
Software engineering student here. Why the hell does programming not get inside my head? Literally spend hours and hours watching videos and nothing. What do i do? What methods can I do to help teach me. I need to be at least be able to write code in java in the next 3-4 months, then eventually branch out to python etc.

Please help me anons. I love programming but nothing helps. My brain is thick.

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>watching videos
go read a book nigger. and start with Haskell

Why would anyone think that watching videos would make them good at programming? Fucking boomer millennial gen zs

The trick to learning programming is to build shit.
And just look up how to do things as you go.

Videos and books only start to make sense AFTER you already build a couple things.

Great advice. Also if you find java too annoying start with python. You will make something faster and that will make you feel good about your ability

>using haswell in 2018
Upgrade to ryzen already you fucking shill

>Literally spend hours and hours watching videos and nothing.
No shit, you nigger. How about writing some shit yourself?

>watching videos

Start programming yourself you lazy nigger.

>i watch other men code on computers
lol cuck

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have you tried actually programming?

>I spent hours watching videos of other people and I still can't do what they do!
Fucking hell

Post a pic of your hand beforehand so we can diagnose the problem better. If it is black, then that will be your problem.

Maybe it is just not your thing you know. Try networking. Every network administrator somehow tried programming in the past and failed. That's why he is a network administrator.

and I feel your pain as I am the same way with math. I enjoy programming, and let me tell you that you should not memorize too much, especially in the beginning. You can use your references (past code examples, projects, etc.) while you're programming. There is nothing wrong with that. Eventually you will pick up on it and memorize certain things.

>And just look up how to do things as you go.
Not OP, but this just results in me copying code and never fully understanding it. Even after 5 years of "coding" I often do not recall the correct syntax for very basic tasks.
Maybe this is my problem but perhaps unironically.

Yea ofc. I understand the basic patterns, how to write loops, function, arrays etc etc, it's mostly when it comes to problem solving. Like for example, "build xyz" I often have no clue where to start\, what to do etc. That's what messes with me. Then i end up googling the problem, watching a vid, still have no idea what to do and give up. Really want to be a decent programmer, but i'm just bad at problem solving.

>Literally spend hours and hours watching videos
HAHAHAHAHAHA yes that's how every pro-tennis player trains too! Watching videos!

Then how do you not get that you break any sized problem into smaller problems?

clearly lack of passion
you have no goals, no targets to achieve
if you can't feel the urge to get started even tho you haven't even finished your lesson you are simply never going to make it

Fucking this, that's how I learned at least.

>watching videos
What did you expect to happen? It was called the boobtube back when it used tubes. Read a book nigger.

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First year comp sci, can program at a mildly competent level, loops, structs, arrays, vectors, etc, but I can never actually think of anything to make. I’ve made some command line games but that’s about it and they weren’t particularly challenging to make

>I can never actually think of anything to make
utility programs
file movers/renamers, metadata taggers, converters, editors, etc

Join a programming discord.

Some people can't be programmers no matter how hard they try. Sorry you fell for the everyone's brain is equal at everything nonsense.


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Program a virtual noose to hang yourself.

This. Programming comes easy to me to the point of finding it comical that I get paid for it. On the other hand, I've never been able to reach a conversational level of any foreign language. Different people have different aptitudes.

>people not understanding assignment
Fucking hell brainlets

>i watch porn all day, every day since 1987, why i still virgin?

Just look around.
Which program could make things easier?
Make a stock management program or something that sorts your bills, manages your music collection....
Any nostalgia games to remake?
Make a Mario remake, dx ball, street fighter....
Wanna cheat at online card games?
Make a program that scrapes data, counts cards, calculates probabilities.....
Unlimited possibilities.
Just pick something

you need to practice, programming is only learned through practice, no amount of reading or watching is gonna teach you shit if you don't practice it, also you need to learn to run simple segment of codes in your head

Damn, I fucking hate niggers.