/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: 1514069782932.png (2133x1200, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:



gnu is a plague

Why does using Wine bother you so much?

What dnscrypt proxy that has dnssec enabled do you use?
The one i've been using has been giving me shit latency.

>you know as much about systemd as i do
Exactly. The difference is that I'm not retarded and I don't do retarded things just because others told me.

>is so advanced that he doesn't need systemd
>but is so retarded that he cannot complete a simple task like searching the handful of worthwhile distributions and looking up if they use the software he wants to avoid

No u.

In Ubuntu when there was no utility I wanted terminal bringed me back something like : there is no nslookup. To install it type apt install dns-utils. How can I get this feature in debian?

>cant resize picture using mouse in gimp
Okay how do i get mspaint working in wine

Attached: 400.jpg (400x400, 89K)

command-not-found package

Use imagemagick.

are there any other alternatives to Pinta that retain its simplicity? I just want something for basic image editing that doesn't crash when I try to use it.

this is bait

Install GIMP.

>scale tool


>The project [GnuTLS] strives to provide a secure communications back-end, simple to use and integrated with the rest of the base Linux libraries.
>_simple to use_
>"simple" example to only send and recieve message is 140 lines long
>(without the classic C network boilerplate to get a TCP socket)
>riddled with if-else branches mixing fallthrough end goto error
>doesn't even compile by default because it has (unused) local import that isn't explaned anywhere
>alternatives in other languages are under 10 lines
why is GNU like that

Attached: gnutls-simple-example.png (1223x595, 150K)

I have two problems with playing videos. Different problems for different media players I guess.

The first problem is that when I watch videos on pornhub it will play for ~20 seconds and then go back to the start, again and again. If I try to skip forward it just replays that ~20 seconds from the start. It didn't do this before the last time I updated software which was 2 days ago (done through ubuntu software)

The second problem is that when I try and watch videos on twitch or udemy it says I have to click to allow Flash player to work. However when I try and click it does nothing and I can't watch the video. I have flash player enabled by default so I shouldn't have to click it. I have even tried adding them as exceptions but still the problem persists. This also wasn't a problem until I last updated software. According to helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html I have the latest flash configured properly but clearly something is wrong.

Browser: Problem happens in them all but i'm using opera
OS: Ubuntu 18.04

I can't think of what to try so any ideas would be great.

Attached: 3c58da80d8f8969ee4e3226ad1950cb34a28a03009aa3eaa5495334d7522ec90.jpg (546x550, 44K)

No u.

Stop using flash. Let it die already.

Literally how?

you don't need flash for twitch.

t. twitch faggot


Attached: Flash on twitch.png (1366x768, 239K)

stop using pornhub you normie.

Pornhub works without flash.

don't care if it works or not, stop using it.

No, fuck you.

Looking to optimize my cflags for building.
Any suggestions?
-march=native -mtune=native -O3 -fno-plt -flto -gsplit-dwarf -Wno-unknown-warning-option -Qunused-arguments -fvisibility=hidden -fsanitize=cfi -pipe -fno-exceptions

HTML5 player works just fine from less-shitty browsers, like firefox and chromium. In opera I get "rendere unavailable".

My monitor died, I only have an android phone.

Is it possible to start a tmux session on my PC and view ot from my phone?
Can this be done directly with tmux? The PC and phone.are on the same local network.

Im not sure I have send running, and certainly have never logged in from remote, so Id have to set it up blind

Not sure I have *sshd running..
Fucking autocorrect

go around to your local library or office building. They throw away perfectly fine hardware all the time.

Firefox doesn't work either. Don't get the prompt but nothing plays.

>Old dell laptop
>4:3 screen
>busted fan, the whole thing slows to a crawl with any (really, any DE or GUI running)
>install debian 9 w/ any DE, fits screen fine
>install debian w/o a DE, get pic related after it finishes booting

When it turns on and goes to the GRUB menu it fits the screen correctly, at some point during the boot it shrinks down to this size and I'm not savvy enough, and/or am asking google the wrong question

it's no big deal, the only things I use it for is email, a half-assed print server, and playing old text games on frotz, so, it's perfectly serviceable for that, but, it'd be nice to be making use of the whole screen.

