there was no problem with companies creating innovation before then. They would simply keep things as secret as possible and theft thereof would simply be theft but the "system" didn't allow for abuse like patent trolling.

There were plenty of NEETs in rich families

That wouldn't work for things like medicine where production is dirt cheap but research is butt-fuck expensive. If anyone can produce it, then they're all competing to set the lowest price, so the price drops near the price of production. But even if you got almost 100% of their profit you won't cover the cost of your research because it isn't possible to do so without charging much more than the cost of production.

>for 5 days a week instead of "as long as the sun is up" for 7 days a week
Serfs only worked [for their lord] 2 days a week

I can't even begin to answer that,I doubt anyone could due to the amount laws and red tape involved. It's just a pattern I've been observing lately in a lot of things.It's like everything is slowly turning upside down and looking like it's traditional polar opposite.Business and politics especially.

Communism has never been tried.


you seem highly confused. you seem to think money is some universal constant. you seem to think that if someone makes a billion dollars they definitely did it fairly using a 100% fair system and using 100% fair methods.

this is wholly false. if a company gets "too big" that is not a sign that they earned getting that big, it is a sign that the system is fundamentally flawed to have allowed it to happen. attempts at preventing this from happening are band-aid solutions applied to a broken system. a system that subjugates the average citizen for the benefit of a tiny minority.

of course this is just reflective of the natural order of primate existence (humans being primates). primates have a strong hierarchy, with primarily alpha males being allowed to mate, while the majority of males dont get to mate. this is highly evident in human dna, where it shows, on average, only 20% of males breeding in the not too distant past.

we have tried to get past this, and rightly so, when we invented civilization. however, you will always have greedy, sinister people. capitalism, especially the rampant out of control capitalism you see in the united states, is the result of sinister people using humans natural competitive, primate behavior patterns for the benefit of the few.

Any attempts to prevent this sinister, greedy, minority from exerting control over our lives is justified.

Move to a frozen shithole like russia. They love leftists scums like you.

>in rich families
Yes. Inequality way back then was also way higher, 95% of people lived with under 2 dollars a day. The only way for you to be rich was being a noble, pro tip: You weren't.
Being a neet back then would be like being the son of a Forbes 1000 Billionaire today. Middle class people being able to maintain a neet life? Yeah, nah.

medicine is a perfect example of something that would not be paid for my taxing profits. medicine for profit is disgusting. research like this would be subsidized as a public service, just like anything else. how the fuck roads are a public service, and schools, but not medicine, is fucking insane

i think its disgusting that you even possibly considered medicine to be a good example of our current system working properly.

people who believe this bullshit are either nazis or pinkos.

Hierarchies evolved because they work. Civilization wasn't a push against hierarchy, it was the codification of it. Hierarchy allows humans to work more efficiently and to prosper.

>doesn't want to privatize the military
lol beta cuck

I beg to differ, Putin is about as far from leftist as a man can get.The only thing that resembles the old communist regime there is the poverty and government control.It's more like the mob took over a ghetto and collects rent.

Not being socialist doesn't make them capitalist. The government making every big financial decision at gunpoint is not capitaliam.

>pay for my healthcare!!! t. 300lb Jow Forumsentooman