What's the reason why almost every website is full of visual clutter and unuseful, slow JavaScript code...

What's the reason why almost every website is full of visual clutter and unuseful, slow JavaScript code? Will this trend ever end?

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Art students are usually lefties. That deranged mentality usually trickles down into everything they do.

Whats optimaisation? Hahaha lol just get a better pc loool haha what a poorfag he doesnt even buys a new phone every year
Btw i have a major in liberal arts and i am a self-taught web developer

Yes, one day we'll compile all that js code into c++ code into wasm code and it will run at native speeds.

just get a better pc bro. its not my fault your pc sux bro. you dont have to be so aggresive bro.

Never had problem with this honestly.
My only problem with modern web are ads.
It is fucking cancer and it always block 80% of content.

I hate so much that that last sentence can describe me.

aesthetic over functionality. I do honestly like working with some JS frameworks as they can speed up development and make projects a bit more streamlined to work on. However, I think the main problems are ad and spyware bloat that increase load-times and make.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Normies and advertisers took the magic and fun away from the web.

>Will this trend ever end?
Yes. Websites will cease to exist and all you'll get is clutter, blasted every day straight into your eye balls. And you're gonna pay monthly subscription for it.
If you don't believe me, screencap this and read again in 5 to 10 years.

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Eventually a critical fraction of the population will use ad blockers and the ad supported web will collapse, including the spyware bubble. Microsoft and Apple including ad blocker capability in Edge and Safari was critical.

What do you mean? Wasm is already out there.
You still need js to do anything with wasm tho.

Get out of here

Data. Javascript can scrape a meaningful amount of data from the user's machine.

B-but, I love programming and want to learn more about it and get better and better.

You won't get better at anything. Just kill yourself now.

wasm is propping up js, and not intended to replace it.

If you did you wouldn't enroll in a shitty liberal art class, just leave

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem!

That didn't happen recently. I think I'll continue to hang out here.

because clients that want a website are the dumbest fucking animals alive and they just want this shit they saw on some other website, but "with a twist"

>everybody needs a website
>people that study design don't study programming
>only a small number of people actually care



Part of this is due to sociopolitical beliefs seeping into the design of the websites. The average leftist wants a strong, powerful government to impose their beliefs of what a proper society should be. They think the masses are too dumb to take care of themselves. This thinking is carried over to their approach in designing websites and programs.

The slow javascript comes from their excessive use of frameworks and a religious adherence to programming paradigms to the point where it goes beyond common sense and compromises performance. They rely so much on frameworks that they forget how to write equivalent code without frameworks. They rely on a specific programming paradigm so much that they don't realize they're writing more code than necessary, introducing technical debt, an their attempts at abstraction are in no way modular.

what's the reason every porn website is full of pop up ads? because they know that you will come back

The goal of the developer is to make sure that 98% of people who visit the site are about to use the site. In order for that to be true, the website has to get dumbed down enough so that even the dumbest 2% can use it.

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Holy shit you're autistic

>Expressing an opinion on a Mongolian underwater basket-weaving forum means you're autistic.

I bet you have too much ADHD to type more than one sentence.

I got a pseudo-dev job that actually pays pretty well in my local city. I'm still learning web development and programming in my spare time, because I'm highly interested in moving into a position that deals with actual development and not GUI configuration and data handling. All of the postings I see in my area for the sorts of jobs I'm interested in usually spout off frameworks left and right, leaving me with a vague understanding of what demand is like in my area. What would you recommend someone study/build that would help prevent them from falling into the trap that you've described? I feel like I sometimes pick the wrong tools for the job or force their insertion when it's unnecessary, but I think it's because I've only been doing this on my own for 1-2 years, not because of my political beliefs (which don't align with the majority of the tech world's anyway)

Also, the few that I see regularly are usually C#. Node.js, and PHP. Most of my own projects have been done in Python and Node.

what javascript functionality is considered essential to the browsing experience today

Companies think swag is more important than functionality.

what a fucking liberal faggot. is this how far Jow Forums has fallen?
liberal scum acting morally and everyone going along with it. fuckin hell

I'm not even a liberal, you fucking retard. Holy shit, dude. Not everyone who has a "liberal" arts degree holds liberal views. It's fucking baffling to me that you don't have the brain capacity to understand that.

With every update they break their websites for old browsers it's ridiculous, I'm tired with the cluttered ugly look I just use the mobile version of the site whenever it's possible, at least it hides all the useless side bars and I still need to use element hiding for the top and bottom bars, I also zoom in a lot to make text easy on the eye.
Which there was a solution that does all of this automatically.

Literally every mediaplayer you see is JS.

so then javascript is necessary for the internet and op is a faggot

I've only been in field for four years, but here's my two cents: In addition to knowing stuff that's in demand, you should focus on having a understanding of programming in general, not just specific programming languages. This includes knowing both low-level and high-level languages. You don't have to master them, but you should know how they work at least because that will give you a well-rounded perspective of programming. You can also try to write the same program in multiple languages and paradigms.