Attached: WIN_20180810_020625.jpg (898x675, 166K)

just install i3.

>ywn be a lesbian

Attached: ywn be a lesbian.png (1248x1284, 149K)

I would recommend Pinta but it crashes at the first opportunity now.

Any other programs that are between MS Paint and GIMP? Want an alternative to Paint.net and pinta keeps crashing.

I have gotten ncmpcpp to work on Debian, but the visualizer is not showing up. I have the following in my .mpdconf
audio_output {
type "fifo"
name "my_fifo"
path "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
format "44100:16:2"

Is there a branlet's guide to getting audio working in Gentoo?



Attached: 9d3db188782e02392d63de705bb784d2b32446188a530fd26f120d0adafc39b1.jpg (600x535, 91K)

no, Gentoo is not for brianlets who cannot even get sound working.

Unmute ALSA

Are these your default cflags for portage, or are you just using them for a specific installation? Gentoo docs explicitly note that using -O3 as default will break a lot of things, and that -O2 is recommended for default.

Why are you being unfriendly?

Thanks user. That worked.

Facts are not friendly or unfriendly. If you cannot
-configure kernel sound support
-enter the 1 (one) command to initialize the sound card
-optionally install pulseaudio
then you shouldn't use gentoo to being with.

how the fuck did you install gentoo but you can't figure out audio?

You can two choices I think:
-go to bios and find "text mode scaling" then enable it.
-alternatively enable framebuffer by adding the following line to /etc/default/grub
W = your screen width
H = your screen height
D = color depth in bits (usually 16, 24 or 32)

then regenerate grub.cfg with
then reboot

IDK. The same way your mother had you but can't figure out who the father is.

Have you guys messed with wireguard?

I can't even get a link between two PCs on my LAN.

Do you have to be a linux networking wizard to set it up?

Attached: 966 - fHSW2D1.png (2039x2894, 2.48M)

Hey I am using xubuntu for years now on my old laptop (hp 630). I want to learn more about linux so I am looking for a new distro. Any recommendations for 2018?

learn how?
Use a less beginner-friendly distro?
or get more familiar with compiling things and the command line?
try an arch flavor, or vanilla arch if you think you can.

gtk+3-3.22.30_1 (remove) breaks installed pkg `qt5-5.10.1_11'

Try Debian netinstall or Void if you want something minimal and easy to set up. If you've never partitioned a disk before you might even learn something.

I suggest you keep your current system, but free up some disk space (using gparted from a live distro. ubuntu, debian, gparted live cd etc) and install a new distro on the free space so if you fuck up, you didn't fuck up too hard.
-try arch for arch things
-try gentoo for source based
-try centos for muh enterprise grade
-ubuntu or debian netinstall for a minimal binary distro

i wish qt and gtk would die

Get more familiar with compiling and customization.

than you want arch or gentoo
arch is much easier, and the saner choice.
there's also openSUSE though, and you could just not use yast. (the windows-like tool that can do everything for you).

What sort of customization? You mean like ricing or more low level customization like uninstalling systemd in favor of another init system?

I just installed Mint, what do I do to get good at Linux and The Terminal? How do I learn things like copying two thirds of a file?

>How do I learn things like copying two thirds of a file?
what use case does this have?

ricing. I am thinking of settling on arch now.

uninstall and try something not shit

You can probably merge databases this way, maybe crop videos too?

He says while using programs using the things he wants to die.

your point?
They're so ubiquitous it's nearly impossible to avoid them.

You didn't name any technical issues you have with them. Chances are you don't have any nor do you possess the knowledge to critique it properly. At best you're a fucking pretentious poser who saw others spout retarded comments about them and now you adopted it to feel smart because you get to talk about grown-up stuff.

