How are they doing it Jow Forums?

How are they doing it Jow Forums?
>Thieves break into and steal several cars by hacking into key FOBs.
>Surveillance video shows the crooks trying doors while someone in a silver-colored SUV follows behind.
>A man uses some sort of device that seems to allow him to open locked doors.

Attached: thieves.jpg (778x739, 76K)

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tons of plans for cracking car locks over rf, open your eyes.


poorly designed crypto protocols. hurr i'mma just throw this Triple DES (severely deprecated and weak to SWEET32 and other shit) ASIC into a fob and then design a proto vulnerable to basic replay attacks. that's basically it in a nutshell.

I thought FOBs were fairly secure these days. I think I saw a proof of concept once a while back where they were able to start a car but it took a shit load of tech and time to work and the car shutdown if anyone tried to drive it without the actual FOB. Haven't heard much since. Haven't really been looking into it though. Is cracking a FOB easy now? Anyway to crack proof a FOB for better security?

i know how to but it will cost you

this is what happens when you let the boomer "senior" software """engineer""" implement your cryptography software instead of contacting a consultancy firm or hiring someone who knows what the fuck they are doing.

boomers need to be shot.

damn you really hate boomers

i hate old retards who work at shitsville corps who think they know shit just because they've worked for the same shitty company for 30 years and then design broken garbage like the retarded replay attack vulnerable key fobs described in OP's post.

yeah saw a poo in loo on facebook marketplace offering to duplicated bmw/merc/audi keys cheap which i thought was impossible as the real deal are around $600 each from a dealer did they just recently crack it?

Attached: 1526964649038.jpg (1800x2700, 469K)

>using a simple repeater

They stole the diagset from a dealer.

OK, now this is epic.

Attached: Capture.png (746x317, 20K)

wtf I payed for Jow Forums gold
why cant I view this image

All you need to hack a key fob is a Palm Pilot, jamal. You can use a Palm to even hack ATMS.

you need Jow Forums platinum to view this image

>I thought FOBs were fairly secure these days.
no lol

RFID is just an evil technology

>implying it'd be hard to break into those garbage cars
I'm sure you could even do something as primitive as brute force all of the possible codes in minutes

>Triple DES

Sweet baby Jesus, *please* tell me you're exaggerating.

Sorry your country ain't white anymore.

Attached: 35434543.png (1365x766, 116K)

signal amplifier.

Always keep your keys in a faraday cage of some sort.

you need to suck moot's dick for this image


>Palm Pilot
>not using Atari Portfolio like a 133t

Car manufacturers think ahead, five, ten years. And are hampered with manufacturing standards. They just can't implement the latest and greatest just because it's available.

While 3DES is not exactly secure it is reasonable secure for certain applications. Mifare Desfire EV1 cards for example. You won't obtain 2^(n/2) blocks of data without anyone noticing in a reasonable amount of time

cuckservatives btfo! based!

>Sorry, this content is not available in your region.
fucking hell

itt, basement dweller who didn't get enough good boy points to purchase tendies

Have these retards never heard of an actual fucking key?

Slow as shit link but here is in UK apparently

I don't trust companies today, because THEY WANT your shit stolen for some reason.

you get in the car, connect to obd, flash a new key, drive off

Don't all combination locks have a similar flaw to that?
All the ones I've owned so far (not many) I've managed to feel my way through.

I always regarded them as merely slowing down theft.

Not necessary if you have to press a button on the fob to open the door instead of just being near the car.

From what I've heard they are just using a signal amplifier in the car so if the key is within a 50m radius they'll be able to open your door witha dummy key.

Probably a HackRF or something similar.

the real question is what the fuck they do with the cars ounce they steal them, they certainly can't be driven or sold because of the VIN numbers, best you could do is try to scam someone into buying one

They take them to chop shops that break them down for parts and sell the parts off to unsuspecting buyers.
You are right though. Auto theft has plummeted in recent years because moving stolen cars is way harder than it used to be.

I think they're just looking for cars with expensive shit left lying inside then taking it. Even if they get off with the car, chop shops are still very much a thing. Used car parts are still worth a very decent amount of money, especially on any sort of luxury car.

this is why i shake my head at the morons who don't even have a physical key to start the car and just have a fob.

that shit will be cracked at some point and your $30k car will be free for the taking.