Anyone here proficient in AHK?

Anyone here proficient in AHK?

I'm trying to make a script that presses "m" five times a second and then presses "n" every five seconds. Preferably with a pause button. This needs to work constantly with no interaction besides the one to start the script.

The best I could do was make a retarded one that presses "m" fast enough but I can't get it to press "n" at all and it only works while I am holding a key.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x714, 40K)



AHK is worse than javascript to deal with but I'm not going to pretend like it isn't useful.
>that syntax
>that multiple types of syntax in the same program

Actually, I could probably just have it press "n" five times per second with no interaction and a pause button. I still can't get it to work without physically holding the button down though, and while I guess I could bind space or something and put a weight on it I feel like there has to be a more elegant solution

Why are you trying to do this, it better not be video games.

Op ur retarded if you cant get this shit done. Try other langs if still having trouble after 99 years of training in ahk i guess

Does it really matter?

AHK is just a busted language

>Does it really matter?
When you're asking for advice, yes. I'm less inclined to help you if I don't know what it's for. What if you're building a nuclear bomb. What if you're playing a bad video game? I can't be involved with this, even indirectly.

>doesn't even understand the basics of programming
Just read a basic programming guide. Yout idea is missing basic foundations that every programmer understands.

100$ and I'll make an exe for you that does just that

just search for an autoclicker script built in ahk and tweak it to spam n instead of the mouse button. Now give me my upvote

>Now give me my upvote

The only shitty part is that there is no standard when the parameter is a variable or is piece of text.

global enabled
settimer pressm,% enabled?200:"off"
settimer pressn,% enabled?5000:"off"
send {m}
send {n}

wow what a disgusting language

toggle = 1
counter = 0
while (toggle = 1)
if (counter = 5)
SendInput n
counter = 0
counter := counter + 1
counter2 = 0
while (counter2

I think everyone should try and implement something of medium merit in it, once in their lifetime. It builds character and appreciation.

i remember writing an actual app (around 500 loc) in AHK back in highschool with nothing but notepad.exe, there's no debugger, no error codes, if shit went wrong it wouldnt even tell me where or how it just refused to run at all, good times.

I have a project from 2016 that's 1000 and does IPC, ini parsing, and other shit.
What an experience. I'm glad I did it, but I'll never do it again.

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