Please help me make mtp usb file transfer for my phone work on Debian.
It just werks on Ubuntu, but I cannot make it work on Debian.

Attached: battle-angel-alita.jpg (623x408, 66K)


>do i fit in yet?

>You didn't name any technical issues you have with them.
i couldn't install liri's DE because i got a qt version mismatch.
>but that's the devs fault
true, but it shouldn't even be a possible problem in the first place.
C++ is bloated trash that's making everything else needlessly tedious. Because C++ programmers have no fucking clue how to just make things simple and follow UNIX.

Now kill yourself you dumb apologist.

Make sure you have ffmpeg installed.

tried to use fbi on our Lord/Saviour or as I've recently taken to calling Him Lord+Saviour and here is the outcome
$ fbi RMS.jpg
using "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-16", pixelsize=16.67 file=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/VeraMono.ttf
trying drm: /dev/dri/card0 ...
drm: drmModeSetCrtc() failed
trying fbdev: /dev/fb0 ...
ioctl VT_GETSTATE: Inappropriate ioctl for device
ioctl VT_GETMODE: Inappropriate ioctl for device
NOTICE: No vt switching available on terminal.
NOTICE: Not started from linux console? CONFIG_VT=n?
WARNING: Running on framebuffer and can't manage access.
WARNING: Other processes (fbcon too) can write to display.
WARNING: Also can't properly cleanup on exit.

How do I generate a random number from 0 to 100,000 in bash?

14 seconds in a search engine of choice or just print 7, that's random, feel free to prove me otherwise.

Why is qwant recommended as a search engine if it is not open source?

"Just trust us" isn't good enough

Yet you managed not to post the answer. Why are you such a failure?
echo "$((RANDOM%100000))"

In bash, RANDOM ican do max 0-32767.

be honest /fglt/, do you audit 100% of the FOSS programs you compile?

What is a good Hentai viewer for linux? I'm running Mangameeya on wine. I just want to be able to mouse scroll through pages and use mouse flicks to browse folder thumbnails like in mangameeya.

Attached: 025.png (762x1080, 1008K)

Fuck off retard. The community as a whole does it and you know it.

I'll give that a go, thanks

why would i compile? that's the maintainer's job

Wine was a mistake.

Wine Is Not a mistakE

shuf -i 0-100000 -n 1

Which mpd.conf (global or user-local)? When you start up a song and switch over to the visualizer tab does a /tmp/mpd.fifo file exist? If not, it is most definitely a perm issue with mpd.

lads, wat do?

awk -v min=100 -v max=5000 -v seed=$RANDOM 'BEGIN{srand(seed); print int(min+rand()*(max-min+1))}'

Did you use it in a terminal emulator or in a framebuffer?

So, I wasn't able to find text mode scaling in the BIOS settings.

I commented in the GFXPAYLOAD into GRUB and updated the config file, it changed the resolution of the GRUB menu itself, then did the same thing where halfway through it switches to that quarter screen size I posted earlier.

Thanks for the help, it was a good shot. Now I know how to change the resolution of my GRUB menu... that's... something?

Lets create an electron app.


perl -e 'print int(rand(100000))'

Attached: 1507211834887.png (606x607, 259K)

have you set these values in your ncmpcpp config?
visualizer_fifo_path = /tmp/mpd.fifo
visualizer_in_stereo = yes
visualizer_sync_interval = 30
## Available values: spectrum, wave, wave_filled, ellipse.
visualizer_type = wave
visualizer_look = ●▮
visualizer_color = blue, cyan, green, yellow, magenta, red

Still waiting for the intelligent bash solution.

How is the driver support for AMD vs. Nvidea on an OS like Debian? Does AMD still suffer from driver hell like it used to?

my man

Jow Forums x, on Windows alt/shift + mouse click watches/hides thread. Installed xubuntu, only shift for hiding works, alt doesn't do anything, how to enable alt+click to watch?