My university got rid of their old computers, so now I have nine Dell Optiplex 755 computers in my home...

My university got rid of their old computers, so now I have nine Dell Optiplex 755 computers in my home. What should I do with them?

Attached: 10918t450.jpg (450x360, 11K)

Give them back, Deshawn.

Give them back, Deshawn.

Return it Lemonbelt

Give them back, Deshawn.

Give it back, Marcellus.

If your fingers arent sticky, make a lab box with linux to do stupid shit on without fear of losing data.

HaCK ThE NatIOnAL SecURiTy aGenCy

Attached: brainlet.jpg (2048x2040, 115K)

Beowulf cluster

- Build a personal server to host your own cloud or email service.
- Create a node for Tor
- Build a webservice to host pirate shit.
- Write a program to calculate de meaning of life.

Attached: 42.jpg (1100x1002, 486K)

r8 my OC that I just made, Jow Forums

Attached: potatolet.png (1064x1584, 387K)

>not animated where the potato(?) is spinning
good start but needs work

Give them back, Jamal.

Kinda looks like a liver or kidney, not potato.

Give it back, Tyrone.

I assumed the original was based of the potato downs meme

Give them back, Jaekwon.

Were they free?

>- Write a program to calculate de meaning of life.
echo 42

Learn Chapel or X10

Beowulf cluster

I tink u meen da wae

create a beowulf cluster and hack the nsa

Beowulf cluster, then calculate pi to six gorillion decimals.

Start mining bitcorn

Give me one pls

Give them back, Jamal.

Make a throne. Then install gentoo and donate them to a community center.

i offer to take one in OP. it would b going to a good loving home where it will be cleaned and used to the best of its capabilities. gimme 1 pls OP
