White Earbuds Phenomenon

>riding bus in morning
>looking out window at commuters
>normalfags listening to earphones
>9/10 are white earbuds

Someone explain this phenomenon. Is this a holdover from the iPod craze ten years ago?

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It came with their iPhones

>listening to cheap throwaway earphones that come with the phone

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Literally copied from Sony Walkman ads from the 80's.

>caring about audio quality

Sadly, it's acceptable to most people

>Someone explain this phenomenon. Is this a holdover from the iPod craze ten years ago?


Before iPod all earbuds were black.

White earbuds were a big thing back when iPod hit the scene. It was a status symbol to be seen with them on.

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The ones coming with iPhone are pretty good for earbuds actually.

>100 degrees out with ALL the humidity
>wearing expensive cans that will be flooded with ear sweat in 30 sec

With all the background noise in public transport, it doesn't really matter desu

You might want to visit a doctor, mate. I sweat a lot in this shitty weather but never from my fucking ears.

this has been a common phenomenon since the iphone came out a decade ago. please go outside more

I blame wypipo

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even with 30$ ear buds you get decent sound isolation so you don't have to blast ur music on 100% just so you can bearly hear it(which has also been proven to damage your ear drums) and getting noise cancelling headphones is even better.

This was a bigger thing in the 2000s. Just poorfags buying cheap $1 chink earbuds to make it look like they own an iPod while out in public.

The Xiaomi ones I got with my Note 4X are unironically good sounding

I thought the ones that came with the iPhone were pretty decent?

>get decent headphones with s8
>destroyed in 4 months by computer chair
>go back to 3 year old cheap panasonic headphoned that cannot be killed

holy shit i thought i was the only one
i shredded the cable for one of the buds and it still works perfect, 3-4 years now i think

I got shilled on panasonic by someone on Jow Forums and the meme is real. I was 2 pares, both i abuse and they cannot die, any other brand i try die fairly quickly

not many guys are into pink shit

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My earphones are wooden.

Are there any earbuds that are as comfortable as iphone earbuds though? Nothing else compares so far. I fucking hate in-ears too.

>there is literally no options in between shitty Apple earbuds and expensive cans
Just get a nice set of earbuds. Maybe some Shures or something.

They're not. They're overpriced garbage that sells on the Apple name just like everything else that shitty company makes. Samsung packs a set of low-end AKGs in with the S8 and S9, and they're about the only included earbuds on the market that I'd consider decent.

which model?

>calling people normalfags
>unironically caring what kind of headphones other people use
Literally kill yourself

Good noise canceling is very effective at combating this issue. I stress the importance of the word "good". There is bad noise canceling also. I bought Bose QC 35 at an airport because the salesman told me they had a 30 day return policy and I had the idea I would wear them for my flight each way and then return them. After trying them, I realized they were actually quite good. However, the price tag was a bit much for me to justify, so I returned them after using nearly the entire 30 day period. I then proceeded to buy cheaper noise canceling headphones Plantronics Beatback Pro 2. They are not terrible headphones. However, they are a little heavier than the Bose and they make my ears feel more cramped by comparison. The noise canceling is also not as good. It's night and day difference in the sound canceling quality. You'd think noise canceling would be pretty straight forward, but Bose legitimately does it 3-4 times better than Plantronics. I regret returning the Bose QC 35. I regret buying the Plantronics Beatback Pro 2. The extra price tag is worth it, especially if you regularly commute on public transportation.

One thing about noise canceling though, is it can make some people feel uncomfortable at first. It can create a feeling like there is more pressure in your ears. I thought I was imagining it at first until my friend mentioned the same thing after trying them when I had not ever brought that up.

You know we're all judging you when we see you with white earbuds. It's like a red flag for vapid NPCs.

Try stepping out of your basement sometime.


>free equal bad

Holy shit


I'm so I use Plantronics Beatback Pro 2. I also have a some green headphones that are not noise canceling, but use "bone conduction" technology so I can hear the music without noise passing through my hear drum. This means I can wear them while riding my bike without actually covering my ears, so I can still hear the cars around me.

In all seriousness though, using terms like "normalfag" only makes you sound like a teenager desperate to fit in. By using the term "normalfag" you are attempting to express that there is a metaphorical line in society in which on one side you have the lowly "normal" people, and on the other side you have the obviously superior people, of which you are a member. This is pretty low quality attempt to fit in which is insulting to my intelligence and also demonstrates a lack of vocabulary, as there is already a real English word which would suit that purpose and has in fact been used on Jow Forums for a much longer period of time in the same context. I'll let you figure out what that word is during your le epic quest to fit in and be cool. Also, if you are going to samefag, try not to be so obvious

>ear drum

apart from the fact that the plastic shielding falls to pieces in 2 years (because no PVC), apple unironically makes the best cheapo earbuds out there. they sound good, and fit surprisingly well in my ears.

the audio quality from the mic is shockingly good - i've tried 6 or 7 different kinds of earbuds over the years (up to $30 or so) and none of them even came close. most of them also had terrible designs that were uncomfortable and/or kept falling out.

Yes, appods are cancer for people with hobbit ears

The new status symbol is wireless white earbuds.

No, bad equals bad. I've seen good included earphones, and those were not it.

It's because it's a standard and neutral color that matches everything, since normies care about fashion or whatever. I see all black, white, and grey headphones where I'm at.

>overpriced garbage
I specifically said "included".

Idk the 15 dollar ones on amazon

Although I agree with this post I feel that this poster is the most likely to be underage

Looks like we've got a pseudo-intellectual here lads

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Normalfags are not necessarily normal people.