>There’s no need for FOR loops when you can use WHILE for everything
There’s no need for FOR loops when you can use WHILE for everything
> pic related
all loops are just gotos
>There is no need for structs when you can use classes for everything
While true, for loops are shorter and less error-prone.
Isn't the only difference between structs and classes the default access specifier? Seems unnecessary to have both.
dir --color=auto --group-directories-first
>There's no need for WHILE loops when you can use FOR for everything
And there's no need for WHILE loops when you can use GOTO for everything.
>There's no need for loops when you can use iterators for everything
>There’s no need for FOR Jow Forums when you can use /b/ for everything
>there is no need for WHILE loops when you can use recursion for everything
struct should only have public member variables, no methods and nothing private
class should only have public methods, private methods and private members
Use this style and you will be enlightened
all loops and gotos are just jne
>who needs loops when you have recursion
>there's no need for FOR loops when you have functors, applicative functors and monoids
Not eveyrthing is x86
>Java have structs
hurr durr
theres no need for loops when you can just make new threads
Why write software when you can make application specific logic?
Except recursion has linear space-complexity while iteration has only constant space-complexity.
Technically yes depending on the language, example when C is compiled in assembly
>Technically yes depending on the language
It's not language dependent. All loops are gotos.
not him but all languages aren't compiled the same way
No language, when run, supports loops.
>there are people who unironically don't know when yo use a while and when to use a for
Hell I have seen this, it is so pathetic that it hurts, you need to literally have an IQ below 50 to not understand something so simple.
Oh please, I've seen people in engineering courses struggle with the concept of loops of any kind. "If" statements are already pushing their limits.
yeah they shit themselves when they find out what a switch statement is
stop being so pedantic
stop being so wrong.
If loops are better.
stop being a giant pretentious faggot
I'm not even the user you were arguing with retard
begone thot
Except that we have tail recursion for constant space-complexity
and for everything else it's bne
>there's no need for programming languages when you can just write in binary
>there's no need for calculators when you can just use an abacus
>there's no need for TV when you can just read a book
>there's no need for cars when you can just walk
>there's no need for water running to your house when you can just bathe in the nearest natural water source
Those are all false analogies
they're not even analogies. they're just stupid reductionist statements like OP's