So why do you folks care so much about privacy...

So why do you folks care so much about privacy? I mean unless someone's trying to steal sensitive financial data or uncover the sick shit you fap to on a regular basis, what's the point beyond that? Why does it matter so much if big daddy Microsoft knows what graphics card you're using?

Attached: 1468641477909.jpg (928x589, 137K)

>Article 12: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Datamining consumer preferences definitely ain't what the 12th amendment is about.

fuck off I can see you from a mile away

Attached: imcia.jpg (240x135, 4K)

Mom, start my car. I need to up the score for the good guys.

Attached: 1505064873791.png (802x854, 1.19M)

except when john the sys admin accidentally leaves his workstation on and pietr the janitor gets his hands on all your data.

>someone could type my username into Google and know what I'm beating my meat to
Oh the horror!

it's what the 4th amendment is about

I'd like to remain totally invisible while on the net, what's their problem?
don't treat me as another consumer, fuck off

>theres nothing wrong with wanting to know every little detail about little jazmin whereabouts
>we would never sell this info to human trafficking rings for the right price

Because I don't want to be psychologically controlled by massive international corporations that know everything about me.

For the same reason I don't have a live public camera feed in my shower. It's none of your fucking business.

Op can I put a tracker on your phone and cameras in your house

Nothing to hide so what's the worry

I just want to see what you are up to that's all

You're retarded if you don't feel uncomfortable with ALL information collection.

Watch Glenn's TED talk on privacy. But maybe you're unconvinced that good people have anything to hide. Just remember that even if you only share with entities that have good intent, you're never only sharing with them. You're also sharing with everyone who will ever breach the entity's systems. Look up how many high profile companies are breached every year. You might also enjoy looking into how many critical government systems are broken into as well. Maybe you don't care, because you don't buy privacy's inherit value. Just consider: your information is not without value. If you think insurance companies wouldn't use your genetic dispositions to deny you coverage, you clearly have not bought a plane ticket recently.

privacy and firearms are necessary tools to protect yourself from violence or other harm

the more data these companies have about you, or even any other human, the less safe you and your progeny are

The question is why does MS need to know anything about me that they're not prepared to publicly ask?
Anyone who can demonstrate that they know stuff about you that you have not voluntarily revealed can also say that they have found things in your possesion that you haven't possed. Planting, in fact.
This should concern you, even if you have led an exemplary life. You can be set up as a "fall guy".

If you're only taking a shower, why do you have a door and a curtain in your bathroom?

Friend of yours calls telling you they have been diagnosed with liver cancer. You google "liver cancer" for your friend... your insurance thinks you have liver cancer and your rates go up.

You subscribe to a "politically incorrect" blog/podcast... your employer terminates you using the morality clause in your employment agreement.

What you do in the privacy of your home on your own computer is your business and yours alone.

What you think doesn't need to be hidden can easily be outlawed... just look at how everything changed after 9/11...

I don't want to be one of those guys who never did anything illegal but just because I visited some websites I am on a FEMA kill list for when something goes down

>So why do you folks care so much about privacy?
none of your god damned business.

Because what is true is not always what most people believe to be true and when people are exposed to even the possibility that they might be wrong they get very very upset and call your business and family and try to get you fired or disowned or otherwise shut down.